Source file: /~heha/basteln/PC/USB2LPT/

MZ@	!L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

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Press any key to end the program...Firmware was deleted by overwriting of the first byte.Errors with the device control drive, USBLPT not stuck on?
Firmware in the EEPROM of the USB2LPT now delete?
[Writing EEPROM needs the free development program EzMr.exe from]
First byte (0x%02X) delete (overwrite with 0xFF)? Y/N: Firmware is already deleted. USB2LPT unplug and reattach!
Errors with the device control drive, USB2LPT not attached?
USB2LPT sticks on, must be LPTx!
\\.\LPT%uVersions 1.0 to 1.4, April 2007

Aid programme for the deletion (deactivate) of USB2LPT firmware
Detected encoding: UTF-80