Quelltext /~heha/argon/samples.zip/VMIRQD/VMIRQD.INC

;   (C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1992
;   Title:      VMIOD.INC - 
;   Version:    3.00
;   Date:       
;   Author:     
;   Change log:
;      DATE     REV                 DESCRIPTION
;   ----------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------
;   10-Mar-92   bjm New device ID.

; This is the virtual device ID for this VxD.  It is a unique number assigned
; to this device.  For more information on VxD IDs, please see the VXDID.TXT
; file.
VMIRQD_Dev_ID equ 7fedh
Vorgefundene Kodierung: UTF-80