Quelltext /~heha/argon/multimed.zip/MCIPIONR/LIBINIT.ASM

        page, 132
;   libinit.asm
;   Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
;   General Description:
;      Library stub to do local init for a dynamic linked library.
;   Restrictions:
;      This must be the first object file in the LINK line.  This assures
;      that the reserved parameter block is at the *base* of DGROUP.
%out link me first!!


        include cmacros.inc

?PLM=1  ; Pascal calling convention
?WIN=1  ; Windows prolog/epilog code

;   segmentation

ifndef SEGNAME
    SEGNAME equ <_TEXT>

createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE

;   external functions

        externFP LocalInit           ; in KERNEL
        externNP LibMain             ; C code to do DLL init

;   data segment

sBegin Data

        assumes ds, Data

; stuff needed to avoid the C runtime coming in, and init the Windows
; reserved parameter block at the base of DGROUP

        org 0               ; base of DATA segment!

        dd  0               ; so null pointers get 0

maxRsrvPtrs = 5
        dw  maxRsrvPtrs

usedRsrvPtrs = 0
labelDP <PUBLIC, rsrvptrs>

DefRsrvPtr  macro   name
        globalW     name, 0
        usedRsrvPtrs = usedRsrvPtrs + 1

DefRsrvPtr  pLocalHeap          ; local heap pointer
DefRsrvPtr  pAtomTable          ; atom table pointer
DefRsrvPtr  pStackTop           ; top of stack
DefRsrvPtr  pStackMin           ; minimum value of SP
DefRsrvPtr  pStackBot           ; bottom of stack

if maxRsrvPtrs-usedRsrvPtrs
        dw maxRsrvPtrs-usedRsrvPtrs DUP (0)

public  __acrtused
        __acrtused = 1

sEnd Data

;   code segment

sBegin CodeSeg

        assumes cs, CodeSeg

; @asm LibEntry | Called when DLL is loaded.
; @reg  CX | Size of heap.
; @reg  DI | Module handle.
; @reg  DS | Automatic data segment.
; @reg  ES:SI | Address of command line (not used).
; @rdesc AX is TRUE if the load is successful and FALSE otherwise.
; @comm Registers preserved are SI,DI,DS,BP.  Registers destroyed are
cProc LibEntry <FAR, PUBLIC, NODATA>, <>


        ; push frame for LibMain (hModule, cbHeap, lpszCmdLine)

        push di
        push cx
        push es
        push si

        ; init the local heap (if one is declared in the .def file)

        jcxz no_heap

        cCall LocalInit, <0, 0, cx>

        cCall LibMain


sEnd CodeSeg

        end LibEntry
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