* @(#)dllmatrx.h generated by: makeheader Fri Mar 18 15:53:50 1994
* built from: matdll.c
* cmexmain.c
#ifndef dllmatrx_h
#define dllmatrx_h
typedef double Real;
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
// define a four byte integer for Watcom 32bit compiler
#define FOUR_BYTE_INT int
#define HUGE
// define a four byte integer for 16bit compilers
#define FOUR_BYTE_INT long
#define HUGE huge
* Enumerate matrix structures
typedef FOUR_BYTE_INT mxMatrixStructure;
#define mxFULL 0 /* full matrix */
#define mxSPARSE 1 /* sparse matrix */
#define mxCOLON 2 /* colon operator */
#define mxGLOBAL 3 /* global (internal parse only) */
#define mxUNASSIGNED 4 /* unassigned variable flag */
#define mxCLEARMAT 5 /* cleared variable flag */
#define mxUNASSARG 6 /* unassigned M-file arg */
#define mxRHSUNASSIGNED 7 /* undefined symbol */
#define mxASSIGNED 8 /* assigned variable flag */
#define mxSPAM 9 /* spam format matrix */
* Enumerate matrix types
typedef FOUR_BYTE_INT mxMatrixType;
#define mxDOUBLE 0 /* double precision */
#define mxFLOAT 1 /* single precision */
#define mxLONGINT 2 /* 32 bit signed int */
#define mxSHORTINT 3 /* 16 bit signed int */
#define mxUSHORTINT 4 /* 16 bit unsigned int */
#define mxUCHAR 5 /* 8 bit unsigned char/int */
* Enumerate display modes
typedef FOUR_BYTE_INT mxDisplayMode;
#define mxNUMBER 0 /* Display as a number */
#define mxSTRING 1 /* Display as a string */
* The Matrix typedef
#define mxMAXNAM 20 /* maximum name length */
#define mxMAXTAG 4 /* maximum tag length */
#define mxMAXDIM 2 /* maximum array dimension */
struct matrix{
char name[mxMAXNAM];
char tag[mxMAXTAG];
FOUR_BYTE_INT dim[mxMAXDIM]; /* array of dimensions */
double HUGE *pr; /* pointer to real part */
double HUGE *pi; /* pointer to imag part */
FOUR_BYTE_INT nzmax; /* number of nonzero sparse entries */
FOUR_BYTE_INT HUGE *jc; /* sparse indices */
FOUR_BYTE_INT HUGE *ir; /* sparse indices */
typedef struct matrix Matrix;
* Get pointer to matrix name.
extern char *mxGetName(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set matrix name. This routine copies the string pointed to by s
* into the mxMAXNAM length character name field.
extern void mxSetName(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
const char *s /* string to copy into name */
* Get matrix structure
extern mxMatrixStructure mxGetStruc(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set matrix structure
extern void mxSetStruc(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
mxMatrixStructure k /* matrix structure type */
* Get matrix type
extern mxMatrixType mxGetType(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set matrix type
extern void mxSetType(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
mxMatrixType k /* matrix structure type */
* Get matrix display mode
extern mxDisplayMode mxGetDispMode(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set matrix display mode
extern void mxSetDispMode(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
mxDisplayMode k /* display mode */
* Set matrix display mode to STRING
extern void mxSetString(
Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Get pointer to matrix tag.
extern char *mxGetTag(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set matrix tag. This routine copies the string pointed to by s
* into the mxMAXTAG character tag field.
extern void mxSetTag(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
const char *s); /* string to copy into tag */
* Get row dimension
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT mxGetM(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set row dimension
extern void mxSetM(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT m /* row dimension */
* Get column dimension
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT mxGetN(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set column dimension
extern void mxSetN(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT n /* column dimension */
* Get pointer to real part
extern double *mxGetPr(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set pointer to real part
extern void mxSetPr(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
double *pr /* pointer to real part */
* Get pointer to imag part
extern double *mxGetPi(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set pointer to imag part
extern void mxSetPi(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
double *pi /* pointer to imag part */
* Get pointer to dimension array.
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT *mxGetDim(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set dimension array. This routine copies the array pointed
* to by pdim into the mxMAXDIM length dimension field.
extern void mxSetDim(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT *pdim /* dimension array */
* Get number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT mxGetNzmax(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set number of nonzero elements of sparse matrix
extern void mxSetNzmax(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT nzmax /* number of nonzero elements */
* Get pointer to sparse ir array
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT *mxGetIr(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set pointer to sparse ir array
extern void mxSetIr(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT *ir /* pointer to ir array */
* Get pointer to sparse jc array
extern FOUR_BYTE_INT *mxGetJc(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Set pointer to sparse jc array
extern void mxSetJc(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
FOUR_BYTE_INT *jc /* pointer to sparse jc array */
* Indicate if there is a complex part to the matrix
extern int mxIsComplex(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Indicate if matrix argument is of type real
extern int mxIsDouble(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Indicate if matrix argument is full
extern int mxIsFull(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Indicate if data is to be represented as a string
extern int mxIsNumeric(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Indicate if matrix argument is sparse
extern int mxIsSparse(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Return 1 if matrix contains a string, 0 otherwise
extern int mxIsString(
const Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
* Convert MATLAB string to C string
extern int mxGetString(
Matrix *pm, /* pointer to matrix */
char *str_ptr, /* pointer to string holding results */
FOUR_BYTE_INT str_len /* length of string that holds results */
* Return first value of double matrix
extern double mxGetScalar(
Matrix *pm
#define REAL 0
#define COMPLEX 1
#define IMAG 1
extern Matrix *mxCreateFull(long m, long n, long imag_flag);
extern void mxFreeMatrix(Matrix *pmat);
extern void *mxCalloc(unsigned int n, unsigned int size);
extern void mxFree(void *p);
extern Matrix *mxCreateSparse(
long m,
long n,
long nzmax,
long cmplx
extern Matrix *mxCreateString(char *str_ptr);
#endif /* dllmatrx_h */
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