
Quelltext /~heha/mb-iwp/Kamera/esp32cam/cam-221216.zip/WiFiClient.cpp

  Client.h - Client class for Raspberry Pi
  Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov  All right reserved.

#include "WiFiClient.h"
#include "WiFi.h"
#include <lwip/sockets.h>
#include <lwip/netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>

static constexpr unsigned WIFI_CLIENT_DEF_CONN_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000;
static constexpr unsigned WIFI_CLIENT_MAX_WRITE_RETRY = 10;
static constexpr unsigned WIFI_CLIENT_SELECT_TIMEOUT_US = 1000000;
static constexpr unsigned WIFI_CLIENT_FLUSH_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

#undef connect
#undef write
#undef read

class WiFiClientRxBuffer {
        size_t _size;
        uint8_t *_buffer;
        size_t _pos;
        size_t _fill;
        int _fd;
        bool _failed;

        size_t r_available()
            if(_fd < 0){
                return 0;
            int count;
            int res = lwip_ioctl(_fd, FIONREAD, &count);
            int res = lwip_ioctl_r(_fd, FIONREAD, &count);
            if(res < 0) {
                _failed = true;
                return 0;
            return count;

        size_t fillBuffer()
                _buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(_size);
                if(!_buffer) {
                    log_e("Not enough memory to allocate buffer");
                    _failed = true;
                    return 0;
            if(_fill && _pos == _fill){
                _fill = 0;
                _pos = 0;
            if(!_buffer || _size <= _fill || !r_available()) {
                return 0;
            int res = recv(_fd, _buffer + _fill, _size - _fill, MSG_DONTWAIT);
            if(res < 0) {
                if(errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
                    _failed = true;
                return 0;
            _fill += res;
            return res;

    WiFiClientRxBuffer(int fd, size_t size=1436)
        //_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(_size);


    bool failed(){
        return _failed;

    int read(uint8_t * dst, size_t len){
        if(!dst || !len || (_pos == _fill && !fillBuffer())){
            return _failed ? -1 : 0;
        size_t a = _fill - _pos;
        if(len <= a || ((len - a) <= (_size - _fill) && fillBuffer() >= (len - a))){
            if(len == 1){
                *dst = _buffer[_pos];
            } else {
                memcpy(dst, _buffer + _pos, len);
            _pos += len;
            return len;
        size_t left = len;
        size_t toRead = a;
        uint8_t * buf = dst;
        memcpy(buf, _buffer + _pos, toRead);
        _pos += toRead;
        left -= toRead;
        buf += toRead;
                return len - left;
            a = _fill - _pos;
            toRead = (a > left)?left:a;
            memcpy(buf, _buffer + _pos, toRead);
            _pos += toRead;
            left -= toRead;
            buf += toRead;
        return len;

    int peek(){
        if(_pos == _fill && !fillBuffer()){
            return -1;
        return _buffer[_pos];

    size_t available(){
        return _fill - _pos + r_available();

class WiFiClientSocketHandle {
    int sockfd;

    WiFiClientSocketHandle(int fd):sockfd(fd)


    int fd()
        return sockfd;


WiFiClient::WiFiClient(int fd):_connected(true),_timeout(WIFI_CLIENT_DEF_CONN_TIMEOUT_MS),next(NULL)
    clientSocketHandle.reset(new WiFiClientSocketHandle(fd));
    _rxBuffer.reset(new WiFiClientRxBuffer(fd));


WiFiClient & WiFiClient::operator=(const WiFiClient &other)
    clientSocketHandle = other.clientSocketHandle;
    _rxBuffer = other._rxBuffer;
    _connected = other._connected;
    return *this;

void WiFiClient::stop()
    clientSocketHandle = NULL;
    _rxBuffer = NULL;
    _connected = false;

int WiFiClient::connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port)
    return connect(ip,port,_timeout);
int WiFiClient::connect(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, int32_t timeout)
    _timeout = timeout;
    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) {
        log_e("socket: %d", errno);
        return 0;
    fcntl( sockfd, F_SETFL, fcntl( sockfd, F_GETFL, 0 ) | O_NONBLOCK );

    uint32_t ip_addr = ip;
    struct sockaddr_in serveraddr;
    memset((char *) &serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr));
    serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    memcpy((void *)&serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr, (const void *)(&ip_addr), 4);
    serveraddr.sin_port = htons(port);
    fd_set fdset;
    struct timeval tv;
    FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset);
    tv.tv_sec = _timeout / 1000;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;

    int res = lwip_connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr));
    int res = lwip_connect_r(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr));
    if (res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) {
        log_e("connect on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", sockfd, errno, strerror(errno));
        return 0;

    res = select(sockfd + 1, nullptr, &fdset, nullptr, _timeout<0 ? nullptr : &tv);
    if (res < 0) {
        log_e("select on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", sockfd, errno, strerror(errno));
        return 0;
    } else if (res == 0) {
        log_i("select returned due to timeout %d ms for fd %d", _timeout, sockfd);
        return 0;
    } else {
        int sockerr;
        socklen_t len = (socklen_t)sizeof(int);
        res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sockerr, &len);

        if (res < 0) {
            log_e("getsockopt on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", sockfd, errno, strerror(errno));
            return 0;

        if (sockerr != 0) {
            log_e("socket error on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", sockfd, sockerr, strerror(sockerr));
            return 0;

#define ROE_WIFICLIENT(x,msg) { if (((x)<0)) { log_e("Setsockopt '" msg "'' on fd %d failed. errno: %d, \"%s\"", sockfd, errno, strerror(errno)); return 0; }}
    ROE_WIFICLIENT(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv)),"SO_SNDTIMEO");
    ROE_WIFICLIENT(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv)),"SO_RCVTIMEO");

    // These are also set in WiFiClientSecure, should be set here too?
    //ROE_WIFICLIENT(setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &enable, sizeof(enable)),"TCP_NODELAY"); 
    //ROE_WIFICLIENT (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &enable, sizeof(enable)),"SO_KEEPALIVE");

    fcntl( sockfd, F_SETFL, fcntl( sockfd, F_GETFL, 0 ) & (~O_NONBLOCK) );
    clientSocketHandle.reset(new WiFiClientSocketHandle(sockfd));
    _rxBuffer.reset(new WiFiClientRxBuffer(sockfd));

    _connected = true;
    return 1;

int WiFiClient::connect(const char *host, uint16_t port)
    return connect(host,port,_timeout);

int WiFiClient::connect(const char *host, uint16_t port, int32_t timeout)
    IPAddress srv((uint32_t)0);
    if(!WiFiGenericClass::hostByName(host, srv)){
        return 0;
    return connect(srv, port, timeout);

int WiFiClient::setSocketOption(int option, char* value, size_t len)
    return setSocketOption(SOL_SOCKET, option, (const void*)value, len);

int WiFiClient::setSocketOption(int level, int option, const void* value, size_t len)
    int res = setsockopt(fd(), level, option, value, len);
    if(res < 0) {
        log_e("fail on %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
    return res;

int WiFiClient::setTimeout(uint32_t seconds)
    Client::setTimeout(seconds * 1000); // This should be here?
    _timeout = seconds * 1000;
    if(fd() >= 0) {
        struct timeval tv;
        tv.tv_sec = seconds;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;
        if(setSocketOption(SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) {
            return -1;
        return setSocketOption(SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
    else {
        return 0;

int WiFiClient::setOption(int option, int *value)
    return setSocketOption(IPPROTO_TCP, option, (const void*)value, sizeof(int));

int WiFiClient::getOption(int option, int *value)
	socklen_t size = sizeof(int);
    int res = getsockopt(fd(), IPPROTO_TCP, option, (char *)value, &size);
    if(res < 0) {
        log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
    return res;

int WiFiClient::setNoDelay(bool nodelay)
    int flag = nodelay;
    return setOption(TCP_NODELAY, &flag);

bool WiFiClient::getNoDelay()
    int flag = 0;
    getOption(TCP_NODELAY, &flag);
    return flag;

size_t WiFiClient::write(uint8_t data)
    return write(&data, 1);

int WiFiClient::read()
    uint8_t data = 0;
    int res = read(&data, 1);
    if(res < 0) {
        return res;
    if (res == 0) {  //  No data available.
        return -1;
    return data;

size_t WiFiClient::write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
    int res =0;
    int socketFileDescriptor = fd();
    size_t totalBytesSent = 0;
    size_t bytesRemaining = size;

    if(!_connected || (socketFileDescriptor < 0)) {
        return 0;

    while(retry) {
        //use select to make sure the socket is ready for writing
        fd_set set;
        struct timeval tv;
        FD_ZERO(&set);        // empties the set
        FD_SET(socketFileDescriptor, &set); // adds FD to the set
        tv.tv_sec = 0;
        tv.tv_usec = WIFI_CLIENT_SELECT_TIMEOUT_US;

        if(select(socketFileDescriptor + 1, NULL, &set, NULL, &tv) < 0) {
            return 0;

        if(FD_ISSET(socketFileDescriptor, &set)) {
            res = send(socketFileDescriptor, (void*) buf, bytesRemaining, MSG_DONTWAIT);
            if(res > 0) {
                totalBytesSent += res;
                if (totalBytesSent >= size) {
                    //completed successfully
                    retry = 0;
                } else {
                    buf += res;
                    bytesRemaining -= res;
                    retry = WIFI_CLIENT_MAX_WRITE_RETRY;
            else if(res < 0) {
                log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
                if(errno != EAGAIN) {
                    //if resource was busy, can try again, otherwise give up
                    res = 0;
                    retry = 0;
            else {
                // Try again
    return totalBytesSent;

size_t WiFiClient::write_P(PGM_P buf, size_t size)
    return write(buf, size);

size_t WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
    uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(1360);
        return 0;
    size_t toRead = 0, toWrite = 0, written = 0;
    size_t available = stream.available();
        toRead = (available > 1360)?1360:available;
        toWrite = stream.readBytes(buf, toRead);
        written += write(buf, toWrite);
        available = stream.available();
    return written;

int WiFiClient::read(uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
    int res = -1;
    if (_rxBuffer) {
        res = _rxBuffer->read(buf, size);
        if(_rxBuffer->failed()) {
            log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
    return res;

int WiFiClient::peek()
    int res = -1;
    if (_rxBuffer) {
        res = _rxBuffer->peek();
        if(_rxBuffer->failed()) {
            log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
    return res;

int WiFiClient::available()
        return 0;
    int res = _rxBuffer->available();
    if(_rxBuffer->failed()) {
        log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
    return res;

// Though flushing means to send all pending data,
// seems that in Arduino it also means to clear RX
void WiFiClient::flush() {
    int res;
    size_t a = available(), toRead = 0;
        return;//nothing to flush
    uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(WIFI_CLIENT_FLUSH_BUFFER_SIZE);
        return;//memory error
        res = recv(fd(), buf, toRead, MSG_DONTWAIT);
        if(res < 0) {
            log_e("fail on fd %d, errno: %d, \"%s\"", fd(), errno, strerror(errno));
        a -= res;

uint8_t WiFiClient::connected()
    if (_connected) {
        uint8_t dummy;
        int res = recv(fd(), &dummy, 0, MSG_DONTWAIT);
        // avoid unused var warning by gcc
        // recv only sets errno if res is <= 0
        if (res <= 0){
          switch (errno) {
              case EWOULDBLOCK:
              case ENOENT: //caused by vfs
                  _connected = true;
              case ENOTCONN:
              case EPIPE:
              case ECONNRESET:
              case ECONNREFUSED:
              case ECONNABORTED:
                  _connected = false;
                  log_d("Disconnected: RES: %d, ERR: %d", res, errno);
                  log_i("Unexpected: RES: %d, ERR: %d", res, errno);
                  _connected = true;
        } else {
          _connected = true;
    return _connected;

IPAddress WiFiClient::remoteIP(int fd) const {
 sockaddr_storage addr;
 socklen_t len = sizeof addr;
 getpeername(fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
 sockaddr_in *s = (sockaddr_in *)&addr;
 return IPAddress((uint32_t)(s->sin_addr.s_addr));

uint16_t WiFiClient::remotePort(int fd) const {
 sockaddr_storage addr;
 socklen_t len = sizeof addr;
 getpeername(fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
 sockaddr_in *s = (sockaddr_in *)&addr;
 return ntohs(s->sin_port);

IPAddress WiFiClient::localIP(int fd) const {
 sockaddr_storage addr;
 socklen_t len = sizeof addr;
 getsockname(fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
 sockaddr_in *s = (sockaddr_in *)&addr;
 return IPAddress((uint32_t)(s->sin_addr.s_addr));

uint16_t WiFiClient::localPort(int fd) const {
 sockaddr_storage addr;
 socklen_t len = sizeof addr;
 getsockname(fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
 sockaddr_in *s = (sockaddr_in *)&addr;
 return ntohs(s->sin_port);

bool WiFiClient::operator==(const WiFiClient& rhs) {
 return clientSocketHandle == rhs.clientSocketHandle && remotePort() == rhs.remotePort() && remoteIP() == rhs.remoteIP();

int WiFiClient::fd() const {
 return clientSocketHandle ? clientSocketHandle->fd() : -1;
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