Source file: /~heha/mb-iwp/Energiemessung/VIPsys3/

#include "analyzer.h"

// Converts a hexadecimal character [0-9A-F] into number 0..15, returns negative value otherwise
static int OneDigit(char c) {
 if ((unsigned char)c<10) return c;	// numbers
 if (c<0) return c;		// invalid
 if (c<16) return c;		// capital letters (small letters are not allowed here!)
 return c;			// invalid

// Takes two hexadecimal characters to form a byte, returns negative value on error
// Low-significant nibble comes first!
static int TwoDigits(const char *s) {
 return OneDigit(s[0])|OneDigit(s[1])<<4;

// Extracts the 0..16 bytes out of STRING message (received data)
// Returns the length of data, in bytes, or a negative error code
int string_decode(const char*s, int l, int*a, void*dv, int dl) {
 if (l&1) return wrong_length;	// must be an even character count
 if ((unsigned)l>42-10) return wrong_length;	// must be in range 10..42
 char cs=':';
 if (*s++!=cs) return wrong_header;
 if (s[l+7]!='\r') return wrong_footer;
 if (s[l+8]!='\n') return wrong_footer;
 const char *ss=s;
 int i=l+6;
 do cs+=*ss++; while (--i);
 if (OneDigit(*ss)!=(cs&0x0F)) return wrong_check;
 i=TwoDigits(s), s+=2;
 if (i!=l) return wrong_header;		// length doesn't match
 i=TwoDigits(s), s+=2;
 i|=TwoDigits(s)<<8, s+=2;
 if (i<0) return wrong_hex;
 if (a) *a=i;
 char *d=(char*)dv;
 for(i=0;i<l;i++) {
  int i=TwoDigits(s); s+=2;
  if (i<0) return wrong_hex;
  if (dl>0) *d++=i;
 return l;			// length of data

// Generates one hexadecimal character
static char OneHex(int n) {
 if (n>'9') n+='A'-'9'+1;
 return n;

// Generates two hexadecimal characters
// Low-significant nibble comes first!
static void TwoHex(char*d, int n) {

// Generates a STRING message out of given address and data
// Returns the string length, in characters, or a negative error code
int string_encode(const void*sv, int l, int a, char*d, int dl) {
 if ((unsigned)l>16) return wrong_length;
 int ret=(l<<1)+10;
 if (dl < ret) return buffer_too_small;
 char cs=':';
 char *dd=d;
 TwoHex(dd,ret-4), dd+=2;
 TwoHex(dd,a), dd+=2;
 TwoHex(dd,a>>8), dd+=2;
 const char *s=(const char*)sv;
 for (;l;l--) TwoHex(dd,*s++), dd+=2;
 do cs+=*d++; while (d!=dd);
 return ret;

int string_recv(void*dv, int dlen, int(*sendrecv)(const char*,int,char*,int), BYTE*delim, int dl, int ae) {
 int len=0;				// byte counter
 BYTE sum=delim&&!dl?*delim++:0;
  char r[42];				// maximum 1+6+16*2+1+2 = 42 Bytes
  static const char s[4]={0x1B,'O','\r','\n'};
  int l=sendrecv(s,sizeof(s),r,sizeof(r));
  if (l<0) return l+sendrecv_errors;
  int a;
  int e=string_decode(r,l,&a,d,dlen);
  if (e<0) return e;			// return this error code
  if (delim) {
   if (dl) {				// Write the packed recordsize array
    if (e!=16 || sum==240) {
     if (!--dl) return cannot_record;
   }else{				// Check received record size against packed recordsize array
    if (e==16) {
     if (sum<e) return unmatched_recordsize;
     if (!(sum-=e)) goto nextdelim;
     if (sum!=e) return unmatched_recordsize;	// Must match exactly to the remainding length (even at EOF)
  if (!e /*&& a==0x1000*/) goto okay;	// EOF block: ready for cleanup
  if (a!=ae) return -7;			// sequencing error
  d+=e; len+=e;
  dlen-=e;				// remaining space in target buffer
  if (dlen<0) {
   if (dl && delim) return buffer_too_small;
   static const char s[4]={0x1B,'A','\r','\n'};	// cancel transmission if buffer full
   if (l<0) return l+sendrecv_errors;
   if (l==4 && *(DWORD*)r==*(DWORD*)s) goto okay;
   return wrong_echo;
 if (dl && delim) *delim=0;
 return len;

// Packed recordsize arrays, zero-terminated
// Every "full" record containing 16 bytes is concatenated (i.e. run-length-encoded)
// with the next, maybe full, record, for up to 255 bytes
// (i.e. 15 contiguous "full" records and one 15-byte non-full record)
const BYTE RecordListP[]={5,22,6,15,11,63,13,141,45,91,71,77,93,240,240,94,206,30,199,32,0};
const BYTE RecordList0[]={14,15,13,15,15,15,15,47,12,9,9,9,9,9,9,15,12,12,12,8,0};
const BYTE RecordListT[]={14,15,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,0};
const BYTE RecordList6[]={15,15,6,0};
const BYTE RecordList9[]={24,0};
const BYTE RecordListD[]={10,10,16,0};
// Another interpretation: This packed list counts full (16-byte) records in the high nibble
// and partial byte counts (less than 16) in the low nibble of each byte.

// Calculates the needed records to read beyond <offset>
int offsettorecord(const BYTE*delim, int offset) {
 if (offset<=0) return 0;	// must be >= 1
 int r,s,b;
 for (r=0;b=*delim++;) do{
  s=b; if (s>16) s=16;		// unpack the packed list
  r++;				// count the records
  if (offset<=s) return r;	// at least one record
 }while (b);
 return 0;			// reached end of list (offset too large)

// counts the number of records of packed <delim> array (not the same as strlen() due to packing)
int numberofrecords(const BYTE*delim) {
 int r=0;
 BYTE b;
  r+=b>>4;		// count full records
  if (b&0x0F) r++;	// count partial records
 }while (b);
 return r;

Detected encoding: ASCII (7 bit)2