Quelltext /~heha/mb-iwp/Antriebe/Schrittmotorsteuerung/Firmware.zip/Bootloader/main.c

* Atmel Corporation
* File              : main.c
* Compiler          : AVR-GCC/avr-libc(>= 1.2.5)
* Revision          : $Revision: 1.7 $
* Target platform   : All AVRs with bootloader support
* AppNote           : AVR109 - Self-programming
* Description   : This Program allows an AVR with bootloader capabilities to 
*                 Read/write its own Flash/EEprom. To enter Programming mode   
*                 an input pin is checked. If this pin is pulled low, programming mode  
*                 is entered. If not, normal execution is done from $0000 
*                 "reset" vector in Application area.
* Preparations  : Use the preprocessor.xls file for obtaining a customized
*                 defines.h file and linker-file code-segment definition for
*                 the device you are compiling for.
#include "defines.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "flash.h"

/* Uncomment the following to save code space */
// So geht's mit "avrdude -c avr109 -P com1 -b 9600" und es sind 7 KB frei

#define ADDR_T unsigned int

/* BLOCKSIZE should be chosen so that the following holds: BLOCKSIZE*n = PAGESIZE,  where n=1,2,3... */

// this routine is placed to address 0 so it can be called
void __vectors(void) __attribute__((naked,noreturn));
void __vectors(void) {
 asm volatile(
	".org	0x1C00\n"
	"clr	__zero_reg__\n"	// this address is the entry for boot loader (1KB)
	"ldi	r30,0x60\n"	// initialize stack
	"ldi	r31,0x04\n"
	"out	0x3E,r31\n"	// SPH
	"out	0x3D,r30\n"	// SPL
	"rjmp	main\n"

void __do_copy_data(void) __attribute__((naked));
void __do_copy_data(void) {}	// no non-zero-initialized static data

void __do_clear_bss(void) __attribute__((naked));
void __do_clear_bss(void) {}	// no static data at all

static unsigned char BlockLoad(unsigned int size, unsigned char mem, ADDR_T *address) {
 static unsigned char buffer[BLOCKSIZE];
 unsigned int data;
 ADDR_T tempaddress;
    // EEPROM memory type.
 if (mem=='E') {
        /* Fill buffer first, as EEPROM is too slow to copy with UART speed */
  for (tempaddress=0;tempaddress<size;tempaddress++) buffer[tempaddress] = recchar();
        /* Then program the EEPROM */
  for (tempaddress=0; tempaddress<size; tempaddress++) {
   EEAR = *address; // Setup EEPROM address
//   EEARH = ((*address) >> 8);
   EEDR = buffer[tempaddress]; // Get byte.
   EECR |= (1<<EEMWE); // Write byte.
   EECR |= (1<<EEWE);
   while (EECR & (1<<EEWE)); // Wait for write operation to finish.
   (*address)++; // Select next EEPROM byte
  return '\r'; // Report programming OK
 }else if (mem=='F') {	// Flash memory type.
// NOTE: For flash programming, 'address' is given in words.
  (*address) <<= 1; // Convert address to bytes temporarily.
  tempaddress = *address;  // Store address in page.
  do {
   data = recchar();
   data |= (recchar() << 8);
   (*address)+=2; // Select next word in memory.
   size -= 2; // Reduce number of bytes to write by two.
  }while (size); // Loop until all bytes written.


  (*address) >>= 1; // Convert address back to Flash words again.
  return '\r'; // Report programming OK
 }else return '?';

static void BlockRead(unsigned int size, unsigned char mem, ADDR_T *address) {
    // EEPROM memory type.
 if (mem=='E') { // Read EEPROM
   EEAR = *address; // Setup EEPROM address
//   EEARH = ((*address) >> 8);
   (*address)++; // Select next EEPROM byte
   EECR |= (1<<EERE); // Read EEPROM
   sendchar(EEDR); // Transmit EEPROM dat ato PC
  }while (--size); // Repeat until all block has been read
 }else if (mem=='F') {    // Flash memory type.
  (*address) <<= 1; // Convert address to bytes temporarily.
   sendchar( _LOAD_PROGRAM_MEMORY(*address) );
   sendchar( _LOAD_PROGRAM_MEMORY((*address)+1) );
   (*address) += 2; // Select next word in memory.
   size -= 2; // Subtract two bytes from number of bytes to read
  }while (size); // Repeat until all block has been read
  (*address) >>= 1; // Convert address back to Flash words again.

void main(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
void main(void) {
 ADDR_T address=0;
 unsigned int temp_int=0;
 unsigned char val;

    /* Initialization */    
 initbootuart(); // Initialize UART.

    /* Branch to bootloader or application code? */
 if (!(PROGPIN & (1<<PROG_NO))) // If PROGPIN is pulled low, enter programming mode.
       /* Main loop */
 for(;;) {
  val=recchar(); // Wait for command character.
// Check autoincrement status.
  if (val=='a') sendchar('Y'); // Yes, we do autoincrement.
            // Set address.
  else if (val=='A') {// Set address...
            // NOTE: Flash addresses are given in words, not bytes.                                            
   address=(recchar()<<8) | recchar(); // Read address high and low byte.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.
            // Chip erase.
  else if (val=='e') {
   for (address = 0; address < APP_END; address += PAGESIZE) {
 // NOTE: Here we use address as a byte-address, not word-address, for convenience.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.

            // Check block load support.
  else if (val=='b') {
   sendchar('Y'); // Report block load supported.
   sendchar((BLOCKSIZE>>8) & 0xFF); // MSB first.
   sendchar(BLOCKSIZE&0xFF); // Report BLOCKSIZE (bytes).
  }else if (val=='B') {		// Start block load.
   temp_int = (recchar()<<8) | recchar(); // Get block size.
   val = recchar(); // Get memtype.
   sendchar(BlockLoad(temp_int,val,&address)); // Block load.
  }else if (val=='g') {		// Start block read.
   temp_int = (recchar()<<8) | recchar(); // Get block size.
   val = recchar(); // Get memtype
   BlockRead(temp_int,val,&address); // Block read

#ifndef REMOVE_FLASH_BYTE_SUPPORT            
            // Read program memory.
  else if (val=='R') {        
                // Send high byte, then low byte of flash word.
   sendchar( _LOAD_PROGRAM_MEMORY( (address << 1)+1 ) );
   sendchar( _LOAD_PROGRAM_MEMORY( (address << 1)+0 ) );

   address++; // Auto-advance to next Flash word.

            // Write program memory, low byte.        
  else if (val=='c') { // NOTE: Always use this command before sending high byte.
   temp_int=recchar(); // Get low byte for later _FILL_TEMP_WORD.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.
            // Write program memory, high byte.
  else if (val=='C') {
   temp_int |= (recchar()<<8); // Get and insert high byte.
   _FILL_TEMP_WORD( (address << 1), temp_int ); // Convert word-address to byte-address and fill.
   address++; // Auto-advance to next Flash word.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.
            // Write page.       
  else if (val=='m') {
   if (address >= (APP_END>>1)) sendchar('?'); // Protect bootloader area.
    _PAGE_WRITE( address << 1 ); // Convert word-address to byte-address and write.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.

            // Write EEPROM memory.
  else if (val=='D') {
   EEARL = address; // Setup EEPROM address.
   EEARH = (address >> 8);
   EEDR = recchar(); // Get byte.
   EECR |= (1<<EEMWE); // Write byte.
   EECR |= (1<<EEWE);
   while (EECR & (1<<EEWE)); // Wait for write operation to finish.
   address++; // Auto-advance to next EEPROM byte.
   sendchar('\r');// Send OK back.
            // Read EEPROM memory.
  else if (val=='d') {
   EEARL = address; // Setup EEPROM address.
   EEARH = (address >> 8);
   EECR |= (1<<EERE); // Read byte...
   sendchar(EEDR); // ...and send it back.
   address++; // Auto-advance to next EEPROM byte.

            // Write lockbits.
  else if (val=='l') {
   _SET_LOCK_BITS( recchar() ); // Read and set lock bits.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.
#if defined(_GET_LOCK_BITS)
            // Read lock bits.
  else if (val=='r') {
            // Read fuse bits.
  else if (val=='F') {
            // Read high fuse bits.
  else if (val=='N') {
            // Read extended fuse bits.
  else if (val=='Q') {
#endif /* defined(_GET_LOCK_BITS) */

            // Enter and leave programming mode.
  else if ((val=='P')||(val=='L')) {
   sendchar('\r'); // Nothing special to do, just answer OK.
            // Exit bootloader.
  else if (val=='E') {
   while (!(UCSRA&0x40));	// await transmission completion
            // Get programmer type.        
  else if (val=='p') sendchar('S'); // Answer 'SERIAL'.
            // Return supported device codes.
  else if (val=='t') {
#if PARTCODE+0 > 0
   sendchar( PARTCODE ); // Supports only this device, of course.
#endif /* PARTCODE */
   sendchar( 0 ); // Send list terminator.
            // Set LED, clear LED and set device type.
  else if ((val=='x')||(val=='y')||(val=='T')) {
   recchar(); // Ignore the command and it's parameter.
   sendchar('\r'); // Send OK back.
            // Return programmer identifier.
  else if (val=='S') {
   sendchar('A'); // Return 'AVRBOOT'.
   sendchar('V'); // Software identifier (aka programmer signature) is always 7 characters.
            // Return software version.
  else if (val=='V') {
            // Return signature bytes.
  else if (val=='s') {							
            // The last command to accept is ESC (synchronization).
  else if (val!=0x1b) sendchar('?'); // If not ESC, then it is unrecognized...
 __vectors(); // Jump to Reset vector 0x0000 in Application Section.

/* end of file */
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