Quelltext /~heha/hs/sftpplug.zip/src/sftpfunc.h

#include "config.h"
#include "libssh2.h"
#include "libssh2_sftp.h" 

#define SFTP_OK 0
#define SFTP_FAILED 1
#define SFTP_EXISTS 2
#define SFTP_ABORT 5

extern int PluginNumber;
extern char s_quickconnect[32];

struct scp_opendir_data {
	int TempPathUniqueValue;
	HANDLE tempfile;

typedef struct {
	char DisplayName[MAX_PATH];
	char IniFileName[MAX_PATH];
	char server[MAX_PATH];
	char user[MAX_PATH];
	char password[MAX_PATH];
	WCHAR lastactivepath[1024];
	char savedfingerprint[MAX_PATH];
	char pubkeyfile[MAX_PATH];
	char privkeyfile[MAX_PATH];
	SOCKET sock;
    LIBSSH2_SESSION *session;
    LIBSSH2_SFTP *sftpsession; 
	BOOL useagent;
	int protocoltype; // 0 = auto, 1 = IPv4, 2 = IPv6
	int servernamelen;
	unsigned short customport;
	int filemod;
	int dirmod;
	BOOL scponly;
	BOOL scpfordata;
	BOOL dialogforconnection;
	BOOL compressed;
	BOOL detailedlog;
	BOOL neednewchannel;   // kill the sftp channel in case of an error
	int findstarttime;     // time findfirstfile started, MUST be int
	char utf8names;        // 0=no, 1=yes, -1=auto-detect
	int codepage;          // only used when utf8names=0
	char unixlinebreaks;   // 0=no, 1=yes, -1=auto-detect
	int proxynr;		   // 0=no proxy, >0 use entry  [proxy], [proxy2] etc.
	int proxytype;         // 0=no, 1=default, 2=custom
	char proxyserver[MAX_PATH];
	char proxyuser[MAX_PATH];
	char proxypassword[MAX_PATH];
	DWORD lastpercenttime;
	int lastpercent;
	int passSaveMode;
	BOOL InteractivePasswordSent;
	int trycustomlistcommand;  // set to 2 initially, reduce to 1 or 0 if failing
} tConnectSettings,*pConnectSettings;

void* SftpConnectToServer(char* DisplayName,char* inifilename,char* overridepass);
void SftpGetServerBasePathW(WCHAR* DisplayName,WCHAR* RelativePath,int maxlen,char* inifilename);
BOOL SftpConfigureServer(char* DisplayName,char* inifilename);
int SftpCloseConnection(void* serverid);
int SftpFindFirstFileW(void* serverid,WCHAR* remotedir,void** davdataptr);
BOOL SftpFindNextFileW(void* serverid,void* davdataptr,WIN32_FIND_DATAW *FindData);
int SftpFindClose(void* serverid,void* davdataptr);

int SftpCreateDirectoryW(void* serverid,WCHAR* Path);
int SftpRenameMoveFileW(void* serverid,WCHAR* OldName,WCHAR* NewName,BOOL Move, BOOL Overwrite, BOOL isdir);
int SftpDownloadFileW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RemoteName,WCHAR* LocalName,BOOL alwaysoverwrite,
					   _int64 filesize,FILETIME *ft,BOOL Resume);
int SftpUploadFileW(void* serverid,WCHAR* LocalName,WCHAR* RemoteName,BOOL Resume,BOOL setattr);
int SftpDeleteFileW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RemoteName,BOOL isdir);
int SftpSetAttr(void* serverid,char* RemoteName,int NewAttr);
int SftpSetDateTimeW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RemoteName,FILETIME *LastWriteTime);
void SftpGetLastActivePathW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RelativePath,int maxlen);
BOOL SftpDeleteBeforeUpload(void* serverid);
BOOL SftpChmodW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RemoteName,WCHAR* chmod);
BOOL SftpLinkFolderTargetW(void* serverid,WCHAR* RemoteName,int maxlen);
BOOL SftpQuoteCommand2(void* serverid,char* remotedir,char* cmd,char* reply,int replylen);
BOOL SftpQuoteCommand2W(void* serverid,WCHAR* remotedir,WCHAR* cmd,char* reply,int replylen);
BOOL SftpQuoteCommand(void* serverid,char* remotedir,char* cmd);
void SftpShowPropertiesW(void* serverid,WCHAR* remotename);
void SftpSetTransferModeW(WCHAR* mode);
BOOL SftpDetermineTransferModeW(WCHAR* RemoteName);
BOOL SftpSupportsResume(void* serverid);
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