Source file: /~heha/hs/

/* File: Plotstream.cxx
 * Implementation class Plotstream
 * A plotstream opens a window displays a data plot, then closes
 * the window.
 * left-clicking the mouse in the window displays the current plot coordinates of
 * the cursor. 
 * This file hides all the fiddly bits about plotting a function.
 * Author: 	jlk
 * Version:	1.2
 * Date:	January 2006
#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cfloat>

#include "Plotstream.h"
#include <sstream>
//#include "BGI_util.h"
#include <windowsx.h>

HWND Plotstream::wnd;
HDC Plotstream::dc;

// Constants used exclusively in this file
//static const int topx = 150; // top left corner of window
//static const int topy =  50;
static const int border_height	= 20;
static const int border_width	= 20;
static const int left_border	= 70;
static const int mark_length	= 4;
//static const int max_height		= 600;
//static const int min_height 	= 200;
static const int graph_color    = GREEN; // Default only, can be changed
static const int point_color    = graph_color; // will be XORed
static const int marker_color	= CYAN; // Will give red in XOR mode over white
static const float chouia		= 0.0001; // an invisible difference (in drawing terms)
static const double epsilon		= DBL_EPSILON * 1000; // Extremely small difference
//static const bool ERASE			= true;

// Mouse events variables used exclusively in this file
//static bool left_clicked = false;
static int cursorX;
static int cursorY;

// dtoa safely converts a double to the equivalent char *
// It is the responsibility of the calling program to delete the returned string
static char * dtoa(double val)
	ostringstream ostr;
	ostr << val;
	char * ret = new char[ostr.str().size() + 1];
	strcpy(ret, ostr.str().c_str());
	return ret;

// pow10() does not exist in mingw (redefine as inline wrapper here)
static inline double pow10(double x) {return pow(10.0,x);}

/* Rounds double value by discarding very small decimals.
 * (necessary to deal with previous small floating point errors)
 * @param val 		value to round
 * @param sigDigits number of significant digits.
 * @param intrep    all significant digits as a long int 
 * @return		truncated value as a double (may be inexact)
static double floatRound(double val, int&sigDigits, int&intrep) { 
 int neg;
 int decPos;
 const int n=2;	// wanted significant digits
 intrep = atoi(str);
	// find position of dot if any
 if (decPos>=n) { // then it's an integer, return now
  sigDigits = decPos;
  return val;
 if (neg) val=-val;
 return val;

/* Local function hidden at file scope
 * Obtains a practical y axis range with "round" numbers at both ends
 * Params hold the min and max values in plot data on entry and
 * pass back the practical values on output.
static void getNearest(double&y_min, double&y_max) {
 int sigdigits; // Holds number of significant digits
 int intrep; // the integer representation

 double min = y_min, max = y_max, dif;
 min = floatRound(min, sigdigits, intrep);
 max = floatRound(max, sigdigits, intrep);
 dif = max - min - (y_max - y_min);
 y_max = floatRound(y_max + dif / 2, sigdigits, intrep);
 y_min = floatRound(y_min - dif / 2, sigdigits, intrep);

 * Local function hidden at file scope
 * Attempt to guess a convenient divisor for grid along the X axis 
 * If 0 is in the range, it should in many cases be on the grid.
 * Otherwise, divide the x range by 10, or 6, or 7, or 5, or 8, or 3,
 * or 4, in this order if divisible, by 10 otherwise.
static int getXDivisor(double lo, double hi, int plotWidth) {
 int sigdigits, pquo, div = 0;
 int intVal;
 double delta = (hi - lo) / plotWidth; // Ignore 1 pixel inaccuracies
 double range = hi - lo;

 floatRound(range, sigdigits, intVal);
	// If 0 is on the axis attempt to place it on the grid
 if (lo < 0 && hi > 0) // 0 is part of the range
		if(fabsl(lo) < hi)
			div = int(round(hi / fabsl(lo)));
			div = int(round(fabs(lo) / hi));
		if (div > 0 && div <= 9)
			div += 1; 
            // If too small number of divisions, try multiples
            if(div == 2) // See if divisible by 12, 10, 6, 8, or 4
        		if (remquo(intVal, 12, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 12;
        	   	else if (remquo(intVal, 10, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 10;
        		else if (remquo(intVal, 6, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 6;
                else if (remquo(intVal, 8, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 8;
        		else if (remquo(intVal, 4, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 4;
            else if (div == 3) // See if divisible by 12, 9 or 6
        		if (remquo(intVal, 12, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 12;
        	   	else if (remquo(intVal, 9, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 9;
        		else if (remquo(intVal, 6, & pquo) < delta)
        			div = 6;
            return div;
	// If not, then attempt a reasonable division of the range.
	// Try dividing by  12, or 10, or 5, or 6, or 8,  or 3, or 4	
		if (remquo(intVal, 12, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 12;
	   	else if (remquo(intVal, 10, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 10;
		else if (remquo(intVal, 7, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 7;
    	else if (remquo(intVal, 6, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 6;
	    else if (remquo(intVal, 5, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 5;
		else if (remquo(intVal, 8, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 8;
		else if (remquo(intVal, 3, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 3;
		else if (remquo(intVal, 4, & pquo) < delta)
			div = 4;
		else // We are running out of common divisors
			div = 10;
	return div;

 * Attempt to guess a convenient divisor for grid along the Y axis 
 * If 0 is in the range, it should in many cases be on the grid.
 * Otherwise, divide the y range by 5 or 3 or 4 in this order if
 * divisible, by 5 otherwise.
static int getYDivisor(double lo, double hi, int plotHeight) {
 int sigdigits, pquo, div = 0;
 int intVal=0;
 double delta = (hi - lo) / plotHeight; // Ignore 1 pixel inaccuracies

	// If 0 is on the axis attempt to place it on the grid
 if (lo < 0 && hi > 0) {// 0 is part of the range
  if (fabsl(lo) < hi) div = int(round(hi / fabsl(lo)));
  else div = int(round(fabs(lo) / hi));
  if (div > 0 && div < 6) {
   div += 1; 
            // If too small number of divisions, try multiples
   if(div == 2) {// See if divisible by 6, 4
    if (remquo(intVal, 6, & pquo) < delta) div = 6;
    else if (remquo(intVal, 4, & pquo) < delta) div = 4;
   }else if (div == 3) { // See if divisible 6
    if (remquo(intVal, 6, & pquo) < delta) div = 6;
   return div;
	// if not, then attempt a reasonable division of the range 
 double range = hi - lo;
 floatRound(range, sigdigits, intVal);
	// If 0 is in the middle try dividing by 4	  
 if (div == 1) {
  if (remquo(intVal, 4, & pquo) < delta) div = 4;
  else div = 2; // We are running out of common divisors
 }else{	// else try dividing by  3, or 4, or 5, or 2	
  if (remquo(intVal, 5, & pquo) < delta) div = 5;
  if (remquo(intVal, 3, & pquo) < delta) div = 3;
  else if (remquo(intVal, 4, & pquo) < delta) div = 4;
  else if (remquo(intVal, 2, & pquo) < delta) div = 2;
  else div = 5;// We are running out of common divisors
 return div;
#if 0
 * This handler will be triggered on left mouse click.
 * It will record the event and current mouse coordinates in the window
static void click_handler(int x, int y)
    left_clicked = true;
	cursorX = x;
	cursorY = y;

 * Local function hidden at file scope
 * Delete a rectangle with top left corner x1, y1 and bottom right x2, y2
static void delRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
	int poly[8] = {x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2};
//	int bkColour = getbkcolor();
//	setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL, bkColour );
//	setcolor(bkColour);
//	fillpoly(4, poly);
/************************* CLASS FUNCTIONS ***************************/

Plotstream::Plotstream(const char*title)
:plotStarted(false) {
 if (!wnd) wnd=CreateWindow("koolplot",title,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VISIBLE,
  SetWindowLongPtr(wnd,0,(LONG_PTR)this);	// repoint Windows object data
  if (title) SetWindowText(wnd,title);

void Plotstream::addplot(const Plotdata&x, const Plotdata&y, Color color) {
 size_t i=traces.size();

void Plotstream::show(const char*title) {
 if (title) SetWindowText(wnd,title);
 MSG Msg;
 while (GetMessage(&Msg,0,0,0)) {	// mouse click, space bar, or Alt+F4 generates WM_QUIT

void Plotstream::plot(const Plotdata&x, const Plotdata&y, Color color) {

Plotstream::~Plotstream() {
 for each(internal_xytrace t in traces) {
void Plotstream::onPaint() {
 RECT r;
 for each(internal_xytrace t in traces) {
	// Need 2 points minimum to do a plot
  if (t.t.x->size() < 2) break;
	// Need as many y values as x values to do a plot	 
  if (t.t.x->size() > t.t.y->size()) break;
	// Store the hi and lo points of the axes
    // Set Y values to the nearest "round" numbers
 getNearest(lo_y, hi_y);
 x_range = hi_x - lo_x;
 y_range = lo_y - hi_y;	// negativ!
 x_scale = x_range / (rcPlot.right-rcPlot.left);
 y_scale = y_range / (;

 for each (internal_xytrace t in traces) drawFunc(t);

/* Convert graph x value to screen coordinate */
int Plotstream::X(double x) const{ return int((x - lo_x) / x_scale + rcPlot.left);}
/* Convert graph y value to screen coordinate */
int Plotstream::Y(double y) const{ return int((y - hi_y) / y_scale +;}

/* Convert screen coordinate to graph x value */
double Plotstream::plotX(int screenX) const{ return (screenX - rcPlot.left) * x_scale + lo_x;}
/* Convert screen coordinate to graph y value */
double Plotstream::plotY(int screenY) const{ return (screenY - * y_scale + hi_y;}

/* @return  true if given location is within x and y axes ranges */
bool Plotstream::withinRange( double x, double y) const{
 return	x + x_scale >= lo_x && x - x_scale <= hi_x
    &&	y + y_scale >= lo_y && y - y_scale <= hi_y;

/* Round(est) double within one pixel in X 
 * @param theVal the value to be rounded, passed back rounded to caller
 * @param direction the requested direction of rounding UP, DOWN or ANY
 * @return the direction the rounding took place.
Rounding Plotstream::nearRoundX(double & val, Rounding direction) const
	int valSigdigits;
	int upSigdigits;
	int downSigdigits;
	int intrep;
	double theVal, upVal, downVal;
	theVal = floatRound(val, valSigdigits, intrep);
	if (direction == UP) // If a higher or equal value has been requested
		upVal = floatRound(val + x_scale, upSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal < 0 && upVal > 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return UP;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) < fabs(trunc(upVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(upVal);
			return UP;
		else if (valSigdigits > upSigdigits)
			val = upVal;
			return UP;
			return ANY;
	else if (direction == DOWN) // If lower or equal value is requested
		downVal = floatRound(val - x_scale, downSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal > 0 && downVal < 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return ANY;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) > fabs(trunc(downVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(theVal);
			return ANY;
	    else if (valSigdigits > downSigdigits)
			val = downVal;
			return DOWN;
			return ANY;
	else // May round in any direction
		upVal = floatRound(val + x_scale, upSigdigits, intrep);
		downVal = floatRound(val - x_scale, downSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal < 0 && upVal > 0)  // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return ANY;
		else if (theVal > 0 && downVal < 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return ANY;
	   	else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) < fabs(trunc(upVal)))
			val = trunc(upVal);
			return UP;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) > fabs(trunc(downVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(theVal);
			return ANY;
		int minimum = min(valSigdigits, upSigdigits);
		minimum = min (minimum, downSigdigits);
		if(minimum ==  valSigdigits)
			val = theVal;
			return ANY;
		else if (minimum == upSigdigits)
			val = upVal;
			return UP;
			val = downVal;
			return DOWN;

/* Round(est) double within one pixel in Y */
Rounding Plotstream::nearRoundY(double & val, Rounding direction) const
	int valSigdigits;
	int upSigdigits;
	int downSigdigits;
	int intrep;
	double theVal, upVal, downVal;
	theVal = floatRound(val, valSigdigits, intrep);
	if (direction == UP) // If a higher or equal value has been requested
		upVal = floatRound(val + y_scale, upSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal < 0 && upVal > 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return ANY;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) < fabs(trunc(upVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(upVal);
			return UP;
		else if (valSigdigits > upSigdigits)
			val = upVal;
			return UP;
			return ANY;
	else if (direction == DOWN) // If lower or equal value is requested
		downVal = floatRound(val - y_scale, downSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal > 0 && downVal < 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return DOWN;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) > fabs(trunc(downVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(theVal);
			return ANY;
	    else if (valSigdigits > downSigdigits)
			val = downVal;
			return DOWN;
			return ANY;
	else // May round in any direction
		upVal = floatRound(val + y_scale, upSigdigits, intrep);
		downVal = floatRound(val - y_scale, downSigdigits, intrep);
		if (theVal < 0 && upVal > 0)  // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return ANY;
		if (theVal > 0 && downVal < 0) // Takes care of 0
			val = 0;
			return DOWN;
	   	   else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) < fabs(trunc(upVal)))
			val = trunc(upVal);
			return UP;
		else if (fabs(trunc(theVal)) > fabs(trunc(downVal))) // takes care of integers
			val = trunc(theVal);
			return ANY;
		int minimum = min(valSigdigits, upSigdigits);
		minimum = min (minimum, downSigdigits);
		if(minimum ==  valSigdigits)
			val = theVal;
			return ANY;
		else if (minimum == upSigdigits)
			val = upVal;
			return UP;
			val = downVal;
			return DOWN;

/* Draw the axes */
void Plotstream::drawAxes() {
 int xDivs;				// number of x divisions
 int yDivs;				// number of y divisions
// int divLength;	 	 	// length (in pixels) of a division
 int sigdigits;
 int intVal;
	// draw the rectangle
 HPEN penRect=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,DARKGRAY);
 HPEN penGrid=CreatePen(PS_DOT,0,LIGHTGRAY);
 HPEN penMark=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,DARKGRAY);
 HPEN open=SelectPen(dc,penRect);
 Rectangle(dc,rcPlot.left-1,   // -1 to fix small discrepancy on screen, // Probably due to line width.  
	// Attempt to guess a reasonable number of grid divisions for x and y
 xDivs = getXDivisor(lo_x, hi_x, rcPlot.right-rcPlot.left);
	// If y axis is large, divide in the same manner as x axis
 /*if (winHeight > winWidth * 3 / 5.0) yDivs = getXDivisor(lo_y, hi_y, plotHeight);
 else*/ yDivs = getYDivisor(lo_y, hi_y,;
	// draw the grid
	// Horizontal grid
 for (int i = yDivs - 1; i > 0; i--) {
  int + MulDiv(rcPlot.height(),i,yDivs);
	// Vertical grid
 for (int i = xDivs - 1; i > 0; i--) {
  int x=rcPlot.left + MulDiv(rcPlot.width(),i,xDivs);
	// Draw Axes markers
	// Y axis
 for (int i = yDivs - 1; i > 0; i--) {
  int + MulDiv(rcPlot.height(),i,yDivs);
	// X axis
 for (int i = xDivs - 1; i > 0; i--) {
  int x=rcPlot.left + MulDiv(rcPlot.width(),i,xDivs);
	// Number the axes
	// Y axis
 HFONT fntY=CreateFont(16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Arial");
 HFONT ofnt=SelectFont(dc,fntY);
 SIZE sz;
// divLength = int(rcPlot.height() / yDivs);
 double divVal = floatRound((lo_y - hi_y) / yDivs, sigdigits, intVal);
 for (int i = 0;  i <= yDivs; i++) {
  int + MulDiv(rcPlot.height(),i,yDivs);
  double val = floatRound(hi_y + divVal * i, sigdigits, intVal);
  if (fabs(val) < chouia * (hi_y - lo_y)) val = 0;
  char * asciival = dtoa(val);
  delete [] asciival;
	// X axis
 divVal = floatRound((hi_x - lo_x) / xDivs, sigdigits, intVal);
 for (int i = 0;  i <= xDivs; i++) {
  int x=rcPlot.left + MulDiv(rcPlot.width(),i,xDivs);
  double val = floatRound(lo_x + divVal * i, sigdigits, intVal);
  if (fabs(val) < chouia * (hi_x - lo_x)) val = 0;
  char * asciival = dtoa(val);
  outtextxy(x,, asciival);
  delete[] asciival;

void Plotstream::drawFunc(internal_xytrace&t) {
 vector<double>::const_iterator x_it  = t.t.x->getData().begin();
 vector<double>::const_iterator y_it  = t.t.y->getData().begin();
 vector<double>::const_iterator x_end = t.t.x->getData().end();

 HPEN open=SelectPen(dc,t.g.penPlot);
 if (isfinite(*y_it) && isfinite(*x_it)) {
  moveto(X(*x_it), Y(*y_it));
  plotStarted = true;
    // Else if both x and y are NAN, then it could be either a color change
    // request or a single point drawing request.
// if (!isfinite(*y_it) && !isfinite(*x_it)
// && x_it+1 != x_end && x_it+2 != x_end) handleCommand(x_it, y_it);
 while (++x_it != x_end) {
  if (isfinite(*(++y_it)) && isfinite(*x_it)) {
   if (plotStarted) lineto(X(*x_it), Y(*y_it));
    moveto(X(*x_it), Y(*y_it));
    plotStarted = true;
   plotStarted = false;
            // If both x and y are NAN, then it could be either a colour
            // change request or a single point drawing request.
//   if (!isfinite(*y_it) && !isfinite(*x_it)
//   && x_it+1 != x_end && x_it+2 != x_end) handleCommand(x_it, y_it);
 for each(marker_t marker in t.markers) {
#if 0
/* Checks the mouse for left-click. 
 * Prints the plot coordinates of the click in the top border area.
 * returns true if the keyboard was not pressed.
bool Plotstream::watchMouse( )
	if (left_clicked) 
		double xClick = plotX(cursorX);
		double yClick = plotY(cursorY);
		Rounding xRounding = nearRoundX(xClick);
		Rounding yRounding = nearRoundY(yClick);

		if (withinRange(xClick, yClick)) // write location of mouse and place marker
			// Adjust the marker location in function of the rounding
			cursorX += xRounding - 1;
			cursorY -= yRounding - 1;
			// Draw the location marker if within the graph

			char * xLoc = dtoa(xClick);
			char * yLoc = dtoa(yClick);
			char * location = new char[strlen(xLoc) + strlen(yLoc) + 10];
			int ypos = border_height / 2 + 3;
			int xpos = (border_width + winWidth) / 2;
			// Delete previous location string if any   
			delRectangle(left_border, 0, winWidth - 1, border_height - 2);
			settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT);
			// Compose and print new location string
			strcpy(location, "( ");
			strcat(location, xLoc);
			strcat(location, " ,  ");
			strcat(location, yLoc);
			strcat(location, " )");
			outtextxy(xpos, ypos, location);
			delete xLoc;
			delete yLoc;
			delete location;
		else // delete all previous location info if any
			// Erase marker
	   	   	// Delete previous location string if any   
			delRectangle(left_border, 0, winWidth - 1, border_height - 2);
		// Get ready for next click
		left_clicked = !left_clicked;
	return !kbhit();

// draws the marker shape in X and Y.
void Plotstream::drawMarkShape(int x, int y) const{
	// Horz
 moveto(x - 4, y); lineto(x + 4, y); 		// centre line
 moveto(x - 5, y - 1);	lineto(x - 3, y - 1);
 moveto(x - 5, y + 1);	lineto(x - 3, y + 1);	// side lines
 moveto(x + 5, y - 1);	lineto(x + 3, y - 1);
 moveto(x + 5, y + 1);	lineto(x + 3, y + 1);
	// Vert
 moveto(x	, y - 4); 	lineto(x	, y + 4);	// centre line
 moveto(x - 1, y - 5);	lineto(x - 1, y - 3);
 moveto(x + 1, y - 5);	lineto(x + 1, y - 3);	// side lines
 moveto(x - 1, y + 5);	lineto(x - 1, y + 3);
 moveto(x + 1, y + 5);	lineto(x + 1, y + 3);
// Draw a marker at the current cursor position
// Will erase only if erase is true
void Plotstream::drawMarker(bool erase) {
	/* select XOR drawing mode and marker colour */
 int orop=SetROP2(dc,R2_XORPEN);
 HPEN penMark=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,marker_color);
 HPEN open=SelectPen(dc,penMark);

 if (marked) { // then erase existing marker
  drawMarkShape(lastX, lastY);
  marked = false;
 if (!erase) {
  drawMarkShape(lastX=cursorX, lastY=cursorY);
  marked = true;
	/* Restore drawing mode */

// draws the point shape in X and Y.
void Plotstream::drawPointShape(int x, int y) const {
	// Horz
 moveto(x - 1, y - 2); 	lineto(x + 1, y - 2);   // top line
 moveto(x - 1, y + 2);	lineto(x + 1, y + 2);	// bottom line
	// Vert
 moveto(x - 2, y - 1); 	lineto(x - 2, y + 1);	// left line
 moveto(x + 2, y - 1);	lineto(x + 2, y + 1);	// right line

// Draw a single point at the given coordinates
void Plotstream::drawSinglePoint(double xCoord, double yCoord) const{
 drawPointShape(X(xCoord) + 1, Y(yCoord));

// Set new foreground colour, remember last colour
void Plotstream::setFgColor(Color fgColour) {
 lastColour = colour;
 colour = fgColour;
//    setcolor(fgColour);

// Reset foreground colour to last used colour
void Plotstream::resetFgColor() {
#if 0
 * Check whether the stream holds a request at this point.
 * and handle the request if it does.
 * A request can be a colour change, or a point marker.
 * Pre-condition:   The data vectors hold at least the 3 data points
 *                  in x and y necessary to hold a command request.
 * Post-condition:  On exit the iterators are unchanged if the data is not
 *                  a known command. They will point to the last data point
 *                  in the request sequence otherwise.
void Plotstream::handleCommand( dataIterator &x_it, dataIterator &y_it)
    // Check if command is a colour change
    int newColour = Plotdata::colorChange(x_it, y_it);
        if(newColour == RESETCOLOR)
    // else, draw a single point if requested
        double xCoord, yCoord;
        if(Plotdata::singlePoint(xCoord, yCoord, x_it, y_it))
            drawSinglePoint(xCoord, yCoord);
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