GRAPHWIN - A Windows replacement for GRAPHICS.LIB
(better than EASYWIN for old text-mode applications)
German introduction: Siehe Anfang der GRAPHICS.C
This is a wrapper for the GRAPHICS.LIB, for easy transferring your BGI
application to a true Windows application.
Ideal for those the have a mode or less big graphical DOS application
and want to make a real Windows app because of some benefits,
without re-writing the whole code at one time.
Currently, this version does support text mode (poorly tested)
and VGA mode (all functions tested)
Instructions on how to use: See beginning of GRAPHICS.H
Internal processing and key functions:
> A bitmap holds the drawing area(s), necessary for redrawing the
window when revealed (like in all windowing systems)
> In a "DirectDraw" mode, all drawings are applied both to the real
window and to the bitmap above; elsewhere, drawings are done to
the bitmap only, and the bitmap is bltted to the window when idle.
> The funktion gdiproc() is a universal template for calling all GDI
drawing functions and draws one time, two times, or (later) 3 times.
> A bunch of GDI objects (pen, font, background brush) is always
allocated and to be changed on a call to ChangeGdiObject() in all
device contexts
> If graphics mode changes (programmatically), the window size will
be automatically tracked to avoid useless borders, see WM_GetMinMaxInfo
Known bugs and no-bugs:
- No emulation of palette (don't know how to emulate)
- Incorrect emulation of background color (due to palette usage)
- Window size defaults to size of VGA-VGAHI (better: text mode)
- Incomplete emulation of CONIO (not often used, no objective)
- Window size adjustment without zoom and/or scroll bars
- Windows fill patterns differ from GRAPHICS.LIB
- Emulation of large aspect ratios (e.g. VGALO) is stretched too
- No Windows fonts available for replacement of .CHR fonts
- No signal handler callable when closing the window
- Project should be set to "Warning if duplicate symbols OFF"!
Already implemented features:
+ Main program starts with main(), not WinMain() (=more compatible)
+ Usage of "original" DOS font (WOA=Windows Old Application)
+ Some text mode functions, like clrscr()
+ Caret (=cursor) support - like EASYWIN
+ Support of arrow and function keys - in contrast to EASYWIN!
+ Clean OEM font support, even for key codes
+ Sine table (should be accessible from extern)
+ Direct drawing both into window and into background bitmap
enables displaying of sequential picture creation (="DirectDraw")
(if your computer is slow enough:-)
+ Indirect drawing (see above) and bltting when idle is faster,
sometimes faster than DOS / BGI
+ Full support for planes (of couse not in VGAHI mode)
+ Support of user-definable bitmap size, color depth, and plane count
+ Scaling of output image is prepared
+ Warning when "killing" the program, message text localizable
+ Automatic close of window if main program terminates
and screen is empty
In the future:
* "Third Record" into a memory metafile enables redrawing with changing
background color (= replacement for missing palette) and exporting
the graphics in a vector format
* Full CONIO support
* Support of coloured ANSI sequences
* Support of non-16bit and/or non-Borland compilers
haftmann#software, 12/02
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