Source file: /~heha/hs/

/* GNU PIC processor definitions
   Copyright 2001-2005	Craig Franklin
   Copyright 2014-2016	Molnár Károly

#pragma once

        PIC12 definitions

#define PIC12_BANK_SHIFT            5
#define PIC12_BANK_SIZE             (1 << PIC12_BANK_SHIFT)             /* 32 */
#define PIC12_BANK_MASK             (PIC12_BANK_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC12_RAM_ADDR_BITS         PIC12_BANK_SHIFT
#define PIC12_BMSK_BANK             0x007
#define PIC12_PAGE_SHIFT            9
#define PIC12_PAGE_SIZE             (1 << PIC12_PAGE_SHIFT)             /* 512 */
#define PIC12_PAGE_MASK             (PIC12_PAGE_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC12_PAGE_BITS             (PIC12_PC_MASK ^ PIC12_PAGE_MASK)

#define PIC12_REG_STATUS            0x03

#define PIC12_BIT_STATUS_PA0        5
#define PIC12_BIT_STATUS_PA1        6
#define PIC12_BIT_STATUS_PA2        7

#define PIC12_REG_FSR               0x04

#define PIC12_BIT_FSR_RP0           5
#define PIC12_BIT_FSR_RP1           6
#define PIC12_BIT_FSR_RP2           7

#define PIC12_IDLOCS_SIZE           4

        PIC12E definitions

#define PIC12E_BMSK_BANK            0x007

        SX definitions

#define MASK_SX_PAGE                0x007
#define SX_PAGE_BITS                (SX_PC_MASK ^ PIC12_PAGE_MASK)

        PIC14 definitions

#define PIC14_BANK_SHIFT            7
#define PIC14_BANK_SIZE             (1 << PIC14_BANK_SHIFT)             /* 128 */
#define PIC14_BANK_MASK             (PIC14_BANK_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC14_RAM_ADDR_BITS         PIC14_BANK_SHIFT
#define PIC14_PAGE_SHIFT            11
#define PIC14_PAGE_SIZE             (1 << PIC14_PAGE_SHIFT)             /* 2048 */
#define PIC14_PAGE_MASK             (PIC14_PAGE_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC14_PAGE_BITS             (PIC14_PC_MASK ^ PIC14_PAGE_MASK)

#define PIC14_BMSK_BANK             0x0003
#define PIC14_BMSK_PAGE             0x0003

#define PIC14_REG_STATUS            0x03

#define PIC14_BIT_STATUS_RP0        5
#define PIC14_BIT_STATUS_RP1        6
#define PIC14_BIT_STATUS_IRP        7

#define PIC14_REG_PCLATH            0x0A

#define PIC14_BIT_PCLATH_3          3
#define PIC14_BIT_PCLATH_4          4

#define PIC14_IDLOCS_SIZE           PIC12_IDLOCS_SIZE

        PIC14E definitions

#define PIC14E_BMSK_BANK            0x001F
#define PIC14E_BMSK_PAGE512         0x007F
#define PIC14E_PAGE_BITS            (PIC14E_PC_MASK ^ PIC14_PAGE_MASK)
#define PIC14E_PAGE512_SHIFT        8

#define PIC14E_REG_INDF0            0x00
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR0             0x04
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR0L            0x04
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR0H            0x05

#define PIC14E_REG_INDF1            0x01
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR1             0x06
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR1L            0x06
#define PIC14E_REG_FSR1H            0x07
#define PIC14E_REG_BSR              0x08
#define PIC14E_REG_WREG             0x09

    /* Flash (program) memory select bit in FSR0H and FSR1H registers. */
#define PIC14E_FSRxH_FLASH_SEL      0x80

        PIC14EX definitions

#define PIC14EX_BMSK_BANK           0x003F

        PIC16 definitions

#define PIC16_BANK_SHIFT            8
#define PIC16_BANK_SIZE             (1 << PIC16_BANK_SHIFT)             /* 256 */
#define PIC16_BANK_MASK             (PIC16_BANK_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC16_RAM_ADDR_BITS         PIC16_BANK_SHIFT
#define PIC16_PAGE_SHIFT            13
#define PIC16_PAGE_SIZE             (1 << PIC16_PAGE_SHIFT)             /* 8192 */
#define PIC16_PAGE_MASK             (PIC16_PAGE_SIZE - 1)
#define PIC16_PAGE_BITS             (PIC16_PC_MASK ^ PIC16_PAGE_MASK)

#define PIC16_BMSK_BANK             0x00FF
#define PIC16_BMSK_PAGE             0x00FF

#define PIC16_REG_PCLATH            0x03
#define PIC16_REG_WREG              0x0A
#define PIC16_REG_BSR               0x0F

        PIC16E definitions

    /* Call and goto address mask for lower 8 bits. */
#define PIC16E_BMSK_BRANCH_LOWER    0x00FF
    /* Call and goto address mask for higher 12 bits. */

#define PIC16E_BMSK_SEC_INSN_WORD   0xF000

#define PIC16E_BMSK_BANK            0x000F

#define PIC16E_REG_BSR              0xFE0
#define PIC16E_REG_WREG             0xFE8
#define PIC16E_REG_PCL              0xFF9
#define PIC16E_REG_TOSL             0xFFD
#define PIC16E_REG_TOSH             0xFFE
#define PIC16E_REG_TOSU             0xFFF

#define PIC16E_IDLOCS_SIZE          8


struct px;
struct gp_section;

typedef struct _core_sfr_ {
  int         address;
  const char *name;
} core_sfr_t;

typedef struct _vector_ {
  int         address;
  const char *name;
} vector_t;

struct proc_class {
  /* Instruction used in making initialization data sections. */
  unsigned retlw;
  /* Value in COFF header. */
  unsigned rom_width;
  /* The page size of the program memory. */
  unsigned page_size;
  /* The bank size of the RAM memory. */
  unsigned bank_size;
  /* The shift value of bank bits in a RAM address. */
  unsigned bank_bits_shift;
  /* The number of address bits inside a bank. */
  int addr_bits_in_bank;
  /* Bits to shift assembly code address for the COFF file byte address. */
  unsigned org_to_byte_shift;
  /* Mask of address bits for the Program Counter. */
  unsigned pc_mask;
  /* Mask of address bits for pages. */
  unsigned page_mask;
  /* Mask of address bits for banks. */
  unsigned bank_mask;
  /* Bitmask of bits that can be stored in the code section address. */
  unsigned core_mask;
  /* Bitmask of bits that can be stored in the config section address. */
  unsigned config_mask;
  /* Number of digits of the maximum possible flash address. */
  int addr_digits;
  /* Number of digits of the instruction word. */
  int word_digits;
  /* Number of digits of the config word. */
  int config_digits;
  /* These SFRs exist in each MCU which fall within into the PIC1xx family. */
  const core_sfr_t*core_sfr_table;
  /* Number of the core SFRs. */
  unsigned core_sfr_number;
  /* This table contains traits of the interrupt vectors. */
  const vector_t*vector_table;
  /* Number of the interrupt vectors. */
  unsigned vector_number;
  /* Get the start address for ID location. */
  unsigned (*id_location)(const struct px *Processor);
  /* Determine which bank of data memory the address is located. */
  int (*bank_from_addr)(int Address);
  /* Set the bank bits, return the number of instructions required. */
  unsigned (*set_bank)(unsigned Num_banks, unsigned Bank, MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, bool Mpasm_compatible);
  unsigned (*banksel_byte_length)(unsigned Num_banks, bool Mpasm_compatible);
  /* Determine which ibank of data memory the address is located. */
  int (*check_ibank)(int Address);
  /* Set the ibank bits, return the number of instructions required. */
  unsigned (*set_ibank)(unsigned Num_banks, unsigned Bank, MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);
  /* Determine which page of program memory the address is located. */
  unsigned (*check_page)(unsigned Insn_address);
  /* Set the page bits, return the number of instructions required. */
  unsigned (*set_page)(unsigned Num_pages, unsigned Page, MemBlock_t *M,unsigned Byte_address, bool Use_wreg);
  unsigned (*pagesel_byte_length)(unsigned Num_pages, bool Use_wreg);
  unsigned (*page_addr)(unsigned Insn_address);
  unsigned (*addr_from_page_bits)(unsigned Bits);
  /* These return the bits to set in instruction for given address. */
  unsigned (*reloc_call)(unsigned Insn_address);
  unsigned (*reloc_goto)(unsigned Insn_address);
  unsigned (*reloc_f)(unsigned Address);
  unsigned (*reloc_tris)(unsigned Address);
  unsigned (*reloc_movlb)(unsigned Address);
  unsigned (*reloc_bra)(const struct gp_section *Section, unsigned Value,unsigned Byte_address);
  unsigned (*reloc_high)(bool Is_code, unsigned Value);
  const insn_t *instructions;
  const unsigned *num_instructions;
  const insn_t *(*find_insn)(const struct proc_class *Class, unsigned Opcode);
  unsigned (*i_memory_get)(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, uint16_t *Word,
                                      const char **Section_name, const char **Symbol_name);
  void (*i_memory_put)(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Value,const char *Section_name, const char *Symbol_name);
  void (*patch_strict)(void);

typedef const struct proc_class *proc_class_t;

#define PROC_CLASS_UNKNOWN          ((proc_class_t)0)   /* Unknown device. */

EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_eeprom8;   /* 8 bit EEPROM */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_eeprom16;  /* 16 bit EEPROM */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_generic;   /* 12 bit device */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic12;     /* 12 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic12e;    /* extended 12 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic12i;    /* extended 12 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_sx;        /* 12 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic14;     /* 14 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic14e;    /* enhanced 14 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic14ex;   /* enhanced 14 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic16;     /* 16 bit devices */
EXDATA const struct proc_class proc_class_pic16e;    /* enhanced 16 bit devices */

#define PROC_CLASS_EEPROM8          (&proc_class_eeprom8)
#define PROC_CLASS_EEPROM16         (&proc_class_eeprom16)
#define PROC_CLASS_GENERIC          (&proc_class_generic)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC12            (&proc_class_pic12)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC12E           (&proc_class_pic12e)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC12I           (&proc_class_pic12i)
#define PROC_CLASS_SX               (&proc_class_sx)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC14            (&proc_class_pic14)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC14E           (&proc_class_pic14e)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC14EX          (&proc_class_pic14ex)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC16            (&proc_class_pic16)
#define PROC_CLASS_PIC16E           (&proc_class_pic16e)

#define IS_EEPROM8                  state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_EEPROM8
#define IS_EEPROM16                 state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_EEPROM16
#define IS_PIC12_CORE               state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC12
#define IS_PIC12E_CORE              state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC12E
#define IS_PIC12I_CORE              state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC12I
#define IS_SX_CORE                  state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_SX
#define IS_PIC14_CORE               state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC14
#define IS_PIC14E_CORE              state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC14E
#define IS_PIC14EX_CORE             state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC14EX
#define IS_PIC16_CORE               state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC16
#define IS_PIC16E_CORE              state.device.pclass == PROC_CLASS_PIC16E

#define MAX_NAMES                   3          /* Maximum number of names a processor can have. */
#define MAX_BADROM                  (1 * 2)    /* Maximum number of BADROM ranges a processor can be initialized with. */

#define CPU_HAVE_EXTINST            (1 << 0)   /* The device supports the 16 bit extended instruction set. */
#define CPU_18FJ_FAMILY             (1 << 1)   /* The device member of the "J" series. (18f..J..) */
#define CPU_NO_OPTION_INSN          (1 << 2)   /* This - 14 bits - MCU not have the "option" instruction. */

struct px {
  proc_class_t  pclass;
  const char   *defined_as;
  const char   *names[MAX_NAMES];
  uint32_t      coff_type;
  int           num_pages;
  int           num_banks;
  /* These bank bits exists in the reality. */
  int           bank_bits;
  /* The bounds of common (access) RAM, if exist in the PIC12, PIC12E, PIC12I, PIC14, PIC14E, PIC14EX, PIC16 and PIC16E families. */
  int           common_ram_addrs[2];
  int           common_ram_max;
  /* The bounds of linear RAM in the PIC14E family. */
  int           linear_ram_addrs[2];
  /* These are in org to make it easier to fill from the datasheet. */
  int           maxram;
  int           maxrom;
  int           prog_mem_size;
  int           badrom[MAX_BADROM];
  int           idlocs_addrs[2];
  int           config_addrs[2];
  int           eeprom_addrs[2];
  /* This is an OR mask for the PIC12, PIC12E, PIC12I, PIC14, PIC14E and PIC14EX families. PIC12x: 0x0FF0, PIC14x: 0x3F80 */
  int           idlocs_mask;
  /* Use the gpdasm. */
  const char   *header;
  const char   *script;
  unsigned  cpu_flags;

typedef const struct px *pic_processor_t;

/* CONFIG addresses for the 18xx parts */
#define CONFIG1L                    0x300000
#define CONFIG1H                    0x300001
#define CONFIG2L                    0x300002
#define CONFIG2H                    0x300003
#define CONFIG3L                    0x300004
#define CONFIG3H                    0x300005
#define CONFIG4L                    0x300006
#define CONFIG4H                    0x300007
#define CONFIG5L                    0x300008
#define CONFIG5H                    0x300009
#define CONFIG6L                    0x30000a
#define CONFIG6H                    0x30000b
#define CONFIG7L                    0x30000c
#define CONFIG7H                    0x30000d

#define DEVID1                      0x3ffffe
#define DEVID2                      0x3fffff

FUNC(void) gp_dump_processor_list(bool List_all, proc_class_t Class0, proc_class_t Class1,
                                   proc_class_t Class2);

FUNC(void) gp_processor_invoke_custom_lister(proc_class_t Class0, proc_class_t Class1, proc_class_t Class2,
                                              void (*Custom_lister)(pic_processor_t));

FUNC(pic_processor_t) gp_find_processor(const char *Name);
FUNC(proc_class_t) gp_processor_class(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_class_to_str(proc_class_t Class);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_bsr_boundary(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(uint32_t) gp_processor_coff_type(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_num_pages(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_num_banks(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(pic_processor_t) gp_processor_coff_proc(uint32_t Coff_type);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_name(pic_processor_t Processor, unsigned Choice);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_coff_name(uint32_t Coff_type, unsigned Choice);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_header(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_script(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_id_location(pic_processor_t Processor);

FUNC(int) gp_byte_from_insn(unsigned Shift, int Insn_address);
FUNC(int) gp_insn_from_byte(unsigned Shift, int Byte_address);

FUNC(int) gp_processor_reg_offs(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_bank_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_bank_num(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_addr_from_bank_num(pic_processor_t Processor, int Number);

FUNC(const int*) gp_processor_common_ram_exist(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_common_ram_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);

FUNC(bool) gp_processor_is_p16e_access_low(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);
FUNC(bool) gp_processor_is_p16e_access_high(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address,
                                                   bool Mpasm_compatible);

FUNC(bool) gp_processor_is_p16e_access(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address,
                                              bool Mpasm_compatible);

FUNC(const int*) gp_processor_linear_ram_exist(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_linear_ram_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Address);

FUNC(const int*) gp_processor_idlocs_exist(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_idlocs_org(pic_processor_t Processor, int Org);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_idlocs_byte_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Byte_address);

FUNC(const int*) gp_processor_config_exist(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_config_org(pic_processor_t Processor, int Org);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_config_byte_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Byte_address);

FUNC(const int*) gp_processor_eeprom_exist(pic_processor_t Processor);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_eeprom_org(pic_processor_t Processor, int Org);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_is_eeprom_byte_addr(pic_processor_t Processor, int Byte_address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_rom_width(proc_class_t Class);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_bank_from_addr(proc_class_t Class, int Address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_set_bank(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Num_banks,
                                          unsigned Bank, MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address,
                                          bool Mpasm_compatible);

FUNC(int) gp_processor_check_ibank(proc_class_t Class, int Address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_set_ibank(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Num_banks,
                                           unsigned Bank, MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_check_page(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_set_page(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Num_pages, unsigned Page,
                                          MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, bool Use_wreg);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_page_addr(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Insn_address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_addr_from_page_bits(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Bits);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_processor_retlw(proc_class_t Class);

FUNC(int) gp_processor_byte_from_insn_c(proc_class_t Class, int Insn_address);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_byte_from_insn_p(pic_processor_t Processor, int Insn_address);

FUNC(int) gp_processor_insn_from_byte_c(proc_class_t Class, int Byte_address);
FUNC(int) gp_processor_insn_from_byte_p(pic_processor_t Processor, int Byte_address);

FUNC(const core_sfr_t*) gp_processor_find_sfr(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Address);
FUNC(const char*) gp_processor_find_sfr_name(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Address);
FUNC(const vector_t*) gp_processor_find_vector(proc_class_t Class, unsigned Address);
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