Quelltext /~heha/hs/gputils64-210929.zip/libgputils/gpmemory.h

/* memory header file.
   Copyright 1998-2005
   James Bowman, Scott Dattalo

    Copyright 2014-2016 Molnár Károly

#pragma once

#define MAX_RAM                 0x2000              /* Maximum RAM. */
#define MAX_C_MEM               0x100               /* Maximum configuration memory (only a few bytes are used). */

/* Choose bases such that each base has different hex 04 record. */
#define I_MEM_BITS              16                  /* MemBlock base bit alignment. */
#define I_MEM_MAX               (1 << I_MEM_BITS)   /* MemBlock base alignment. */
#define I_MEM_MASK              (I_MEM_MAX - 1)
#define I_BASE_MASK             I_MEM_MASK

#define IMemAddrFromBase(Base)  ((Base) << I_MEM_BITS)
#define IMemBaseFromAddr(Addr)  (((Addr) >> I_MEM_BITS) & I_BASE_MASK)
#define IMemOffsFromAddr(Addr)  ((Addr) & I_MEM_MASK)

#define W_USED_H                (1 << 1)            /* Used top half of the word. */
#define W_USED_L                (1 << 0)            /* Used bottom half of the word. */
#define W_USED_ALL              (W_USED_H | W_USED_L)

struct proc_class;

/* See beginning of gpmemory.c for documentation. */

struct MemArg_t {
  const char *arg;
  int val,              /* The value of the first argument. */
      offs;             /* If the argument is area then this the offset of the address. */

struct MemArgList_t {
  MemArg_t first,second;

#define W_ADDR_T_BRANCH_SRC     (1 <<  8)           /* Source of a branch there is at this address. */
#define W_ADDR_T_LABEL          (1 <<  9)           /* A label there is at this address. */
#define W_ADDR_T_FUNC           (1 << 10)           /* A function starts at this address. */

#define W_ARG_T_FIRST           (1 << 11)           /* The first argumentum of instruction a known register. */
#define W_ARG_T_SECOND          (1 << 12)           /* The second argumentum of instruction a known register. */
#define W_ARG_T_BOTH            (W_ARG_T_FIRST | W_ARG_T_SECOND) /* Both argumentum of instruction a known register or bit. */
#define W_ARG_T_MASK            W_ARG_T_BOTH

#define W_SECOND_WORD           (1 << 13)           /* PIC16E family, second word of 32 bits instruction. (movff, ...) */
#define W_CONST_DATA            (1 << 14)           /* Data in the code area. */

#define BYTE_LISTED_MASK        (1 << 15)           /* Means already listed. */
#define BYTE_USED_MASK          (1 << 16)           /* Means occupied in MemBlock.memory.data. */

#define W_TYPE_MASK             ((UINT_MAX << 8) & UINT_MAX)

typedef union __attribute__ ((packed)) MemData {
  unsigned all;

  struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
    unsigned byte              : 8;     /* [0-7] The data byte. */

    unsigned is_addr_branch_src: 1;     /* [ 8] W_ADDR_T_BRANCH_SRC */
    unsigned is_addr_label     : 1;     /* [ 9] W_ADDR_T_LABEL */
    unsigned is_addr_func      : 1;     /* [10] W_ADDR_T_FUNC */

    unsigned is_arg_first      : 1;     /* [11] W_ARG_T_FIRST */
    unsigned is_arg_second     : 1;     /* [12] W_ARG_T_SECOND */

    unsigned is_second_word    : 1;     /* [13] W_SECOND_WORD */
    unsigned is_const_data     : 1;     /* [14] W_CONST_DATA */

    unsigned is_byte_listed    : 1;     /* [15] BYTE_LISTED_MASK */
    unsigned is_byte_used      : 1;     /* [16] BYTE_USED_MASK */

  struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
    unsigned       : 8;
    unsigned addr_t: 3;
    unsigned arg_t : 2;
    unsigned       : 2;
    unsigned attr_t: 2;

  struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
    unsigned         : 8;
    unsigned all_attr: 24;
} MemData_t;

typedef struct MemByte {
  MemData_t     data;
  char         *section_name;
  char         *symbol_name;
  unsigned  dest_byte_addr;
  MemArgList_t  args;
} MemByte_t;

typedef struct MemBlock {
  unsigned     base;
  MemByte_t       *memory;
  struct MemBlock *next;
} MemBlock_t;

FUNC(MemBlock_t*) gp_mem_i_create(void);
FUNC(void) gp_mem_i_free(MemBlock_t *M);

FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_is_used(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);
FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_offset_is_used(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_offset);

FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_get(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, uint8_t *Byte,
                               const char **Section_name, const char **Symbol_name);

#ifndef NDEBUG

#define gp_mem_b_assert_get(M, Byte_address, Byte, Section_name, Symbol_name) \
    assert(gp_mem_b_get(M, Byte_address, Byte, Section_name, Symbol_name) != 0)


#define gp_mem_b_assert_get(M, Byte_address, Byte, Section_name, Symbol_name) \
    gp_mem_b_get(M, Byte_address, Byte, Section_name, Symbol_name)


FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_put(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, uint8_t Value,
                         const char *Section_name, const char *Symbol_name);

FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_clear(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_move(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned From_byte_address, unsigned To_byte_address,
                          unsigned Byte_size);

FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_delete(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_delete_area(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Byte_number);

FUNC(unsigned) b_range_memory_used(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned From_byte_address,
                                        unsigned To_byte_address);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_mem_b_used(const MemBlock_t *M);

struct px;

FUNC(void) gp_mem_i_print(const MemBlock_t *M, const struct px *Processor);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_mem_i_offset_is_used_le(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_offset);

extern unsigned gp_mem_i_get_le(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, uint16_t *Word,
                                    const char **Section_name, const char **Symbol_name);

extern unsigned gp_mem_i_offset_is_used_be(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_offset);

extern unsigned gp_mem_i_get_be(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, uint16_t *Word,
                                    const char **Section_name, const char **Symbol_name);

extern void gp_mem_i_put_le(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Word,
                            const char *Section_name, const char *Symbol_name);

extern void gp_mem_i_put_be(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Word,
                            const char *Section_name, const char *Symbol_name);

extern void gp_mem_i_delete(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

FUNC(void) gp_mem_b_set_listed(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned N_bytes);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_mem_b_get_unlisted_size(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_set_addr_type(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Type,
                                         unsigned Dest_byte_addr);

FUNC(unsigned) gp_mem_b_get_addr_type(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address,
                                           const char **Label_name, unsigned *Dest_byte_addr);

FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_set_addr_name(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, const char *Name);

extern bool gp_mem_b_set_args(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Type,
                                    const MemArgList_t *Args);

extern unsigned gp_mem_b_get_args(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, MemArgList_t *Args);

FUNC(bool) gp_mem_b_set_type(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Type);
extern bool gp_mem_b_clear_type(MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address, unsigned Type);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_mem_b_get_type(const MemBlock_t *M, unsigned Byte_address);

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