/* gpcfg.c - handler for pic configurations
Copyright 2006 Michael Ballbach
Copyright 2014-2016 Molnár Károly
#include "gpcfg.h"
static int _cdecl _cmp(void const *P1, void const *P2) {
gp_cfg_device_t const &d1 = *(gp_cfg_device_t const *)P1;
gp_cfg_device_t const &d2 = *(gp_cfg_device_t const *)P2;
return strcasecmp(d1.name, d2.name);
/* Locate a PIC configuration device structure by name. */
const gp_cfg_device_t* gp_cfg_find_pic(const char *Pic) {
gp_cfg_device_t fake_dev = { NULL, 0, NULL };
fake_dev.name = Pic;
return (const gp_cfg_device_t *)bsearch(&fake_dev, gp_cfg_devices, gp_cfg_device_count,
sizeof(gp_cfg_device_t), _cmp);
/* Locate a PIC by name, pass a list of names to use, try each in order. */
FUNC(const gp_cfg_device_t*) gp_cfg_find_pic_multi_name(const char *const *Pics, unsigned Count) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
const gp_cfg_device_t *dev = gp_cfg_find_pic(Pics[i]);
if (dev) return dev;
return NULL;
/* Give the real boundaries of the config address section. */
FUNC(void) gp_cfg_real_config_boundaries(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, int *Address_low, int *Address_high) {
const gp_cfg_addr_t* addr = Device->addresses;
*Address_low = addr[0].address;
*Address_high = addr[Device->address_count - 1].address;
/* Find a configuration directive in a processor's config db. */
FUNC(const gp_cfg_directive_t*) gp_cfg_find_directive(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, const char *Dname, unsigned *Out_config_addr, uint16_t *Out_def_value) {
const gp_cfg_addr_t*addr = Device->addresses;
for (unsigned i = Device->address_count; i; ++addr, --i) {
const gp_cfg_directive_t *dir = addr->directives;
for (unsigned j = addr->directive_count; j; ++dir, --j) {
if (strcasecmp(Dname, dir->name) == 0) {
if (Out_config_addr) *Out_config_addr = addr->address;
if (Out_def_value) *Out_def_value = addr->def_value;
return dir;
return NULL;
/* Lists in brief all configuration in a processor's config db. */
FUNC(void) gp_cfg_brief_device(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, const char *Head, int Addr_digits, int Word_digits, bool Pic18J) {
unsigned i;
unsigned j;
unsigned word_mask;
unsigned mask;
unsigned def_value;
unsigned xinst_mask;
const gp_cfg_addr_t *addr;
const gp_cfg_directive_t *dir;
word_mask = ((UINT_MAX << (Word_digits * 4)) & UINT_MAX) ^ UINT_MAX;
for (i = Device->address_count, addr = Device->addresses; i; ++addr, --i) {
mask = 0;
xinst_mask = 0;
for (j = addr->directive_count, dir = addr->directives; j; ++dir, --j) {
mask |= dir->mask;
if (strcasecmp(dir->name, "XINST") == 0) {
xinst_mask = dir->mask;
def_value = addr->def_value;
if (!Pic18J || ((addr->address & 1) == 0)) {
def_value &= mask;
printf("%s0x%0*X 0x%0*X 0x%0*X", Head, Addr_digits, addr->address, Word_digits, mask,
Word_digits, def_value);
if (xinst_mask > 0) {
printf(" 0x%0*X", Word_digits, (~xinst_mask) & word_mask);
/* Lists all configuration in a processor's config db. */
FUNC(void) gp_cfg_full_list_device(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, const char *Head, int Addr_digits, int Word_digits) {
unsigned headlen;
unsigned i;
unsigned j;
unsigned k;
unsigned len;
unsigned maxlen;
unsigned mask;
unsigned def_value;
const gp_cfg_addr_t *addr;
const gp_cfg_directive_t *dir;
const gp_cfg_option_t **opt;
const char *txt;
headlen = strlen(Head);
/* Determine the maximum length of the option names. */
maxlen = 0;
for (i = Device->address_count, addr = Device->addresses; i; ++addr, --i) {
for (j = addr->directive_count, dir = addr->directives; j; ++dir, --j) {
for (k = dir->option_count, opt = dir->options; k; ++opt, --k) {
len = strlen((*opt)->name);
if (maxlen < len) {
maxlen = len;
for (i = Device->address_count, addr = Device->addresses; i; ++addr, --i) {
for (mask = 0, j = addr->directive_count, dir = addr->directives; j; ++dir, --j) {
mask |= dir->mask;
printf("%saddress = 0x%0*X, mask = 0x%0*X, default = 0x%0*X\n", Head, Addr_digits,
addr->address, Word_digits, mask, Word_digits, addr->def_value);
for (j = addr->directive_count, dir = addr->directives; j; ++dir, --j) {
def_value = addr->def_value & dir->mask;
printf("%*s%s\n", headlen, "Directive: ", dir->name);
for (k = dir->option_count, opt = dir->options; k; ++opt, --k) {
if (def_value == (*opt)->value) {
txt = " (default)";
else {
txt = "";
printf("%*s %-*s = 0x%0*X%s\n", headlen, "Option: ", maxlen, (*opt)->name,
Word_digits, (*opt)->value, txt);
/* Locate an option for a directive. Return it or NULL. */
FUNC(const gp_cfg_option_t*) gp_cfg_find_option(const gp_cfg_directive_t *Directive, const char *Option) {
unsigned i;
const gp_cfg_option_t **opt;
for (i = Directive->option_count, opt = Directive->options; i; ++opt, --i) {
if (strcasecmp((*opt)->name, Option) == 0) {
return *opt;
return NULL;
/* Find a configuration in a processor's config db. */
const gp_cfg_addr_t * gp_cfg_find_config(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, unsigned Address) {
unsigned i;
const gp_cfg_addr_t *addr;
for (i = Device->address_count, addr = Device->addresses; i; ++addr, --i) {
if (addr->address == Address) {
return addr;
return NULL;
/* Return 0xffff or the default for the address and device passed. */
FUNC(uint16_t) gp_cfg_get_default(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, unsigned Address)
const gp_cfg_addr_t *addr;
addr = gp_cfg_find_config(Device, Address);
return ((addr) ? addr->def_value : 0xFFFF);
FUNC(unsigned) gp_cfg_decode_directive(const gp_cfg_device_t *Device, unsigned Address, unsigned Value,
gp_cfg_addr_hit_t *Hit) {
unsigned i;
unsigned j;
unsigned count;
const gp_cfg_addr_t *addr;
const gp_cfg_directive_t *dir;
const gp_cfg_option_t **opt;
unsigned val;
unsigned max;
unsigned len;
if ((addr = gp_cfg_find_config(Device, Address)) == NULL) {
return 0;
Hit->def_value = addr->def_value;
count = 0;
max = 0;
for (i = addr->directive_count, dir = addr->directives; i; ++dir, --i) {
val = Value & dir->mask;
for (j = dir->option_count, opt = dir->options; j; ++opt, --j) {
if (count >= GP_CFG_ADDR_HIT_MAX) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s(): The size of gp_cfg_addr_hit_t too small!\n", "gp_cfg_decode_directive");
goto exit_loop;
if (val == (*opt)->value) {
Hit->pairs[count].directive = dir;
Hit->pairs[count].option = *opt;
len = strlen(dir->name);
if (max < len) {
max = len;
Hit->pair_count = count;
Hit->max_dir_width = max;
return count;
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