Source file: /~heha/hs/

MZ@	!L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

$A~3]]]]R]]\6]?Y]V]Rich]PELxMa @*0@PB	@,<.text\  `.data0$@.sxdata@&@ !&H-\-U|------.. .*.2.:.D.N.V.`.l.v...........
//(/:/N/MICROCHIP_MAGIC_v2MICROCHIP_MAGIC_v1bbinarycmnemonicsffilehhelpnno-namesssectionstrict-optionstsymbolvversionxfexportFILEyextendedPrint binary data.Decode special mnemonics.File header.Show this usage message.Suppress filenames.Section data.If this is set, then an option may not be parameter of an another option. For example: -x --symbolSymbol table.Show version.Export symbols to include file.Enable 18xx extended mode.; from %s

; generated by %s on %s
gpvo-1.6.0 #2108 (Sep 24 2021); %s
wThe "%s" is not a valid object file.
  Processor independent file for a core.
  The COFF file produced utilizing the Extended mode.
  Local symbols have been stripped.
  The MPASM assembler object file is from absolute assembly code.
  Line numbers have been stripped.
  File is executable.
  Relocation info has been stripped.
Characteristics      %#x
Number of Symbols    %u
Number of Sections   %u
Time Stamp           %s
Processor Type       %s
COFF version         %#x: %s
unknownCOFF File and Optional Headers
0x%0*x%s    0x%08x  %11d  %-25s %-s
Relocations Table
Address     Offset      Offset       Type                        Symbol
            (hex)       (dec)
0x%04x %-20s%-8i  0x%0*x%s    %s
Line Number Table
Line      Address     Symbol
%0*x:  %02x
%0*x:  %04x
%0*x:  %04x  %s
  Contains the activation record for a function.
  Available using access bit.
  Overlaid with other sections from different objects modules.
  Shared across banks.
  Initialized data for ROM.
  Uninitialized data.
  Initialized data.
  Executable code.
Flags                   %#x
Number of Line Numbers  %u
Number of Relocations   %u
Size of Section         %u
Virtual address         %#x
Physical address        %#x
Name                    %s
Section Header
       flags         = 0x%08x
       line included = %u
       file          = %s
       number of line numbers = %u
       number of relocations  = %u
       length                 = %u
       string  = "%s"
       command = '%c'
       string = "%s"
       is_interrupt = %u
       callee       = %s
higher order%02x%u  %04u %-24s %-16s 0x%08lx %-8s %-12s %-9s %u
Bad num.: %uUNDEFINEDABSOLUTEDEBUGIdx  Name                     Section          Value      Type     DT           Class     NumAux
Symbol Table
%u  extern %s ; %s
unknown(%u)%sunsigned short longshort longlong doubleunsigned longunsigned intunsigned shortunsigned charenum memberenumunionstructdoublefloatlong intintshortcharvoidNULL

Binary object file contents:
Object file size = %li bytes
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