Quelltext /~heha/hs/esptool.zip/info.cpp

#include "info.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

namespace esp{
static const Info1 info1[]={
 {"8266",  66,0xFFF0C101},
 {"32",    32,0x00F01D83},
 {"32S2",   2,0x000007C6},
 {"32S3b2", 4,0xEB004136},
 {"32C3e2", 5,0x6921506F},
 {"32C3e3", 5,0x6921506F},
 {"32C3e6", 5,0x6921506F},
 {"32C3e7", 5,0x6921506F},
 {"32C6b",  7,0x0DA1806F},
 {"32S3",   9,0x00000009},
 {"32C6",  13,0x2CE0806F},
 {"32H2",  16,0xD7B73E80},
 {"32P4",  18,0x00000000},
};	// 13 Chips, davon 32C3 mit 4 IDs und 32C2 mit 2 IDs

const Info1*find1(Chipmagic chip) {
 if (chip==undefined) return 0;
 for (int i=0; i<elemof(info1); i++) {
  const Info1&cur=info1[i];
  if (Chipmagic(cur.magic)==chip) return&cur;
 return 0;

const Info1*find1(char image_id) {
 if (!image_id) return 0;
 for (int i=0; i<elemof(info1); i++) {
  const Info1&cur=info1[i];
  if (cur.image_chip_id==image_id) return&cur;
 return 0;

const Info1*find1(const char*chip) {
 if (!chip) return 0;
 if (!StrCmpNIA(chip,"esp",3)) chip+=3;	// skip optional "ESP" prefix
 for (int i=0; i<elemof(info1); i++) {
  const Info1&cur=info1[i];
  int k=StrCSpnA(cur.name,"Ee");	// E-Suffix ignorieren
  if (!StrCmpNIA(cur.name,chip,k)) return&cur;
 return 0;

static const Info2 info2[]={
// H-Teile bestimmter Adressbereiche, zurzeit unklar
 {66,     0,     0,     0,     0,0x60000200},			// ESP8266
 {32,0x400D,0x4040,0x3F40,0x3F80,0x3FF42000,0x3FF5A000},	// ESP32
 { 2,0x4008,0x40B8,0x3F00,0x3F3F,0x3F402000,0x3F41A030},	// ESP32S2
 { 9,0x4200,0x4400,0x3C00,0x3E00,0x60002000,0x60007030},	// ESP32S3
 {12,0x4200,0x4240,0x3C00,0x3C40},				// ESP32C2
 { 5,0x4200,0x4280,0x3C00,0x3C80,0x60002000,0x60008830},	// ESP32C3
 {16,0x4200,0x4280,0x3C00,0x3C80,0x60002000,0x6001A030},	// ESP32H2
 {13,0x4200,0x4280,0x4280,0x4300,0x60003000,0x600B0830},	// ESP32C6
 {18,0x4000,0x4C00,0x4000,0x4C00,0x5008D000,0x5012D030},	// ESP32P4
};	// 9 tatsächlich verschiedene Chips, die durch coerceBetas() aus den 13 zusammengefasst werden

static char coerceBetas(char image_id) {
 switch (image_id) {
  case  4: return  9;	// ESP32S3b2 => ESP32S3
  case 10:		// ESP32H2b1 => ESP32H2
  case 14: return 16;	// ESP32H2b2 => ESP32H2
  case  7: return 13;	// ESP32C6b  => ESP32C6
 return image_id;

const Info2*find2(char image_id) {
 if (!image_id) return 0;
 for (int i=0; i<elemof(info2); i++) {
  const Info2&cur=info2[i];
  if (cur.image_chip_id==image_id) return&cur;
 return 0;

const byte*stub(char image_id) {
 return (const byte*)LockResource(LoadResource(0,FindResource(0,MAKEINTRESOURCE(image_id),RT_RCDATA)));

/*  Calculate checkbyte of a blob, as it is defined by the ROM  */
byte xor8(const void*data, int dlen, byte state) {
 const byte*d=reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data);
 if (dlen) do state^=*d++; while(--dlen);
 return state;

struct Memarea{
 unsigned aadr,eadr;
 const char*name;

template<byte N>struct Memareas{
 char id[3];	// up to 3 chip IDs
 byte n;	// must match to N
 Memarea areas[N];

static const struct Memareass{
 Memareas<4>  mem8266;
 Memareas<15> mem32;
 Memareas<12> mem32s2;
 Memareas<12> mem32s3;
 Memareas<8>  mem32c2;
 Memareas<11> mem32c3;
 Memareas<11> mem32c6;
 {66},4,	// ESP8266
 {{0x3FF00000, 0x3FF00010, "DPORT"},
  {0x3FFE8000, 0x40000000, "DRAM"},
  {0x40100000, 0x40108000, "IRAM"},
  {0x40201010, 0x402E1010, "IROM"}}
 {32,18},15,	// ESP32, ESP32P4
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x3F400000, 0x3F800000, "DROM"},
  {0x3F800000, 0x3FC00000, "EXTRAM_DATA"},
  {0x3FF80000, 0x3FF82000, "RTC_DRAM"},
  {0x3FF90000, 0x40000000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x3FFAE000, 0x40000000, "DRAM"},
  {0x3FFE0000, 0x3FFFFFFC, "DIRAM_DRAM"},
  {0x40000000, 0x40070000, "IROM"},
  {0x40070000, 0x40078000, "CACHE_PRO"},
  {0x40078000, 0x40080000, "CACHE_APP"},
  {0x40080000, 0x400A0000, "IRAM"},
  {0x400A0000, 0x400BFFFC, "DIRAM_IRAM"},
  {0x400C0000, 0x400C2000, "RTC_IRAM"},
  {0x400D0000, 0x40400000, "IROM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50002000, "RTC_DATA"}}
 {2},12,	// ESP32S2
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x3F000000, 0x3FF80000, "DROM"},
  {0x3F500000, 0x3FF80000, "EXTRAM_DATA"},
  {0x3FF9E000, 0x3FFA0000, "RTC_DRAM"},
  {0x3FF9E000, 0x40000000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x3FF9E000, 0x40072000, "mem_internal"},
  {0x3FFB0000, 0x40000000, "DRAM"},
  {0x40000000, 0x4001A100, "IROM_MASK"},
  {0x40020000, 0x40070000, "IRAM"},
  {0x40070000, 0x40072000, "RTC_IRAM"},
  {0x40080000, 0x40800000, "IROM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50002000, "RTC_DATA"}}
 {9},12,	//ESP32S3
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x3C000000, 0x3D000000, "DROM"},
  {0x3D000000, 0x3E000000, "EXTRAM_DATA"},
  {0x600FE000, 0x60100000, "RTC_DRAM"},
  {0x3FC88000, 0x3FD00000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x3FC88000, 0x403E2000, "mem_internal"},
  {0x3FC88000, 0x3FD00000, "DRAM"},
  {0x40000000, 0x4001A100, "IROM_MASK"},
  {0x40370000, 0x403E0000, "IRAM"},
  {0x600FE000, 0x60100000, "RTC_IRAM"},
  {0x42000000, 0x42800000, "IROM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50002000, "RTC_DATA"}}
 {12},8,	//ESP32C2
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x3C000000, 0x3C400000, "DROM"},
  {0x3FCA0000, 0x3FCE0000, "DRAM"},
  {0x3FC88000, 0x3FD00000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x3FF00000, 0x3FF50000, "DROM_MASK"},
  {0x40000000, 0x40090000, "IROM_MASK"},
  {0x42000000, 0x42400000, "IROM"},
  {0x4037C000, 0x403C0000, "IRAM"}}
 {12},11,	//ESP32C3
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x3C000000, 0x3C800000, "DROM"},
  {0x3FC80000, 0x3FCE0000, "DRAM"},
  {0x3FC88000, 0x3FD00000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x3FF00000, 0x3FF20000, "DROM_MASK"},
  {0x40000000, 0x40060000, "IROM_MASK"},
  {0x42000000, 0x42800000, "IROM"},
  {0x4037C000, 0x403E0000, "IRAM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50002000, "RTC_IRAM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50002000, "RTC_DRAM"},
  {0x600FE000, 0x60100000, "mem_internal2"}}
 {13,16},11,	// ESP32C6, ESP32H2
 {{0x00000000, 0x00010000, "padding"},
  {0x42800000, 0x43000000, "DROM"},
  {0x40800000, 0x40880000, "DRAM"},
  {0x40800000, 0x40880000, "byte_accessible"},
  {0x4004AC00, 0x40050000, "DROM_MASK"},
  {0x40000000, 0x4004AC00, "IROM_MASK"},
  {0x42000000, 0x42800000, "IROM"},
  {0x40800000, 0x40880000, "IRAM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50004000, "RTC_IRAM"},
  {0x50000000, 0x50004000, "RTC_DRAM"},
  {0x600FE000, 0x60100000, "mem_internal2"}}

String<80>memareas(char image_id,unsigned A, unsigned E) {
 if (!image_id) return buf;
 const Memareas<16>*areas=reinterpret_cast<const Memareas<16>*>(&memareass);
 for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
  for (int j=0; j<3; j++) if (image_id==areas->id[j]) {
   const Memarea*area=areas->areas;
   bool komma=false;
   for (int k=0; k<areas->n; k++,area++) {
    if (A < area->eadr && E >= area->aadr) {
   if (komma) print("%c",']');
   return buf;
  areas=reinterpret_cast<const Memareas<16>*>(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(areas)+4+areas->n*sizeof(Memarea));
 return buf;

Vorgefundene Kodierung: UTF-80