Version 1.3,   Dec 31, 2002:

The following changes have been made to the ASEM-51 package, since version 1.3b3 (V1.3 Beta 3):

I. Bug Fixes

ASEM V1.3b3 flagged the following instructions

ADD A, direct
ADDC A, direct
SUBB A, direct
ANL A, direct
ORL A, direct
XRL A, direct
MOV A, direct
XCH A, direct
with the error message @@@@@ illegal operand @@@@@, if the direct expression started with a '('. The bug is fixed in ASEM V1.3.

When asem 1.3b3 tried to write to a busy character device under Linux, it aborted with an unspecific error message, e.g.

@@@@@ fatal I/O error 16: /dev/lp0 @@@@@
This is fixed in V1.3. The new runtime error message is looking like
@@@@@ device or resource busy: /dev/lp0 @@@@@

II. Support of 8051 Derivatives

With this version, new and updated processor definition files are provided:

FileStatusManufacturerDerivatives covered
C505.MCUnInfineon C505-2R, C505-L
C505C.MCUnInfineon C505C-2R, C505C-L
C505A.MCUnInfineon C505A-4E, C505A-L
C505CA.MCUnInfineon C505CA-4E, C505CA-L
C505L.MCUnInfineon C505L
C508.MCUnInfineon C508-4R, C508-4E
C868.MCUnInfineon C868-1R, C868-1S
80C32X2.MCUnPhilips 80C31X2, 80C32X2, 80C51X2, 80C52X2, 80C54X2, 80C58X2, 87C51X2, 87C52X2, 87C54X2, 87C58X2, 89C51X2, 89C52X2, 89C54X2, 89C58X2

Status:   n=new, r=renamed, m=modified, c=commented

Credits:   Michael R. has sent me 80C32X2.MCU.


Version 1.3b3,   June 25, 2002:

These are the longest release notes I have ever written for an ASEM-51 version. It seems that I had always some spare time to support, maintain, change, extend, improve and port it over and over for many years, but never to publish an official new release.
The release notes would become even more lengthy (and boring), if I only tried to explain the reasons I still remember. Let's say, ASEM-51 and its author simply are victims of circumstances!     (smile)

  1. New Features
    1. Host Platforms
    2. Assembler
    3. MS-DOS Implementation
    4. Support of 8051 Derivatives
    5. Documentation

  2. Bug Fixes