I.3 MS-DOS Implementation

A batch file INSTALL.BAT has been provided to install or update the ASEM-51 package under MS-DOS or Windows.
The batch file KILLASEM.BAT deletes an existing ASEM-51 installation.

Due to a new parser concept and assembly language optimizations in lexical analysis and symbol table, ASEM.EXE is now running up to 20% faster.

ASEM and HEXBIN can now also read ASCII files in UNIX format!

The obsolete field separator '=' for ASEM and HEXBIN command line options is no longer accepted under MS-DOS. From version 1.3 only ':' is allowed.

The former RESET program has been renamed to RESET51, due to name conflicts. It can now also form a reset pulse by dropping the DTR signal of a serial port. BOOT51.DOC has been updated accordingly.