Source file: /~heha/ewa/Motor/

// USB-Gerät: Maus + CDC + WebUSB
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>		// uint32_t
#include <inc/hw_types.h>	// uint8_t
#include <inc/hw_memmap.h>	// USBA_BASE

namespace usb{

#ifdef __TMS320C28XX__
//const uint32_t INT_USB = INT_USBA;
const uint32_t BASE = USBA_BASE;	// USB Define for C28x.
//const uint32_t INT_USB = INT_USB0;
const uint32_t BASE = USB0_BASE;	// USB Define for CM.

// USB-Request als Byte-struct erspart Alignment-Probleme
struct tRequest{
  uint8_t bmRequestType,// Determines the type and direction of the request.
  bRequest,		// Identifies the specific request being made.
  wValueL, wValueH,	// Word-sized field that varies according to the request.
  wIndexL, wIndexH,	// Word-sized field that varies according to the request.
  wLengthL, wLengthH;	// The number of bytes to transfer if there is a data stage to the request.
  uint16_t wRequest() const {return bRequest<<8|bmRequestType;}
  uint16_t wValue() const {return wValueH<<8|wValueL;}
  uint16_t wIndex() const {return wIndexH<<8|wIndexL;}
  uint16_t wLength() const {return wLengthH<<8|wLengthL;}
  void limitLength(unsigned&l) const {if (l>wLength()) l=wLength();}
  void limitLength(volatile unsigned&l) const {if (l>wLength()) l=wLength();}
  operator uint8_t*() {return &bmRequestType;}

// Generate two-byte, three-byte, and four-byte value for USB descriptors
#define USB2(v)  (v) & 0xff, (v) >> 8
#define USB3(v)  USB2((v)&0xFFFF), (v)>> 16
#define USB4(v)  USB2((v)&0xFFFF), USB2((v)>>16)

struct tDevice {
  virtual ~tDevice() {}
  virtual void idle() {}
  virtual bool cbGetDescriptor(const tRequest&)		{return false;}
  virtual bool cbRequestHandler(const tRequest&)	{return false;}
  virtual void onReset()		{devstat &= ~2;	config = 0;}
  virtual void onDisconnect()		{onReset();}
  virtual void onSOF()			{}
  uint8_t config;	// 0 = unconfigured, !=0 = configured
  uint8_t devstat;	// Bit 0: SelfPower, Bit 1: RemoteWakeupEnabled

  bool Init();
  void Term();
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t*,unsigned, const tRequest&);
  void PowerStatusSet(bool selfpower) {if (selfpower) devstat|=1; else devstat&=~1;}
  void poll();
  void pollEP0();
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t*,unsigned);

#pragma diag_suppress 2827	// override is C++11
struct tMyDevice:public tDevice{
  uint32_t sofcnt;
  bool StateChange(uint8_t ui8Buttons, int8_t i8DeltaX,int8_t i8DeltaY);
  bool SendReport(uint8_t *pi8Data, unsigned len);	// hier: len <= 64!
  uint8_t inrep[3];
  virtual bool cbRequestHandler(const tRequest&) override;
  virtual bool cbGetDescriptor(const tRequest&rq) override;
  virtual void onSOF() override {sofcnt++; tDevice::onSOF();}
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