Source file: /~heha/basteln/PC/hh_vts/

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tutë笫_ZYVWU]_^nڌD3£$(0D&,68j9.5!E%!#%!$%!?%!hPPcPNiPPcP:3[SYt@SYt@X3Xǖ9sWT!NX[YZ^_]ϸYPD hooks three I/O ports.
	movzx	edx, WORD PTR [VPD_BIOS_Base_Addr][ecx*2]
	test	edx, edx			; Q: Is there a printer here?
	jz	SHORT VPD_Init_Next_LPT 	;    N: Test next one
	mov	[esi.VPD_IO_Base], edx		;    Y: Save port base addr
	inc	edi				; One more LPT virtualized
	test	dh, dh				; Q: Hardware port? (> 0FFh)
	jz	SHORT VPD_Init_Next_LPT 	;    N: Network printer!
	cmp	esi, [VPD_Sgrab_LPT]		;    Y: Q: SGRAB using it?
	je	SHORT VPD_Init_Next_LPT 	;	   Y: Don't trap I/O
						;	   N: Hook I/O ports
;   Some networks place the I/O address for LPT1 into the LPT2 and LPT3
;   base address fields.  Make sure that hasn't happened.
	cmp	esi, OFFSET32 VPD_LPT1
	je	SHORT VPD_Hardware_Port
	cmp	[VPD_LPT1.VPD_IO_Base], edx
	je	SHORT VPD_Duplicate_IO_Port
	cmp	esi, OFFSET32 VPD_LPT2
	je	SHORT VPD_Hardware_Port
	cmp	[VPD_LPT2.VPD_IO_Base], edx
	jne	SHORT VPD_Hardware_Port
	.ERRNZ VPD_Max_Virt_LPTs - 3

VPD_Duplicate_IO_Port:				; I/O base address duplicated
	mov	[esi.VPD_IO_Base], 1		; Set IO base to 1 to indicate
	jmp	SHORT VPD_Init_Next_LPT 	; a network printer port

;   This is a physical printer port.  Hook the I/O ports starting with
;   port # in EDX.
	push	ecx				; Save loop counter
	push	esi				; and data structure pointer

	mov	esi, [esi.VPD_Proc_Addr]	; ESI -> Procedure to call
	mov	ecx, VPD_Num_Ports_Per_LPT	; ECX = # of ports to hook
	VMMcall Install_IO_Handler		; Install port hook
	inc	edx				; EDX = Next LPT port to hook
	loopd	VPD_ITrap_Loop			; Loop until all hooked

	pop	esi				; Restore
	pop	ecx

	add	esi, SIZE VPD_Struc		; ESI -> Next data structure
	inc	ecx				; Bump counter
	cmp	ecx, VPD_Max_Virt_LPTs		; Q: More LPTs to init?
	jb	VPD_Init_Loop			;    Y: Loop

;   All printer ports hooked.  At this point we check to see if there are
;   any printers (network or hardware) connected.  If there are none then
;   VPD_Device_Init will return with carry SET to indicate that it should
;   never be called again.  If any printers do exist then VPD hooks IRQ 7
;   hardware interrupt an
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