Source file: /~heha/basteln/PC/USB2LPT/

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$X-0-#R22$2$lEEEEEEE	-	-EEE-EEEE&&&&&&&&&USB to parallel converterUSB2LPT Versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7 (High-Speed)Installation Manual
Converter from USB to parallel port (25 pin SubD receptacle) with hardware virtualization at input/output instruction level
Supports all parallel port modes named SPP, EPP and ECP, 16 Byte FIFO depth
USB High Speed (480 Mbit/s signaling; 8 kByte/s at input/output instructions)
Supports USB suspend mode with reduced power consumption
Multifunction device with extra USB to parallel printer support in accordance to USB printer class specification
Full open-source, even for schematics and PCBs
System requirements
PC or notebook with a free USB socket; maybe over an external USB hub
Microsoft Windows98, WindowsMe, Windows2000, XP, Vista, Windows7, 8(registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Washington, U.S.A.)
Parallel-port software with well-behaved accesses to parallel port, usually with a user-selectable port address

Windows95 is not suitable. For Linux, someone should adopt (i.e. re-write) the driver.DOS programs are supported too.
For unknown reason there are some limitations when using USB2LPT on WindowsXP or newer. These limitations are described below.
USB2LPT almost never work with software protection devices (dongles). The reason is that dongle driver software usually prevents trapping of parallel port accesses, to make cracking the dongle more difficult.
Get the driver
If no accompanying driver diskette is available, or you dont have a diskette drive, download the driver from the following web address:HYPERLINK " um den PC/USB2LPT/"

On this web address, an updated driver may be available.
Unpack and decompress this archive file into a folder of your choice or a diskette.

This file contains complete driver source code too, best compilable with Visual C++ 6.0 and Windows 98 DDK, but not schematics and PCBs.
For more information and sources, visit the web page HYPERLINK " um den PC/USB2LPT/index.htm.en"
Plug the device
Plug the USB2LPT device with the accompanying cable, preferrable to that USB socket where you want use the device later.

The yellow LED lights up, and flashes on any USB activity.
The blue LED lights up when USB High-Speed connection is in use.

The Found New Hardware Wizard occurs. Proceed like shown in the following screenshots.The screenshots are taken from Windows 2000. There are some differences to other Windows versions. Automatic internet driver installation will always fail as this driver is not certified and (therefore) not included in any Microsoft service pack.
The Hardware Wizard shows Composite USB Device  do not confuse  this is indeed the USB2LPT device.

Check the button Search for a suitable driver for my device, and proceed by clicking Next.
Click Specify a location to select the folder where you have unpacked the downloaded file  oder leave Floppy disk drives checked if you have a diskette. Use the two-letter language directory (e.g. en for English) you prefer. Currently, 14 languages are available.

Install usb2lpt.inf by clicking Next. On Windows2000 and successors, you have to confirm execution of uncertified drivers. Moreover, you must have Administrator privileges to install the driver.
For x64 systems, you need any utility that overrides the driver signature enforcement.

A final installation page allows you selecting the emulated address and trapping method.
Make more settings
Open Device Manager, and locate the three entries for the USB2LPT device, as shown below.
Problem, on WindowsXP only:
The CoInstaller is not called for unknown reason. As a side effect, LPT3 is shown initially. However, USB2LPT itself assigns to the next free parallel port name (usually LPT1). Displaying the real assignment is possible using Properties dialog.

Reboot request:
The current driver implementation allows changing the LPT device name but the driver reactivates only after a reboot.Note that most software is not really interested in that device name.
Open the properties page for h#s USB to LPT converter, and click on tab Emulation.
Change settings in accordance to your software that accesses the parallel port.
The port name shown (LPT1 etc.) is only a hint and has no relation to real port name assigment (as shown in the title bar). Most software ignores the port name.
Settings not known by the user should be left unchanged.
Important to know: Windows saves these settings separately for every USB socket. Therefore, if you change the socket where you plug the USB2LPT, you must repeat this setting change.Alternatively, you can activate the serial number to be visible as USB descriptor. In this case, settings are bound to the serial number.
Now advance by clicking on tab Statistics, and let stay this property sheet open and visible. So you have an idea how and when USB2LPT works.
Connect your hardware to the 25 pin SubD receptacle of USB2LPT converter, start your software, and observe the counters. Best action is counting at READ/WRITE_PORT_UCHAR redirection. You may disable debug register usage in the previous property page to increase system stability.

Unlike shown in these property sheet pages, redirection via debug register is not implemented in the 64-bit version of the driver. As a 64-bit Windows version requires 64-bit drivers, the 64-bit version is automatically installed and used. The only chance to use the (fully functional) 32-bit driver on a 64-bit system is in a Virtual Machine.This device and driver should work on Windows Server 2003, 2008, and in virtual environments. However, as I cannot test all scenarios, its unsupported by me.

The driver is now fully multiprocessor (SMP) safe. This includes equality of debug register states among the different processors.

Installation of printing support (Windows98 only)
Windows98 has no built-in support for USB printers. Therefore, Windows requests supplying another driver for it. The necessary driver files are located on installation diskette oder in the archive file in folder usbprint.
Moreover, this driver supports all flavors of USB to printer adapters, and most USB printers. So you never need a driver anymore, and you may get USB printers to work not officially designed for Windows98.
Use  and questions
First use was part of installation described above.
To save trouble, use always the same USB socket when using the USB2LPT device. Now use your software, as you have a real parallel port.

Whether your software is already checked to run with USB2LPT, or you have to make some special precautions, please read the following web page:HYPERLINK " um den PC/USB2LPT/liste.htm"

For answerring frequently asked questions, please read:
HYPERLINK " um den PC/USB2LPT/faq.htm"

For specific questions, please email to me:
Related products
USB2LPT Low Speed (Versions 1.5, 1.6)
For a couple of applications, a more easily cloneable USB2LPT low-speed version is available. This device is built up using cheap ATmega48 / ATmega8 and V-USB by  HYPERLINK "" Objective Development. The differences to high-speed devices are:

USB low-speed (1,5 Mbit/s signaling; 1 kByte/s for input/output instructions maximum)
No built-in USB printing support, however, 1.6 has HID support
Possibly unstable operation, especially on some extension cords and USB outlets

The same driver can be used with the low-speed device, so the installation procedure above is the same.
A low-speed device may be sufficient for following applications:

Relais card, Triac card
Stepper motor control (step frequency j" 1000 Hz) as for astronomical positioners
Programmer, but merely for very small chips
Amateur radio equipment, like Software-Defined Radio tuning
LC display (text displays only; seems too slow for graphic displays)
USB2LPT 1.8 (Full-Speed)
To overcome problems with bulk transfers on Windows Vista and newer, an easy-to-clone and highly reliable solution with AT90USB162 is in development. The PCB is suited for handicrafting, and the chip ensures 5V compliant I/O.
LPT Checker
For watching the digital levels of the 17 wires of a parallel port, a simple LED display is often sufficient. This dongle-like device can be easily connected into the parallel cable, for better observing the LEDs, using a simple extension cable. Except for debugging, such a device is well suited for education, as for a beginners robotics lesson.
For more information, please read the following web page (German only)HYPERLINK " um den PC/lptchk/"
Dongle emulator
This software-only solution tries to guess IN answers after repeating OUT instructions of a dongle-accessing software. This program has an English GUI too, but a German-only help file.

This program doesnt work on WindowsXP and newer.
The new inpout32.dll supports USB2LPT natively, so no Driver Sign Enforcement Overrider is needed. Moreover, it has a built-in redirection feature for USB-to-printer converters, and for non-standard addresses of PCI/PCIexpress LPT cards.
Send the device and the USB cable back to the following address:


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Riesaer Strae 25c
01665 Nieschtz

The package must be sufficiently paid by sender.
If device re-use is possible, you can get money back to an account of your choice.



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