Datei /~heha/basteln/PC/SF-Interface/

DM166RD, DM166WR:

Programs for backup and restore of data of a
"Royal DM166 plus"
"personal organizer and auto phone dialer".

Runs both on plain DOS as in any Windows' DOS window.

What you need is a serial link cable (see SF-Interface)
but with reverse RxD/TxD connection, or you modify your
pocket organizer.

Both programs default to use COM2, if available, else COM1.
These programs have German messages, but may be easily
translated and recompiled with Borland Pascal 7 or similar tool.

Start DM166RD, giving a file name where you want to save data.
An extension .ROY is automatically appended if you give none.
If a file with same name already exist, it will be overwritten
without a warning.
Then touch "link" and "T" on your organizer.
Note that 300 Baud is _very_ slow.

Touch "link", then "R" and "2".
Then start DM166WR, giving the file name you want to restore.
An extension .ROY is automatically appended if you give none.

You may override COM port assignment with /C1 for COM1, /C2
for COM2 etc.

This is to make the backup readable e.g. for a text editor.
Put this file as script to any SED program with
sed -f aread.sed <infile.roy >outfile.txt

Lisence + Warranty:
These programs are freeware, you may do with it what you want.
No warranty!

haftmann#software, 2000-2004
Vorgefundene Kodierung: ASCII (7 bit)2