Quelltext /~heha/Mikrocontroller/Displays/utft/uno-itdb28.zip/UTFT.h

#ifndef UTFT_h
#define UTFT_h

// User configuration
#define disp_ILI9325D
#define DISP_X_SIZE 240
#define DISP_Y_SIZE 320
#define P_RS PORTC
#define B_RS 0x20	// RS
#define P_WR PORTC
#define B_WR 0x10	// WR
#define P_CS PORTC
#define B_CS 0x08	// CS
//#define P_RST PORTC
//#define B_RST 0x04	// RST

#define DISP_PRINTF	// include printf functions (consumes 

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
class __FlashStringHelper;
#define F(s) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper*>(PSTR(s)))
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdio.h>	// FILE
#include <stdarg.h>	// va_list

#define UTFT_VERSION	282

#define PORTRAIT 0
#define LANDSCAPE 5

// VGA color palette
#define VGA_BLACK	0x0000
#define VGA_WHITE	0xFFFF
#define VGA_RED		0xF800
#define VGA_GREEN	0x07E0
#define VGA_BLUE	0x001F
#define VGA_SILVER	0xC618
#define VGA_GRAY	0x8410
#define VGA_MAROON	0x8000
#define VGA_YELLOW	0xFFE0
#define VGA_OLIVE	0x8400
#define VGA_LIME	0x07E0
#define VGA_AQUA	0x07FF
#define VGA_TEAL	0x0410
#define VGA_NAVY	0x0010
#define VGA_FUCHSIA	0xF81F
#define VGA_PURPLE	0x8010

#define ENDPIX	0x01	// set last pixel of a line; include end position for rectangles
#define TRANS	0x02	// font/bitblt operations use stencil transparency omitting background color
#define COOKED	0x04	// process '\n' character
#define MOVE	0x10	// given coordinates add to current position

#define pulse_high(reg, bitmask) reg|=bitmask; reg&=~(bitmask);
#define pulse_low(reg, bitmask)  reg&=~(bitmask); reg|=bitmask;

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;

extern const byte BigFont[] PROGMEM;
extern const byte SmallFont[] PROGMEM;
extern const byte SevenSegNumFont[] PROGMEM;

extern int deb1,deb2;

#define SWAP(x,y) ({typeof(x) __t=x; x=y; y=__t;})

struct _current_font {
 const byte*bits;
 char cx;	// width of character; negative for proporional fonts
 char cy;	// height of character
 byte first;	// first character code
 byte count;	// number of character codes

struct POINT {int x,y;};

#define RGB(r,g,b) ((r)<<8&0xF800|(g)<<5&0x7E0|(b)>>3&0x1F)

 class UTFT {
// avoid intermediate calculations and stack movements using a couple of dependent variables
// All capital-letter coordinates are (Physical) DISPLAY coordinates
// All small-letter coordinates are (logical) user-space coordinates
 int X,Y;	// start point
 int XE,YE;	// end point
 int XO,YO;	// zero coordinate, used for absolute gotoXY() and targetXY()
 int L,T,R,B;	// window coordinates, in display coordinates, INCLUDING right/bottom, possibly clipped
 int W,H;	// width and height, ALWAYS POSITIVE
  int L,T,R,B;	// clipping area, in display coordinates, INCLUDING right/bottom
 }clip;		// Note: clipping is ALWAYS in effect!
 int XC,YC;	// start offset during clipping, 0 = no left/top clipping
// byte ori;	// bit 0: Y counts first (for bitblts)
		// bit 1: X counts downwards
		// bit 2: Y counts downwards
		// bit 3: valid after clipping
 bool clipX();
 bool clipY()		{return ((UTFT*)((int*)this+1))->clipX();}
 bool clipOk() const;	// check X,Y against clip
 void calcRect()	{calcRectX();calcRectY();}
 void calcRectX();	// from X,XE -> L,R,W
 void calcRectY()	{((UTFT*)((int*)this+1))->calcRectX();}
 void setClip(int l,int t,int r, int b);
 void InitLCD(byte orientation=0);
 void gotoXY(int x,int y);	// sets X/Y, prepares point setting and text output
 void targetXY(int x,int y);	// sets XE/YE, prepares bitmap output
 void targetWH(int w,int h)			{flags|=MOVE; targetXY(w,h);}
 void gotoXYWH(int x,int y,int w,int h)		{gotoXY(x,y); targetWH(w,h); calcRect();}
 void clrOrg()					{YO=XO=0;}
 void setOrg(int xo,int yo);
 void clrScr()					{fillScr(bc);}	// fills clipping area, not the screen!
 void clrClip()					{setClip(-8192,-8192,8192,8192);}	// sets clipping rectangle to entire screen
 void drawPixel();
 void drawPixel(int x,int y)			{gotoXY(x,y); drawPixel();}
 void lineTo(int x,int y);
 void drawLine(int x,int y,int xe,int ye)	{gotoXY(x,y); lineTo(xe,ye);}
 void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
 void drawRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r=3);
 void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius);
 void drawPoly(const POINT*, int);
 static word _RGB(byte r,byte g,byte b)		{return r<<8&0xF800|g<<5&0x7E0|b>>3&0x1F;}
 void fillScr(byte r, byte g, byte b)		{fillScr(_RGB(r,g,b));}
 void fillScr(word color);
 void fillRect(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1)	{gotoXYWH(x0,y0,x1-x0+(flags&1),y1-y0+(flags&1)); fillRect();}
 void fillRectW(int x,int y,int w,int h)	{gotoXYWH(x,y,w,h); fillRect();}
 void fillRect();	// clip rectangle and fill
 void fillRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r=3);
 void fillCircle(int x, int y, int radius);
 void fillPoly(const POINT*,int);
 void beginPath();
 void closePath();
 void stroke();
 void fill();
 void setColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)	{setColor(_RGB(r,g,b));}
 void setColor(word color)		{fc=color;}
 word getColor() const			{return fc;}
 void setBackColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)	{setBackColor(_RGB(r,g,b));}
 void setBackColor(word color)		{bc=color; flags&=~TRANS;}
 word getBackColor() const		{return bc;}
 void swapColors()			{SWAP(fc,bc);}
 void setTransparent(byte tr=TRANS)	{flags=tr;}
 byte getTransparent() const		{return flags;}
 void print(char c);			// advances X or Y, depending on orientation
 void print(const char*s);
 void print(const __FlashStringHelper*s);
 void print(const char*s,int x,int y)	{gotoXY(x,y); print(s);}
 void setFont(const byte*font);
 int getFontHeight() const	{return cfont.cy;}
 int getTextExtent(char c);
 int getTextExtent(const char*s);
 int getTextExtent(const __FlashStringHelper*s);
 void drawBitmap(int x,int y,int w,int h,const word*data,int wordsperline)
				{gotoXYWH(x,y,w,h); bitblt(data,wordsperline);}
 void drawBitmap(int x,int y,int w,int h,const word*data,int wordsperline,int scale)
				{gotoXYWH(x,y,w,h); stretchblt(data,wordsperline,scale);}
 static void lcdOff();
 static void lcdOn();
 static void setContrast(char c);
 int getDisplayXSize() const		{return orient&1?DISP_Y_SIZE:DISP_X_SIZE;}
 int getDisplayYSize() const		{return orient&1?DISP_X_SIZE:DISP_Y_SIZE;}
 static void setBrightness(byte br);
 static void setDisplayPage(byte page);
 static void setWritePage(byte page);

	The functions and variables below should not normally be used.
	They have been left publicly available for use in add-on libraries
	that might need access to the lower level functions of UTFT.

	Please note that these functions and variables are not documented
	and I do not provide support on how to use them.
 void bitblt(int x,int y,int w,int h,const byte*data,int bitsperline,int startbit=0)
						{gotoXYWH(x,y,w,h); bitblt(data,bitsperline,startbit);}
 void drawHLine(int x,int y,int l)		{fillRectW(x,y,l,1);}
 void drawVLine(int x,int y,int l)		{fillRectW(x,y,1,l);}
 int whereX() const				{return X-XO;}
 int whereY() const				{return Y-YO;}
 void vprintf(const char*fmt,va_list args);
 void printf(const char*fmt,...);
 void vprintf(const __FlashStringHelper*fmt,va_list args);
 void printf(const __FlashStringHelper*fmt,...);
 void setWindow(byte orient);		// bit 0 = count vertical address first
					// bit 1 = count horizontal address downwards
					// bit 2 = count vertical address downwards
					// bit 4 = set start position and prepare for pixel output
					// bit 6 = set window
					// bit 7 = set counting directions (bits 0..2)
					// CS must be LOW!
 void setXY(int x,int y,bool swap);	// part of setWindow()
 void setXY(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)	{gotoXYWH(x1,y1,x2-x1+1,y2-y1+1); setWindow(0xF0);}
 void setXY(int x,int y)			{gotoXY(x,y); setWindow(0x30);}
 void unsetWindow();
 inline static void CS(bool state)		{if (state) P_CS|=B_CS; else P_CS&=~B_CS;}	// users can free bus manually (good?)
 byte orient;	// display orientation, font/bitblt orientation and escapement
		// bit 0 = display X/Y swap
		// bit 1 = display X counting swap (origin = right)
		// bit 2 = display Y counting swap (origin = bottom)
		// bit 3 = font/bitblt X/Y swap [text can be displayed vertically, bitmaps can be rotated 90°]
		// bit 4 = font/bitblt X reflection [bitmaps can be reflected]
		// bit 5 = font/bitblt Y reflection [bitmaps can be reflected]
		// bit 6 = font escapement X/Y swap [text (typically monospaced) can advance to bottom]
		// bit 7 = font escapement direction swap [against bitmap definition; right-to-left text can be output]
#define TEXT_BOTTOM_TOP 0x68	// (ASCII) text readable from right
#define TEXT_TOP_BOTTOM 0x58	// (ASCII) text readable from left
 byte flags;	// bit 0 = include last coordinate
		// bit 1 = transparent font/bitblt operations
		// bit 2 = '\r', '\n' processing at print() functions (otherwise single-line output)
		// bit 3 = X/Y relative to clipping rect (TODO: true origin
		// bit 4 = X/Y are relative to last position (i.e. MOVE)
 word fc,bc;	// foreground color, background color
 byte display_serial_mode;
 _current_font cfont;

 static void LCD_Writ_Bus(word w);
 inline static void LCD_Writ_Bus(char VH,char VL)	{LCD_Writ_Bus(VH<<8|VL);}
 inline static void LCD_CmdB(byte b)			{RS(0); LCD_Writ_Bus(b); RS(1);}
 inline static void LCD_DataB(byte b) {
 inline static void LCD_DataW(word w) {
 static void LCD_Write_CMD_DATA(byte com1,word dat1);
 inline static void RS(bool state) {
  if (state) P_RS|=B_RS; else P_RS&=~B_RS;
#ifdef P_RST
 inline static void RST(bool state)		{if (state) P_RST|=B_RST; else P_RST&=~B_RST;}
 static void _set_direction_registers();
 static void fillW(word w, int rep1, int rep2);
 void setPixel();	// sets pixel at X/Y
 void setPixel(int x,int y)	{gotoXY(x,y); setPixel();}	// sets a single pixel in current foreground color
 void bitblt(const byte*data,int bitsperline,int startbit=0);
 void bitblt(const word*data,int wordsperline);
 void bitblt(FILE*f, int wordsperline);
 void advance(int,int);	// for bitblt: set display's current position after some transparent pixels
 void advance();	// for bitblt: relalize escapement for next bitblt (character)
 static int sendByte(char,FILE*);	// for printf
#ifdef ENERGIA
 volatile uint32_t* portOutputRegister(int value);

Vorgefundene Kodierung: UTF-80