Current positions of planets

The planets Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury are visible to the naked eye (here, they are listed in order of their magnitude). The charts display the planets from your current angles, which helps locating them in the sky.

Change the date, time and your geographical coordinates and submit to modify the time and position of your perspective.

Date: overwrite date
Time: overwrite time

The Sun and Moon today

Sunrise:sunrise Moonrise:
Sunset:sunset Moonset:
Solar noon (culmination):   solar noon Illumination:
Equation of time: add this amount to your sundial Lunar phase:  

The planets from your geolocation

The horizontal coordinates of the bodies indicate their accurate position at the specified time. Explore the chart with the mouse.
If no chart is displayed here, then check the security settings of your browser.

Evolution of the solar system today

Displayed is the elevation of the Sun and all five visible planets during the day. The actual time is pointed out and annotated is the cardinal direction, where the body can be found.
If no chart is displayed here, then check the security settings of your browser. The code was tested on firefox, internet explorer and chrome

The planets, projected onto the ecliptic plane

Actual positions of the planets. The orbital ellipses are projected to the ecliptic plane. Explore (zoom) the chart with the mouse.
If no chart is displayed here, then check the security settings of your browser.

The visible sky, now

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Help: '1'   stars: 's', 'S'   constellation: 'v', 'c'   milky way: 'M'   az/El: 'z'   Ra (2h)/Dec (30°): 'e'