Quelltext /~heha/argon/multimed.zip/ADLIB/INIT.C

 *   init.c
 *   Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmddk.h>
#define  NOSTR                  /* to avoid redefining the strings */
#include "adlib.h"


    internal function prototypes


void FAR SoundWarmInit(void);

static int  NEAR SoundColdInit(void);
/*static void NEAR SoundWarmInit(void); */
static int  NEAR BoardInstalled(void);
static void NEAR SetMode(BYTE mode);
static void NEAR SetGParam(BYTE amD, BYTE vibD, BYTE nSel);
static void NEAR Set3812(BYTE state);
static void NEAR InitSlotVolume(void);
static void NEAR InitFNums(void);
static void NEAR SoundChut(BYTE voice);
static void NEAR SetPitchRange(WORD pR);
static void NEAR SetFNum(NPWORD fNumVec, int num, int den);
static long NEAR CalcPremFNum(int numDeltaDemiTon, int denDeltaDemiTon);
static int  NEAR PASCAL LoadPatches(void);
static int  NEAR PASCAL LoadDrumPatches(void);


    public data


WORD      wPort = DEF_PORT;             /* address of sound chip */
BOOL      fEnabled;                     /* are we enabled? */
TIMBRE    patches[MAXPATCH];            /* patch data  */
DRUMPATCH drumpatch[NUMDRUMNOTES];      /* drum kit data */

#ifdef DEBUG
WORD      wDebugLevel;                  /* debug level */




#define BCODE _based(_segname("_CODE"))

/*non-localized strings */
char BCODE aszDriverName[]  = "adlib.drv";
char BCODE aszProductName[] = "Ad Lib";
char BCODE aszAdlibDelay[]  = "WriteDelay";
char BCODE aszSystemIni[]   = "system.ini";
#ifdef DEBUG
    char BCODE aszAdlib[]   = "adlib";
    char BCODE aszMMDebug[] = "mmdebug";


    local data


static HANDLE ghInstance;           /* our global instance */
static BOOL   fInit;                /* have we initialized yet? */

/* format of drumkit.bin file */
typedef struct drumfilepatch_tag {
    BYTE key;                   /* the key to map */
    BYTE patch;                 /* the patch to use */
    BYTE note;                  /* the note to play  */


    public functions


 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api int | SoundColdInit | Must be called for start-up initialization.
 * @rdesc Returns a nonzero value if the board is installed and zero otherwise.
static int NEAR SoundColdInit(void)
int hardware;


    if (hardware = BoardInstalled())
    return hardware;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SoundWarmInit | Initializes the chip in melodic mode (mode == 0).
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
void FAR SoundWarmInit(void)


    SetGParam(0, 0, 0);      /* init global parameters */
    InitSlotVolume();        /* sets volume of each slot to MAXVOLUME */
    InitFNums();             /* initializes frequency shift table to no shift */
    for (i = 0 ; i <= 8; i++)
        SoundChut(i);        /* set frequencies of voices 0 - 8 to 0 */
    SetMode(1);              /* percussion mode (melodic mode == 0) */
    SetPitchRange(2);        /* GMM pitch range is 2 semitones */

#if 1
    Set3812(1);              /* sets wave-select parameter */
    Set3812(0);              /* DOES NOT set wave-select parameter */

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api int | BoardInstalled | Checks to see if the board is installed.
 * @rdesc Returns a nonzero value if the board is installed and zero otherwise.
static int NEAR BoardInstalled(void)
BYTE t1, t2, i;


    SndOutput(4, 0x60);             /* mask T1 & T2 */
    SndOutput(4, 0x80);             /* reset IRQ */
    t1 = inport();                  /* read status register */
    SndOutput(2, 0xff);             /* set timer - 1 latch */
    SndOutput(4, 0x21);             /* unmask & start T1 */
    for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {     /* 100 uSec delay for timer - 1 overflow */
#ifdef STUPID
        t2 = i;                     /* a delay of some sort... */
    t2 = inport();                  /* read status register */
    SndOutput(4, 0x60);
    SndOutput(4, 0x80);
    return (t1 & 0xE0) == 0 && (t2 & 0xE0) == 0xC0;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SetMode | Puts the chip in melodic mode (mode == 0), or in
 *     percussive mode (mode != 0).
 * @parm BYTE | mode | Specifies which mode to put the chip into.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR SetMode(BYTE mode)
    if (mode) {
        SetFreq(TOM, TOM_PITCH, 0);        /* set frequency of TOM voice */
        SetFreq(SD, SD_PITCH, 0);          /* set frequency of SD voice */

    fPercussion = mode;
    percBits = 0;             /* initialize control bits of percussive voices */


 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SetGParam | Sets the 3 global parameters AmDepth, VibDepth 
 *     and NoteSel.  The change takes place immediately.
 * @parm BYTE | amD | The new AmDepth parameter.
 * @parm BYTE | vibD | The new VibDepth parameter.
 * @parm BYTE | nSel | The new NoteSel parameter.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR SetGParam(BYTE amD, BYTE vibD, BYTE nSel)
    amDepth = amD;
    vibDepth = vibD;
    noteSel = nSel;


 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | Set3812 | Enables (state != 0) or disables (state == 0) the
 *     wave-select parameters.
 * @parm BYTE | state | Indicates whether to enable or disable the wave-select
 *     parameters.
 * @comm If you do not want to use the wave-select parameters, call this
 *     function with a value of 0 AFTER calling SoundColdInit() or
 *     SoundWarmInit().
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR Set3812(BYTE state)


    /* set waveform for each of the 18 slots to sine wave */
    for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        SndOutput((BYTE)(0xE0 | offsetSlot[i]), 0);

    /* enable/disable the wave-select parameters */
    modeWaveSel = (BYTE)(state ? 0x20 : 0);
    SndOutput(1, modeWaveSel);

#if 0 /* never used */
static void NEAR InitSlotParams(void);
 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | InitSlotParams | In melodic mode, this function initializes all
 *     voices to electric-pianos.  In percussive mode, it initializes the 6
 *     melodic voices to electric-pianos and the 5 percussive voices to their
 *     default timbres.
 * @comm This function is pointless because the timbre of each voice gets
 *     set as soon as the voice is allocated, so it's commented out. 
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR InitSlotParams(void)
/* definition of default melodic(electric piano) and percussive voices: */
static BYTE pianoOpr0[] = { 1,  1, 3, 15,  5, 0, 1,  3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
static BYTE pianoOpr1[] = { 0,  1, 1, 15,  7, 0, 2,  4,  0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
static BYTE bdOpr0[]    = { 0,  0, 0, 10,  4, 0, 8, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
static BYTE bdOpr1[]    = { 0,  0, 0, 13,  4, 0, 6, 15,  0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
static BYTE sdOpr[]     = { 0, 12, 0, 15, 11, 0, 8,  5,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static BYTE tomOpr[]    = { 0,  4, 0, 15, 11, 0, 7,  5,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static BYTE cymbOpr[]   = { 0,  1, 0, 15, 11, 0, 5,  5,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static BYTE hhOpr[]     = { 0,  1, 0, 15, 11, 0, 7,  5,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        if (operSlot[i])
            SetSlotParam(i, pianoOpr1, 0);
            SetSlotParam(i, pianoOpr0, 0);
    if (fPercussion) {
        SetSlotParam(12, bdOpr0, 0);
        SetSlotParam(15, bdOpr1, 0);
        SetSlotParam(16, sdOpr, 0);
        SetSlotParam(14, tomOpr, 0);
        SetSlotParam(17, cymbOpr, 0);
        SetSlotParam(13, hhOpr, 0);

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | InitSlotVolume | Sets the volume values in the <t slotRelVolume>
 *     array to MAXVOLUME.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR InitSlotVolume(void)
int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        slotRelVolume[i] = MAXVOLUME;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | InitFNums | Initializes all lines of the frequency table
 *     (the <p fNumNotes> array). Each line represents 12 half-tones shifted
 *     by (n / NR_STEP_PITCH), where 'n' is the line number and ranges from
 *     1 to NR_STEP_PITCH.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR InitFNums(void)
WORD i, j, k;
WORD num;           /* numerator */
WORD numStep;       /* step value for numerator */
WORD row;           /* row in the frequency table */

    /* calculate each row in the fNumNotes table */
    numStep = 100 / NR_STEP_PITCH;
    for (num = row = 0; row < NR_STEP_PITCH; row++, num += numStep)
        SetFNum(fNumNotes[row], num, 100);
    /* fNumFreqPtr has an element for each voice, pointing to the  */
    /* appropriate row in the fNumNotes table.  They're all initialized */
    /* to the first row, which represents no pitch shift. */
    for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
        fNumFreqPtr[i] = fNumNotes[0];
        halfToneOffset[i] = 0;

    /* just for optimization */
    for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 8; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 12; j++, k++) {
            noteDIV12[k] = (BYTE)i;
            noteMOD12[k] = (BYTE)j;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SoundChut | Sets the frequency of voice <p voice> to 0 Hz.
 * @parm BYTE | voice | Specifies which voice to set.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR SoundChut(BYTE voice)

    SndOutput((BYTE)(0xA0 | voice), 0);
    SndOutput((BYTE)(0xB0 | voice), 0);

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SetPitchRange | This routine changes the global pitch bend
 *      range value.
 * @parm WORD | pR | The new pitch bend range.
 * @comm The value can be from 1 to 12 (in half-tones).  For example, the
 *     value 12 means that the pitch bend will range from -12 (pitchBend == 0,
 *     see <f xSetVoicePitch>) to +12 (pitchBend == 0x3fff) half-tones.  The
 *     change will be effective as of the next call to <f xSetVoicePitch>.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR SetPitchRange(WORD pR)
    if (pR > 12)
        pR = 12;
    if (pR < 1)
        pR = 1;
    pitchRangeStep = pR * NR_STEP_PITCH;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | SetFNum | Initializes a line in the frequency table with
 *     shifted frequency values.  The values are shifted a fraction (num/den)
 *     of a half-tone.
 * @parm NPWORD | fNumVec | The line from the frequency table.
 * @parm int | num | Numerator.
 * @parm int | den | Denominator.
 * @xref CalcPremFNum
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
static void NEAR SetFNum(NPWORD fNumVec, int num, int den)
int  i;
long val;

    *fNumVec++ = (WORD)((4 + (val = CalcPremFNum(num, den))) >> 3);
    for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
        val *= 106;
        *fNumVec++ = (WORD)((4 + (val /= 100)) >> 3);

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api long | CalcPremFNum | Calculates some magic number that is used in
 *     setting the values in the <p fNumNotes> table.
 * @parm int | numDeltaDemiTon | Numerator (-100 to +100).
 * @parm int | denDeltaDemiTon | Denominator (1 to 100).
 * @comm If the numerator (numDeltaDemiTon) is positive, the frequency is
 *     increased; if negative, it is decreased.  The function calculates:
 *         f8 = Fb(1 + 0.06 num /den)          (where Fb = 26044 * 2 / 25)
 *         fNum8 = f8 * 65536 * 72 / 3.58e6
 * @rdesc Returns fNum8, which is the binary value of the frequency 260.44 (C)
 *     shifted by +/- <p numdeltaDemiTon> / <p denDeltaDemiTon> * 8.
static long NEAR CalcPremFNum(int numDeltaDemiTon, int denDeltaDemiTon)
long f8;
long fNum8;
long d100;

    d100 = denDeltaDemiTon * 100;
    f8 = (d100 + 6 * numDeltaDemiTon) * (26044L * 2L);
    f8 /= d100 * 25;

    fNum8 = f8 * 16384;
    fNum8 *= 9L;
    fNum8 /= 179L * 625L;

    return fNum8;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api int | LoadPatches | Reads the patch set from the BANK resource and
 *     builds the <p patches> array.
 * @rdesc Returns the number of patches loaded, or 0 if an error occurs.
static int NEAR PASCAL LoadPatches(void)
HANDLE hResInfo;
HANDLE hResData;
LPSTR  lpRes;
int    iPatches;
DWORD  dwOffset;
DWORD  dwResSize;
LPTIMBRE  lpBankTimbre;
LPTIMBRE  lpPatchTimbre;

    /* find resource and get its size */
    if (!hResInfo) {
        D1("Default bank resource not found");
        return 0;
    dwResSize = (DWORD)SizeofResource(ghInstance, hResInfo);

    /* load and lock resource */
    hResData = LoadResource(ghInstance, hResInfo);
    if (!hResData) {
        D1("Bank resource not loaded");
        return 0;
    lpRes = LockResource(hResData);
    if (!lpRes) {
        D1("Bank resource not locked");
        return 0;

    /* read the bank resource, loading patches as we find them */

    D1("loading patches");
    lpBankHdr = (LPBANKHDR)lpRes;
    dwOffset = lpBankHdr->offsetTimbre;                /* point to first one */

    for (iPatches = 0; iPatches < MAXPATCH; iPatches++) {

        lpBankTimbre = (LPTIMBRE)(lpRes + dwOffset);
        lpPatchTimbre = &patches[iPatches];
        *lpPatchTimbre = *lpBankTimbre;

        dwOffset += sizeof(TIMBRE);
        if (dwOffset + sizeof(TIMBRE) > dwResSize) {
            D1("Attempt to read past end of bank resource");


    return iPatches;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api int | LoadDrumPatches | Reads the drum kit patch set from the 
 *     DRUMKIT resource and builds the <p drumpatch> array. 
 * @comm Each entry of the <t drumpatch> array (representing a key number
 *     from the "drum patch") consists of a patch number and note number
 *     from some other patch.
 * @rdesc Returns the number of patches loaded, or 0 if an error occurs.
static int NEAR PASCAL LoadDrumPatches(void)
HANDLE hResInfo;
HANDLE hResData;
LPSTR  lpRes;
int    iPatches;
int    key;
DWORD  dwOffset;
DWORD  dwResSize;

    /* find resource and get its size */
    if (!hResInfo) {
        D1("Default drum resource not found");
        return 0;
    dwResSize = (DWORD)SizeofResource(ghInstance, hResInfo);

    /* load and lock resource */
    hResData = LoadResource(ghInstance, hResInfo);
    if (!hResData) {
        D1("Drum resource not loaded");
        return 0;
    lpRes = LockResource(hResData);
    if (!lpRes) {
        D1("Drum resource not locked");
        return 0;

    /* read the drum resource, loading patches as we find them */

    D1("reading drum data");
    dwOffset = 0;
    for (iPatches = 0; iPatches < NUMDRUMNOTES; iPatches++) {

        lpResPatch = (LPDRUMFILEPATCH)(lpRes + dwOffset);
        key = lpResPatch->key;
        if ((key >= FIRSTDRUMNOTE) && (key <= LASTDRUMNOTE)) {
            drumpatch[key - FIRSTDRUMNOTE].patch = lpResPatch->patch;
            drumpatch[key - FIRSTDRUMNOTE].note = lpResPatch->note;
        else {
            D1("Drum patch key out of range");

        dwOffset += sizeof(DRUMFILEPATCH);
        if (dwOffset + sizeof(DRUMFILEPATCH) > dwResSize) {
            D1("Attempt to read past end of drum resource");


    return iPatches;


    public functions


 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api BOOL | Enable | Enables the card.  If we haven't yet enabled in
 *     this session, it will do a cold restart of the card and load the
 *     patches; otherwise it will do a warm restart.
 * @rdesc Returns TRUE if successful and false otherwise.

    if (vadlibdAcquireAdLibSynth()) {
        D1("AdLib could NOT be aquired for ENABLE!!!");
        return FALSE;

    if (!fInit) {                        /* if we haven't initialized yet */

        if (!SoundColdInit())            /* if we can't find a card */
            return FALSE;                /* keep fInit set to FALSE */

        if (!LoadPatches())              /* load the melodic patches */
            return FALSE;

        if (!LoadDrumPatches())          /* load the drum kit information */
            return FALSE;

    else {                               /* we've already initialized */
        SoundWarmInit();                 /* so do a warm restart */
    fInit = TRUE;                        /* say that we have initialized once */
    fEnabled = TRUE;                     /* say that we're enabled */
    if (vadlibdReleaseAdLibSynth())
        D1("AdLib could NOT be RELEASED for ENABLE!!! VERY GOOFY!!");

    return TRUE;

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api void | Disable | Since this function is called either when a
 *     Windows session ends or when we switch to a DOS box (in 286 mode),
 *     we'll reset the card in preparation for someone else to use it.
 * @rdesc There is no return value.
void NEAR PASCAL Disable(void)

    if (fInit) {                /* if we have a card */
        if (vadlibdAcquireAdLibSynth())
            D1("AdLib could NOT be aquired for DISABLE!!!");

        SoundWarmInit();        /* reset card to be good */

        if (vadlibdReleaseAdLibSynth())
            D1("AdLib could NOT be RELEASED for DISABLE!!!");

    fEnabled = FALSE;           /* say that we're not enabled */

 * @doc INTERNAL
 * @api int | LibMain | Library initialization code.
 * @parm HANDLE | hInstance | Our instance handle.
 * @parm WORD | wHeapSize | The heap size from the .def file.
 * @parm LPSTR | lpCmdLine | The command line.
 * @rdesc Returns 1 if the initialization was successful and 0 otherwise.

#define DEF286WRITEDELAY    8       /* 25MHz 286 */
#define DEF386WRITEDELAY    14      /* 50MHz 386 */
#define DEF486WRITEDELAY    41      /* 50MHz 486 */

int NEAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hInstance, WORD wHeapSize, LPSTR lpCmdLine)
extern WORD wWriteDelay;
DWORD dwWinFlags;

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* get debug level - default is 0 */
    wDebugLevel = GetProfileInt(aszMMDebug, aszAdlib, 0);

    ghInstance = hInstance;         /* save our instance */

    dwWinFlags = GetWinFlags();

    if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU286)
        wWriteDelay = DEF286WRITEDELAY;
    else if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU386)
        wWriteDelay = DEF386WRITEDELAY;
    else if (dwWinFlags & WF_CPU486)
        wWriteDelay = DEF486WRITEDELAY;


    return 1;                       /* exit ok */
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