reset set style data lines set xrange [-0.1:2.3] set yrange [-0.1:1.4] set size 1,0.8 set terminal epslatex size 14cm,10cm color colortext solid # if this file is foo.txt then the outputfilename must be foo-input.tex set output 'example_v2-input.tex' set xlabel 'x$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 1}}$[mm]' offset 0,0.75 set ylabel 'x$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$[mm]' offset 1.6,0 #set key top right vertical spacing 4 box lt -1 set key top right horizontal spacing 4 width 1 box lt -1 plot "example_v2/mesh1.txt" title "Mesh" with lines linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#0000FF" linewidth 3 , \ "example_v2/mesh1.txt" using ($1+8*$3):($2+8*$4) title "Mesh+U" with lines linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#FF0000" linewidth 3