Hodge theory, D-Moduls
and non-isolated singularities
The precise description of the main subject of the seminar, as well as detailed suggestions
for talks can be found here.
- 28.11.2012 (Kaiserslautern; Gebäude 48; Raum 436)
- 11.00: Mathias Schulze: Overview on free divisors
- 13.30: Christian Sevenheck: Aspects of D-modules and Hodge theory I
- 13.12.2012 (Kaiserslautern; Gebäude 48; Raum 436)
- 11.00: Christian Sevenheck: Aspects of D-modules and Hodge theory II
- 13.30: Christian Barz: Linear free divisors and quiver representations I
- 18.01.2013 (Mannheim; Gebäude A5,6; Raum C116)
- 11.00: Christian Sevenheck: Aspects of D-modules and Hodge theory III
- 13.30: Christian Barz: Linear free divisors and quiver representations II
- 14.02.2013 (Mannheim; Gebäude A5,6; Raum C115)
- 11.00: Christian Barz: Linear free divisors and quiver representations III
- 13.00: Mohamed Barakat: Logarithmic differential operators and logarithmic de Rham complexes relative to a free divisor I
- 07.03.2013 (Mannheim; Gebäude A5,6; Raum C115)
- 11.00: Mohamed Barakat: Logarithmic differential operators and logarithmic de Rham complexes relative to a free divisor II
- 13.00: Manuel Gonzales Villa: Free divisors and duality for D-modules
- 08.11.2013 (Mannheim; Gebäude A5,6; Raum C115)
- 09.00: Mohamed Barakat: Modules over the sheaf of logarithmic differential operators
- 10.30: Christian Sevenheck: Tensor products of logarithmic D-modules
- 13.30: Xia Liao/Mathias Schulze: Duality of logarithmic connections and logarithmic de Rham complexes