Area fractions analysis Data file: Forsterite_MTEX_Example_Area_fractions.txt Area fractions for all phases in the EBSD object # Phase Points Area fraction 1 notIndexed 58485 0.2378 2 Forsterite 152345 0.6194 3 Enstatite 26058 0.1059 4 Diopside 9064 0.0369 Total area fraction = 1.0000 Percentage indexed points in map = 76.2 Area fractions based on minerals with EBSD indexed points only # Phase Points Area fraction 2 Forsterite 152345 0.8126 3 Enstatite 26058 0.1390 4 Diopside 9064 0.0483 Total area fraction = 1.0000 Area fractions based on minerals with EBSD indexed points only # Phase Points Area fraction 2 Forsterite 152345 0.8126 3 Enstatite 26058 0.1390 4 Diopside 9064 0.0483 Total area fraction = 1.0000