Dr. Kateryna Pozharska (Shvai)
⌖ Office: Reichenhainer Str. 39, Zimmer 727 (C46.727 (2/39/727))✆ Phone: 0371 / 531…
✉ E-Mail: kateryna.pozharska@…
Website: Pozharska at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Working experience
- 09.2022–present Postdoctoral researcher within the scholarship from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Faculty of Mathematics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Group of Prof. Dr. Tino Ullrich.
- 12.2021–present Researcher at the Theory of Functions Department. Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Group of Prof. Dr. Anatolii Romanyuk.
- 10.2020–01.2022 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Statistics, Faculty of Information Technology and Mathematics. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
- 09.2019–01.2020 Invited researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Group of Prof. Dr. Tino Ullrich.
- 11.2018–12.2021 Junior researcher at the Theory of Functions Department. Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Group of Prof. Dr. Anatolii Romanyuk.
- 09.2017–12.2019 Junior researcher in the Ukrainian State Budget Theme “Extremal Problems of Approximation Theory in Functional Spaces”. Joint project of the Lesya Ukrainka VNU, Lutsk, and the IM NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2015 - 2018 PhD student at the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine (Theory of functions department), Kyiv, Ukraine.
Supervisor: Prof. Romanyuk A.S. - 2015 - 2016 Student at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Mathematical Faculty, speciality "Mathematics"), Lutsk, Ukraine. Master's degree with honours.
- 2010 - 2015 Student at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Mathematical Faculty, speciality "Mathematics"), Lutsk, Ukraine. Bachelor degree with honours.
PhD thesis
- Best approximations and entropy numbers of
the classes of periodic multivariate functions
Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Date of defence: 29.01.2019
Supervisor: Prof. Romanyuk A.S.
- Bartel F., Kämmerer L., Pozharska K., Schäfer M., Ullrich T., Exact discretization, tight frames and recovery via D-optimal designs. arXiv:2412.02489, 2024. [DOI]
- Pozharska K., Romanyuk A., The best m-term trigonometric approximations of the classes of periodic functions of one and many variables in the space \(B_{q,1}\). Res. Math. 32(2): 137–154, 2024. [DOI]
- Pozharska K., Romanyuk A., Romanyuk V. Widths and entropy numbers of the classes of periodic functions of one and several variables in the space \(B_{q,1}\). Carpathian Math. Publ. 16(2): 351-366, 2024. [DOI]
- Pozharska K.V., Romanyuk A.S., Yanchenko S.Ya. Best approximations for classes of periodic functions of many variables with bounded dominating mixed derivative. Ukr. Math. J. 76(7): 1007-1023, 2024. [DOI]
- Pozharska K.V., Romanyuk A.S. Estimates for the approximation characteristics of the Nikol'skii-Besov classes of functions with mixed smoothness in the space \(B_{q,1}\). arXiv:2404.05451, 2024. [DOI]
- Krieg D., Pozharska K., Ullrich M., Ullrich T. Sampling projections in the uniform norm. arXiv:2401.02220, 2024. [DOI]
- Krieg D., Pozharska K., Ullrich M., Ullrich T. Sampling recovery in the uniform and other norms. arXiv:2305.07539v2, 2023. [DOI]
- Romanyuk A., Romanyuk V., Pozharska K., Hembars’ka S. Characteristics of linear and nonlinear approximation of isotropic classes of periodic multivariate functions. Carpathian Math. Publ. 15(1): 78-94, 2023. [DOI]
- Shvai O., Pozharska K. On some approximation properties of Gauss-Weierstrass singular operators. J. Math. Sci. 260(5): 693–699, 2022. [DOI]
- Pozharska K., Ullrich T. A note on sampling recovery of multivariate functions in the uniform norm. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 60(3): 1363-1384, 2022. [DOI] [arXiv]
- Pozharskyi A.A., Pozharska K.V. Recovery of continuous functions of two variables from their Fourier coefficients known with error. Carpathian Math. Publ. 13(3): 676–686, 2021. [DOI]
- Pozharska K. Best approximations and entropy numbers of the classes of periodic functions of many variables. In: TEMat monográficos, 2 (2021): Proceedings of the 3rd BYMAT Conference, pp. 147-150. ISSN: 2660-6003. [Link]
- Pozharska K.V., Pozharskyi O.A. Recovery of continuous functions from their Fourier coefficients known with error. Res. Math. 28(2): 24-34, 2020. [DOI]
- Kal’chuk I.V., Kharkevych Yu.I., Pozharska K.V. Asymptotics of approximation of functions by conjugate Poisson integrals. Carpathian Math. Publ. 12(1): 138–147, 2020. [DOI]
- Pozharska K.V. Entropy numbers of the Nikil'skii-Besov-type classes of periodic functions of many variables. J. Math Sci. 241(1): 64-76, 2019. [DOI]
- Kharkevych Yu.I., Pozharska K.V. Asymptotics of approximation of conjugate functions by Poisson integrals. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 22(2): 235-243, 2018. [DOI]
- Pozharska K.V. Estimates of entropy numbers of the classes \(B^{\Omega }_{ p, \theta }\) of periodic multivariable functions in the uniform metric. Ukr. Math. J. 70(9): 1439-1455, 2019. [DOI]
- Shvai K.V. Estimation of the best bilinear approximations for the classes of \( (\boldsymbol{ \psi }, \boldsymbol{ \beta } )\)-differentiable periodic multivariable functions. Ukr. Math. J. 70(4): 649–660, 2018. [DOI]
- Pozharska K.V. Estimates of the best M-term trigonometric approximations of the classes \( L_{ \boldsymbol{ \beta }, p }^{ \boldsymbol{ \psi }}\) of periodic multivariate functions of small smoothness in the space \(L_q\). In: Differential equations and related questions of analysis: Proceedings of the Inst. Math. NAN Ukr. 14(3): 293-318, 2017. (in Ukrainian) [Link]
- Shvai K.V. The best M-term trigonometric approximations of the classes of periodic multivariate functions with bounded generalized derivative in the space \({{L}_{q}}\). J. Math. Sci. 222(6): 750–761, 2017. [DOI]
- Shvai K.V. The best \(M\)-term trigonometric approximations of classes of \((\psi ,\beta )\)-differentiable periodic multivariate functions in the space \({{L}_{q}}\). J. Comp. Appl. Math. of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 122(2): 83–91, 2016. [pdf]
- Shvai K.V. Estimates of the best orthogonal trigonometric approximations of the generalized multivariate analogues of Bernoulli kernels and classes \(L_{\beta ,1}^{\psi }\) in the space \({{L}_{q}}\). In: Differential equations and related questions of analysis: Proceedings of the Inst. Math. NAN Ukr. 13(1): 300–320, 2016. (in Ukrainian) [Link]
- 34. Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop (Bestwig, Sauerland, Germany, January 17 - 18, 2025).
- Sparse Grids and Applications Seminar (Bonn, Germany, September 10 - 13, 2024). Plenary Speaker.
- 16th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (University of Waterloo, Canada, August 18 - 23, 2024). Invited speaker at the Special Session "Stochastic Computation and Complexity. High dimensional approximation and integration".
- 2nd Analysis Mathematica Conference (Budapest, Hungary, July 29 - August 02, 2024), poster
- Summer school "Analysis and Theoretical Numerics" (Siegmundsburg, Germany, July 23 – 25, 2024), poster
- 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces — MMCS10 (Oslo, Norway, June 26 – 28, 2024)
- Research Seminar Function Spaces. By invitation of Prof. Dr. Dorothee Haroske (Jena, Germany, June 21, 2024) presentation
- STROBL24 Conference "More on Harmonic Analysis" (Strobl, Austria, June 09 – 15, 2024)
- The conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings – 2024" (online | Lviv, Ukraine, May 27 – 29, 2024), presentation
- Joint seminar of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center Munich. By invitation of Dr. Frank Filbir and Prof. Dr. Felix Krahmer (Munich, Germany, January 08, 2024)
- Oberseminar Angewandte Analysis. By invitation of Prof. Dr. Michael Gnewuch (Institute of Mathematics of the University of Osnabrück, Germany, October 10, 2023)
- Workshop and Summer School on Applied Analysis 2023 (Chemnitz, Germany, September 18 - 22, 2023)
- Workshop "From Modeling and Analysis to Approximation and Fast Algorithms" (Hasenwinkel, Germany, September 02 - 06, 2023)
- Dagstuhl-Seminar 23351 "Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems" (Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, August 27 - September 01, 2023);
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) (Paris, France, June 12 - 21, 2023)
- International Conference of Young Mathematicians (online | Kyiv, Ukraine, June 01 - 03, 2023)
- Point Distributions Webinar (online | September 29, 2021)
- SOMPATY seminar, "Spectral Optimization: From Mathematics to Physics and Advanced TechnologY" (online | September 9, 2021)
- Theory of Functions Seminar at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (online | May 13, 2021)
- 9th International Online Conference on "Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equation & Applications MADEA 9" (online | Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, June 21 – 25, 2021);
- International Conference of Young Mathematicians (online | Kyiv, Ukraine, June 3 – 5, 2021)
- The conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings – 2021" (online | Lviv, Ukraine, May 26 – 28, 2021)
- International Online Workshop on Approximation Theory (online | Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, March 19 – 21, 2021)
- 3rd BYMAT Conference (online | Spain, December 1 – 3, 2020)
- 11th International Skorobohatko Mathematical Conference (online | Lviv, Ukraine, October 26 – 30, 2020)
- International scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of M.P. Korneichuk "Approximation theory and its applications" (online | Dnipro, Ukraine, October 3 – 5, 2020);
- The conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings – 2020" (online | Lviv, Ukraine, May 26 – 28, 2020)
- International scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects for the development of modern science" (online | Rivne, Ukraine, May 21 – 22, 2020)
- Workshop "Analytical Modeling and Approximation Methods" (Berlin, Germany, March 4 - 8, 2020). A meeting within the VolkswagenStiftung project "From Modeling and Analysis to Approximation"
- International Conference "Functional Methods in Approximation Theory, Differential Equations and Numerical Mathematics IV" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.K. Dzyadyk (1919-1998) (Svityaz' village, Volyn' region, Ukraine, June 20 – 26, 2019)
- International Conference of Young Mathematicians (Kyiv, Ukraine, June 6 – 8, 2019)
- Final AMMODIT Conference "Mathematics for life sciences" (Kyiv, Ukraine, March 18 – 22, 2019)
- International scientific conference "Modern problems of mathematics and its application in natural sciences and information technologies" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (Chernivtsi, Ukraine, September 17 – 19, 2018)
- International conference "Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics" dedicated to 90th birth anniversary of Yaroslav Stepanovych Pidstryhach, Academician of NASU and 40th anniversary of the Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NASU, founded by him (Lviv, May 22 – 25, 2018)
- Fourth Conference “Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools” (AMMODIT) (Malechiv, Lviv region, Ukraine, March 19 – 23, 2018)
- International conference of young mathematicians dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prof. Yu. O. Mitropolskiy (1917–2008) (Kyiv, Ukraine, June 7 – 10, 2017)
- International conference "Theory of approximation of functions and its applications" in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prof. A.I. Stepanets (Slovyansk, Ukraine, May 28 – June 3, 2017)
- The conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings – 2017" (Lviv, Ukraine, May 23 – 25, 2017)
- All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Modern problems of probability theory and mathematical analysis" (Vorokhta, Ukraine, Fabruary 22 – 25, 2017)
- Third conference “Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools” (AMMODIT) (Kyiv, Ukraine, January 26 – 30, 2017)
- ХІ Summer School "Algebra, Topology, Analysis" (Odessa, August 1 – 14, 2016)
- The conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings – 2016" (Lviv, May 25 – 27, 2016)
2024 The Best Talk Award at the Conference of young scientists “Pidstryhach readings – 2024”, Lviv, Ukraine2023 The Award "Young scientist-2023" for the best scientific cooperation
2023 The Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Talent, inspiration, work“
2023 Joseph F. Traub Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher Award
2022 Scholarship of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2021 The Award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists
2020 Scholarship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists
2020 Grant of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for research groups of young scientists of NAS of Ukraine for research within the priority branches of science and technology development
Short research visits
15-19.06.2024 Technical University of Munich (by invitation of Dr. Frank Filbir).In the framework of the European Marie Sklodowska Curie Project “Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools”(“AMMODIT”, EU H2020 project number 645672):
- 23.03.2019 - 24.04.2019 Institute of Mathematics, Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany (host - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Prestin).
- 13.11.2018 - 20.12.2018 Institute of Mathematics, Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany (host - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Prestin).
- 01.08.2018 - 31.08.2018 Austrian Academy of Sciences, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, Austria (host - Prof. Dr. Sergei Pereverzyev).
Membership in associations
- 2025–present Member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
- 2024–present Member of the European Mathematical Society.
- 2024–present Member of the European Women in Mathematics Association.
- 2024–present Member of the Association for Women in Mathematics.
- 10.2019–09.2022 Member of the Council of Young Scientists, Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine.
- 12.2019–10.2021 Member of the Council of Young Scientists, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
Managerial Activities
- Organizer of two Special Sessions “Function recovery and discretization problems” in the 16th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (08.2024), University of Waterloo, Canada.
- Scientific Secretary of the International Conference “Theory of Approximation of Functions and its Applications”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Stepanets (06.2022), Lutsk, Ukraine.
- Member of the Program Committee of the International Conference of Young Mathematicians (06.2021), Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Scientific Secretary of the International Conference “Functional Methods in Approximation Theory, Differential Equations and Numerical Mathematics IV” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V. K. Dzyadyk (06.2019), Svityaz’, Ukraine.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Young Mathematicians (06.2019), Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the Final AMMODIT Conference “Mathematics for life sciences” (03.2019), Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the Coordination meeting within the project “Spectral optimization: From Mathematics to Engineering and Life Sciences” (SOMELS) (09.2018), Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Young Mathematicians dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Prof. Yu. O. Mitropolskiy (06.2017), Kyiv, Ukraine.