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NFFT - Plan

The library defines the structure nfft_plan. The members are int d, int* N, int M, double* sigma, int* n, int m, double* b, int nfft_flags, int fftw_flags (already discussed, see Table 2). Furthermore, it contains all data vectors, see Table 4.

Table 4: Members of nfft_plan.
type name description size (in *type)
double* x knots $ {x}$$ _j \in \mathbb{T}^d$ $ dM$
fftw_complex* f_hat Fourier coefficients $ N_{\text{\tiny $\Pi$}}$
fftw_complex* f samples $ M$
double** c_phi_inv precomputed $ c_{\mbox{\boldmath\scriptsize {${k}$}}}\left(\tilde\varphi\right)^{-1}$ $ \sum_{t=0}^{d-1} N_t$
double* psi precomputed $ \tilde\psi\left({\mbox{\boldmath {${x}$}}}_j - \mbox{\boldmath {${n}$}}^{-1}\odot \mbox{\boldmath {${l}$}}\right)$ $ d\left(2m+2\right)M$
    or (flags *_PSI) $ \left(2m+2\right)^d M$
fftw_complex* g $ g_{\mbox{\boldmath\scriptsize {${l}$}}}$ $ n_{\text{\tiny $\Pi$}}$
fftw_complex* g_hat $ \hat g_{\mbox{\boldmath\scriptsize {${k}$}}}$ $ (n_{\text{\tiny $\Pi$}})$

Stefan Kunis 2004-09-03