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Dr. Michael Schmischke
Dr. Michael Schmischke 

Talks at Scientific Conferences and Workshops

  • 8th Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation (HDA 2019), ETH Zürich, September 2019
    Title: Learning high-dimensional additive models on the torus
  • Sampling Recovery and Applications, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Mai 2021 (online)
    Title: High-dimensional interpretable approximation of functions with low effective dimension
  • Mathematics of Machine Learning, Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University, August 2021
    Title: High-dimensional explainable ANOVA approximation
  • International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, September 2021 (online)
    Title: Interpretable ANOVA Approximation of High-Dimensional Scattered Data
  • Applied Harmonic Analysis and Friends, Strobl, Austria, June 2022

Attended Workshops

  • Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science, Zuse Institute Berlin, Oktober 2019
  • Mathematics of Deep Learning, Banach Center-Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar, Bedlewo, November 2019

Further Talks

  • Seminar Analysis, University of Osnabrück, Januar 2020
    Title: Learning high-dimensional functions on the torus