Tcl-DP: Id Server This example creates a simple Id server, where an Id is an integer. Two very short Tcl/Tk scripts are supplied: idServer -- the Tcl/Tk script for the server idClient -- the Tcl/Tk script for the client Please read them and edit them as they suggest. -------------------------------------------------------------------- To run the idServer... Run "dpctl". Type "source idServer". -------------------------------------------------------------------- To run the idClient... Run "dptcl", as another process. Type "source idClient". Please note: "dptcl" is equivalent to "dpwish -notk". -------------------------------------------------------------------- From the idClient dpwish, type your own RPC commands to experiment with the system. Remember, the arguments you give to the dp_RPC command are evaluated in the idServer's interpreter, and the result of that remote evaluation is returned. For example, in the idClient dpwish, you can type: dp_RPC $server expr 1+2 dp_RPC $server set x 100 dp_RPC $server expr {$x} dp_RPC $server eval {expr $x+$x} dp_RPC $server puts stdout hello To get more id's, type: dp_RPC $server GetId -------------------------------------------------------------------- Try running more than one idClient.