Quelltext /~heha/hsn/puh.zip/lame.h

/* Interface to MP3 LAME encoding engine
 * Copyright 1999 Mark Taylor

#pragma once
#include "config.h"

/* for size_t typedef */
#include <stddef.h>
/* for va_list typedef */
#include <stdarg.h>
/* for FILE typedef, TODO: remove when removing lame_mp3_tags_fid */
#include <stdio.h>

typedef void (*lame_report_function)(const char *format, va_list ap);

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#undef CDECL
#define CDECL __cdecl
#define CDECL


typedef enum vbr_mode_e {
  vbr_mt,               /* obsolete, same as vbr_mtrh */
  vbr_max_indicator,    /* Don't use this! It's used for sanity checks.       */
  vbr_default=vbr_mtrh    /* change this to change the default VBR mode of LAME */
} vbr_mode;

/* MPEG modes */
typedef enum MPEG_mode_e {
  STEREO = 0,
  DUAL_CHANNEL,   /* LAME doesn't supports this! */
  MAX_INDICATOR   /* Don't use this! It's used for sanity checks. */
} MPEG_mode;

/* Padding types */
typedef enum Padding_type_e {
  PAD_NO = 0,
  PAD_MAX_INDICATOR   /* Don't use this! It's used for sanity checks. */
} Padding_type;

typedef enum preset_mode_e {
    /*values from 8 to 320 should be reserved for abr bitrates*/
    /*for abr I'd suggest to directly use the targeted bitrate as a value*/
    ABR_8 = 8,
    ABR_320 = 320,

    V9 = 410, /*Vx to match Lame and VBR_xx to match FhG*/
    VBR_10 = 410,
    V8 = 420,
    VBR_20 = 420,
    V7 = 430,
    VBR_30 = 430,
    V6 = 440,
    VBR_40 = 440,
    V5 = 450,
    VBR_50 = 450,
    V4 = 460,
    VBR_60 = 460,
    V3 = 470,
    VBR_70 = 470,
    V2 = 480,
    VBR_80 = 480,
    V1 = 490,
    VBR_90 = 490,
    V0 = 500,
    VBR_100 = 500,

    /*still there for compatibility*/
    R3MIX = 1000,
    STANDARD = 1001,
    EXTREME = 1002,
    INSANE = 1003,
    STANDARD_FAST = 1004,
    EXTREME_FAST = 1005,
    MEDIUM = 1006,
    MEDIUM_FAST = 1007
} preset_mode;

/*asm optimizations*/
typedef enum asm_optimizations_e {
    MMX = 1,
    AMD_3DNOW = 2,
    SSE = 3
} asm_optimizations;

/* psychoacoustic model */
typedef enum Psy_model_e {
    PSY_GPSYCHO = 1,
} Psy_model;

/* buffer considerations */
enum buffer_constraint{

struct lame_global_struct;
typedef struct lame_global_struct lame_global_flags;
typedef lame_global_flags *lame_t;

 *  The LAME API
 *  These functions should be called, in this order, for each
 *  MP3 file to be encoded.  See the file "API" for more documentation

 * initialize the encoder.  sets default for all encoder parameters,
 * returns NULL if some malloc()'s failed
 * otherwise returns pointer to structure needed for all future
 * API calls.
lame_global_flags * lame_init(void);

 * set as needed to override defaults

 *  input stream description

 * get the version number, in a string. of the form:
 * "3.63 (beta)" or just "3.63".
const char*  get_lame_version       ();
const char*  get_lame_short_version ();
const char*  get_lame_very_short_version ();
const char*  get_psy_version        ();
const char*  get_lame_url           ();
const char*  get_lame_os_bitness    ();

 * get the version numbers in numerical form.
typedef struct {
    /* generic LAME version */
    int major;
    int minor;
    int alpha;               /* 0 if not an alpha version                  */
    int beta;                /* 0 if not a beta version                    */

    /* version of the psy model */
    int psy_major;
    int psy_minor;
    int psy_alpha;           /* 0 if not an alpha version                  */
    int psy_beta;            /* 0 if not a beta version                    */

    /* compile time features */
    const char *features;    /* Don't make assumptions about the contents! */
} lame_version_t;
void get_lame_version_numerical(lame_version_t *);

 * decoding
 * a simple interface to mpglib, part of mpg123, is also included if
 * libmp3lame is compiled with HAVE_MPGLIB

struct hip_global_struct;
typedef struct hip_global_struct hip_global_flags;
typedef hip_global_flags *hip_t;

typedef struct {
  int header_parsed;   /* 1 if header was parsed and following data was
                          computed                                       */
  int stereo;          /* number of channels                             */
  int samplerate;      /* sample rate                                    */
  int bitrate;         /* bitrate                                        */
  int mode;            /* mp3 frame type                                 */
  int mode_ext;        /* mp3 frame type                                 */
  int framesize;       /* number of samples per mp3 frame                */

  /* this data is only computed if mpglib detects a Xing VBR header */
  unsigned long nsamp; /* number of samples in mp3 file.                 */
  int totalframes;     /* total number of frames in mp3 file             */

  /* this data is not currently computed by the mpglib routines */
  int framenum;        /* frames decoded counter                         */
} mp3data_struct;

/* required call to initialize decoder */
hip_t CDECL hip_decode_init(void);

/* cleanup call to exit decoder  */
int CDECL hip_decode_exit(hip_t gfp);

/* HIP reporting functions */
void CDECL hip_set_errorf(hip_t gfp, lame_report_function f);
void CDECL hip_set_debugf(hip_t gfp, lame_report_function f);
void CDECL hip_set_msgf  (hip_t gfp, lame_report_function f);

 * input 1 mp3 frame, output (maybe) pcm data.
 *  nout = hip_decode(hip, mp3buf,len,pcm_l,pcm_r);
 * input:
 *    len          :  number of bytes of mp3 data in mp3buf
 *    mp3buf[len]  :  mp3 data to be decoded
 * output:
 *    nout:  -1    : decoding error
 *            0    : need more data before we can complete the decode
 *           >0    : returned 'nout' samples worth of data in pcm_l,pcm_r
 *    pcm_l[nout]  : left channel data
 *    pcm_r[nout]  : right channel data
int CDECL hip_decode( hip_t           gfp
                    , unsigned char * mp3buf
                    , size_t          len
                    , short           pcm_l[]
                    , short           pcm_r[]

/* same as hip_decode, and also returns mp3 header data */
int CDECL hip_decode_headers( hip_t           gfp
                            , unsigned char*  mp3buf
                            , size_t          len
                            , short           pcm_l[]
                            , short           pcm_r[]
                            , mp3data_struct* mp3data

/* same as hip_decode, but returns at most one frame */
int CDECL hip_decode1( hip_t          gfp
                     , unsigned char* mp3buf
                     , size_t         len
                     , short          pcm_l[]
                     , short          pcm_r[]

/* same as hip_decode1, but returns at most one frame and mp3 header data */
int CDECL hip_decode1_headers( hip_t           gfp
                             , unsigned char*  mp3buf
                             , size_t          len
                             , short           pcm_l[]
                             , short           pcm_r[]
                             , mp3data_struct* mp3data

/* same as hip_decode1_headers, but also returns enc_delay and enc_padding
   from VBR Info tag, (-1 if no info tag was found) */
int CDECL hip_decode1_headersB( hip_t gfp
                              , unsigned char*   mp3buf
                              , size_t           len
                              , short            pcm_l[]
                              , short            pcm_r[]
                              , mp3data_struct*  mp3data
                              , int             *enc_delay
                              , int             *enc_padding

 * lame_decode... functions are there to keep old code working
 * but it is strongly recommended to replace calls by hip_decode...
 * function calls, see above.
int CDECL lame_decode_init(void);
int CDECL lame_decode(
        unsigned char *  mp3buf,
        int              len,
        short            pcm_l[],
        short            pcm_r[] );
int CDECL lame_decode_headers(
        unsigned char*   mp3buf,
        int              len,
        short            pcm_l[],
        short            pcm_r[],
        mp3data_struct*  mp3data );
int CDECL lame_decode1(
        unsigned char*  mp3buf,
        int             len,
        short           pcm_l[],
        short           pcm_r[] );
int CDECL lame_decode1_headers(
        unsigned char*   mp3buf,
        int              len,
        short            pcm_l[],
        short            pcm_r[],
        mp3data_struct*  mp3data );
int CDECL lame_decode1_headersB(
        unsigned char*   mp3buf,
        int              len,
        short            pcm_l[],
        short            pcm_r[],
        mp3data_struct*  mp3data,
        int              *enc_delay,
        int              *enc_padding );
int CDECL lame_decode_exit(void);

#endif /* obsolete lame_decode API calls */

 * id3tag stuff

/* id3tag.h -- Interface to write ID3 version 1 and 2 tags.
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Don Melton.

/* utility to obtain alphabetically sorted list of genre names with numbers */
void id3tag_genre_list(
        void (*handler)(int, const char *, void *),
        void*  cookie);

void id3tag_init     (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* force addition of version 2 tag */
void id3tag_add_v2   (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* add only a version 1 tag */
void id3tag_v1_only  (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* add only a version 2 tag */
void id3tag_v2_only  (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* pad version 1 tag with spaces instead of nulls */
void id3tag_space_v1 (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* pad version 2 tag with extra 128 bytes */
void id3tag_pad_v2   (lame_global_flags & gfp);

/* pad version 2 tag with extra n bytes */
void id3tag_set_pad  (lame_global_flags & , size_t n);

void id3tag_set_title(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* title);
void id3tag_set_artist(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* artist);
void id3tag_set_album(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* album);
void id3tag_set_year(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* year);
void id3tag_set_comment(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* comment);
/* return -1 result if track number is out of ID3v1 range
                    and ignored for ID3v1 */
int id3tag_set_track(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* track);

/* return non-zero result if genre name or number is invalid
  result 0: OK
  result -1: genre number out of range
  result -2: no valid ID3v1 genre name, mapped to ID3v1 'Other'
             but taken as-is for ID3v2 genre tag */
int id3tag_set_genre(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* genre);

/* return non-zero result if field name is invalid */
int id3tag_set_fieldvalue(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* fieldvalue);

/* return non-zero result if image type is invalid */
int id3tag_set_albumart(lame_global_flags & gfp, const char* image, size_t size);

/* lame_get_id3v2_tag copies ID3v2 tag into buffer.
 * Function returns number of bytes copied into buffer, or number
 * of bytes rquired if buffer 'size' is too small.
 * Function fails, if returned value is larger than 'size'.
 * NOTE:
 * This functions does nothing, if user/LAME disabled ID3v2 tag.
size_t lame_get_id3v2_tag(lame_global_flags&gfp, unsigned char* buffer, size_t size);

/* experimental */
//int id3tag_set_textinfo_latin1(lame_global_flags&, char const*, char const*);

/* experimental */
//int id3tag_set_comment_latin1(lame_global_flags&, char const*, char const*,char const*);

/* experimental */
//int id3tag_set_textinfo_ucs2(lame_global_flags &  gfp, char const *id, unsigned short const *text);

/* experimental */
//int id3tag_set_comment_ucs2(lame_global_flags &  gfp, char const *lang,
  //                                unsigned short const *desc, unsigned short const *text);

/* experimental */
int id3tag_set_fieldvalue_ucs2(lame_global_flags &  gfp, const unsigned short *fieldvalue);

/* experimental */
int id3tag_set_fieldvalue_utf16(lame_global_flags&, const unsigned short *fieldvalue);

/* experimental */
//int id3tag_set_textinfo_utf16(lame_global_flags&, char const *id, unsigned short const *text);

/* experimental */
int id3tag_set_comment_utf16(lame_global_flags&, char const *lang, unsigned short const *desc, unsigned short const *text);

*  list of valid bitrates [kbps] & sample frequencies [Hz].
*  first index: 0: MPEG-2   values  (sample frequencies 16...24 kHz)
*               1: MPEG-1   values  (sample frequencies 32...48 kHz)
*               2: MPEG-2.5 values  (sample frequencies  8...12 kHz)

extern const int     bitrate_table    [3][16];
extern const int     samplerate_table [3][ 4];

/* access functions for use in DLL, global vars are not exported */
int lame_get_bitrate(int mpeg_version, int table_index);
int lame_get_samplerate(int mpeg_version, int table_index);

/* maximum size of albumart image (128KB), which affects LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER
   as well since lame_encode_buffer() also returns ID3v2 tag data */
#define LAME_MAXALBUMART    (128 * 1024)

/* maximum size of mp3buffer needed if you encode at most 1152 samples for
   each call to lame_encode_buffer.  see lame_encode_buffer() below  
   (LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER is now obsolete)  */

typedef enum {
    LAME_OKAY             =   0,
    LAME_NOERROR          =   0,
    LAME_GENERICERROR     =  -1,
    LAME_NOMEM            = -10,
    LAME_BADBITRATE       = -11,
    LAME_BADSAMPFREQ      = -12,


} lame_errorcodes_t;
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