Source file: /~heha/hs/

/* ".COD" file output for gplink
   Copyright 1998-2005
   James Bowman, Scott Dattalo
   Copyright 2012 Borut Ražem
   Copyright 2016 Molnár Károly

#include "stdhdr.h"

#include "libgputils.h"
#include "gplink.h"
#include "cod.h"

static DirBlockInfo *main_dir;


/* Assign each file name unique file number. A file may appear in the symbol table more than once. */

static void _assign_file_id() {
  symbol_table_t *file_table;
  gp_aux_t       *aux;
  symbol_t       *sym;
  int             file_id;
  int            *value;

  /* Build a case sensitive file table. */
  file_table = gp_sym_push_table(NULL, false);
  file_id    = 0;

  FOR(gp_symbol_list_t,symbol,state.object->symbol_list) {
    if (symbol->pclass == C_FILE) {
      aux = symbol->aux_list.first;
      sym = gp_sym_get_symbol(file_table, aux->_aux_symbol._aux_file.filename);

      if (sym) {
        /* Fetch the file number. */
        value = (int *)gp_sym_get_symbol_annotation(sym);
      else {
        /* The file hasn't been assigned a value. */
        value  = new int;
        *value = file_id++;
        sym    = gp_sym_add_symbol(file_table, aux->_aux_symbol._aux_file.filename);
        gp_sym_annotate_symbol(sym, value);

      symbol->number = *value;

  /* Destroy the table. */
  file_table = gp_sym_pop_table(file_table);


/* cod_write_symbols - Write the symbol table to the .cod file.
 * This routine will read the symbol table that gplink has created
 * and convert it into a format suitable for .cod files. So far, only
 * three variable types are supported: address, register, and constants.

static void
_write_symbols(const symbol_t **Symbol_list, size_t Num_symbols)
  size_t                 i;
  unsigned           length;
  unsigned           type;
  const gp_coffsymbol_t *var;
  const gp_symbol_t     *symbol;
  const gp_section_t    *section;
  const char            *name;
  BlockList             *sb;
  bool             truncated;

  if ((Symbol_list == NULL) || (Num_symbols == 0)) {

  sb = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < Num_symbols; i++) {
    name   = gp_sym_get_symbol_name(Symbol_list[i]);
    var    = (const gp_coffsymbol_t *)gp_sym_get_symbol_annotation(Symbol_list[i]);
    length = gp_strlen_Plimit(name, COD_LSYMBOL_NAME_MAX_SIZE, &truncated);

    if (truncated) {
      gp_warning("This symbol name (\"%s\") too long to .COD file, it will be truncated to %u bytes length.",
                 name, length);

    /* If this symbol extends past the end of the cod block then write this block out. */

    if ((sb == NULL) || ((main_dir->lsym.offset + length + COD_LSYMBOL_EXTRA) >= COD_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
      sb = gp_cod_block_append(&main_dir->lsym, gp_cod_block_new());

    symbol = var->symbol;
    section = symbol->section;

    if (FlagIsSet(section->flags, STYP_TEXT)) {
      type = COD_ST_ADDRESS;
    else if (FlagIsSet(section->flags, STYP_RAM_AREA)) {
      type = COD_ST_C_SHORT;
    else {
      type = COD_ST_CONSTANT;

    gp_cod_put_long_symbol(&sb->block[main_dir->lsym.offset], name, symbol->value, type);
    main_dir->lsym.offset += length + COD_LSYMBOL_EXTRA;


static void
_write_symbol_table(const symbol_table_t *Table)
  const symbol_t **lst;
  size_t           sym_count;

  sym_count = gp_sym_get_symbol_count(Table);

  if (!sym_count) return;

  lst = gp_sym_clone_symbol_array(Table, gp_sym_compare_fn);
  _write_symbols(lst, sym_count);


/* _write_source_file_block - Write a code block that contains a list of the source files. */

static void _write_source_file_block() {
  BlockList         *fb;
  int                file_id;
  unsigned       length;
  const char        *string;
  bool         truncated;

  fb      = NULL;
  file_id = 0;
  FORC(gp_symbol_list_t,symbol,state.object->symbol_list) {
    if ((fb == NULL) || (main_dir->file.offset >= (COD_FILE_NAMES_PER_BLOCK * COD_FILE_NAME_SIZE))) {
      fb = gp_cod_block_append(&main_dir->file, gp_cod_block_new());

    if (symbol->pclass == C_FILE && (int)symbol->number == file_id) {
      /* Skip the duplicate file symbols. */

      /* The file id is used to define the index at which the file name is written within
       * the file code block. (The id's are sequentially assigned when the files are opened.)
       * If there are too many files, then gpasm will abort.
       * Note: The .cod files can handle larger file lists...

      string = symbol->aux_list.first->_aux_symbol._aux_file.filename;
      length = gp_Pstr_from_str(&fb->block[main_dir->file.offset], COD_FILE_NAME_SIZE, string, &truncated);

      if (truncated) {
        gp_warning("This source name (\"%s\") too long to .COD file, it will be truncated to %u bytes length.",
                   string, length);

      main_dir->file.offset += COD_FILE_NAME_SIZE;


/* _write_debug - Write debug symbols to the .cod file. */

static void _write_debug() {
  unsigned       length;
  char               command;
  const char        *string;
  bool         truncated;

  BlockList*db     = NULL;
  FOR(gp_symbol_list_t,symbol,state.object->symbol_list) {
    if (!strcasecmp(".direct", symbol->name)) {
      assert(symbol->aux_list.num_nodes == 1);
      const gp_aux_t*aux = symbol->aux_list.first;

      command = aux->_aux_symbol._aux_direct.command;
      string  = aux->_aux_symbol._aux_direct.string;
      length  = gp_strlen_Plimit(string, COD_DEBUG_MSG_MAX_SIZE, &truncated);

      if (truncated) {
        gp_warning("This .direct string (\"%s\") too long to .COD file, it will be truncated to %u bytes length.",
                   string, length);

      /* If this message extends past the end of the cod block then write this block out. */

      if ((db == NULL) || ((main_dir->debug.offset + length + COD_DEBUG_EXTRA) >= COD_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
        db = gp_cod_block_append(&main_dir->debug, gp_cod_block_new());
      main_dir->debug.offset += gp_cod_put_debug_symbol(&db->block[main_dir->debug.offset], string,
                                                        symbol->value, command);


/* init_cod - Initialize the .cod file. */

void cod_init(void) {
  if (state.cod_file != OUT_NAMED) {
    snprintf(state.cod_file_name, sizeof(state.cod_file_name), "%s.cod", state.base_file_name);

  if (gp_num.errors || state.cod_file == OUT_SUPPRESS) {
    state.cod.f       = NULL;
    state.cod.enabled = false;
    state.cod.f = fopen(state.cod_file_name, "wb");

    if (state.cod.f == NULL) {
    state.cod.enabled = true;

  if (!state.cod.enabled) {
    main_dir = NULL;

  main_dir = gp_cod_init_dir_block(state.cod_file_name, "gplink");


/* cod_lst_line - Add a line of information that cross references the
 *                the opcode's address, the source file and the list file.

cod_lst_line(int line_type)
  static DirBlockInfo *dbi = NULL;
  static unsigned  _64k_base = 0;

  uint8_t              smod_flag;
  BlockList           *lb;
  bool           first_time;
  unsigned         address;
  unsigned         high_address;
  uint8_t             *record;

  if (!state.cod.enabled) {

  address      = gp_processor_insn_from_byte_c(state.pclass, state.lst.was_byte_addr);
  high_address = IMemBaseFromAddr(address);

  if ((dbi == NULL) || (high_address != _64k_base)) {
    _64k_base = high_address;
    dbi       = gp_cod_find_dir_block_by_high_addr(main_dir, _64k_base);

  first_time = (gp_cod_block_get_last(&dbi->list) == NULL) ? true : false;

  lb = gp_cod_block_get_last_or_new(&dbi->list);

  if (dbi->list.offset >= (COD_MAX_LINE_SYM * COD_LINE_SYM_SIZE)) {
    lb = gp_cod_block_append(&dbi->list, gp_cod_block_new());


  smod_flag = (uint8_t)(first_time 
	: state.cod.emitting

  record = &lb->block[dbi->list.offset];

  record[COD_LS_SFILE] = state.lst.src->symbol->number;
  record[COD_LS_SMOD]  = smod_flag;

  /* Write the source file line number corresponding to the list file line number. */
  gp_putl16(&record[COD_LS_SLINE], state.lst.src->line_number);

  /* Write the address of the opcode. */
  gp_putl16(&record[COD_LS_SLOC], address);

  dbi->list.offset += COD_LINE_SYM_SIZE;


  unsigned  length;
  bool    truncated;
  const char   *name;

  if (!state.cod.enabled) {

  name = gp_processor_name(state.processor, 2);
  /* The processor is unknown if not defined in command line at cod_init() call
     so it should be set here. */
  length = gp_Pstr_from_str(&main_dir->dir[COD_DIR_PROCESSOR], COD_DIR_PROCESSOR_SIZE, name, &truncated);

  if (truncated) {
    gp_warning("This processor name (\"%s\") too long to .COD file, it will be truncated to %u bytes length.",
               name, length);

  /* All external and global symbols are written. */
  /* All local symbols are written. */
  gp_cod_write_code(state.pclass, state.i_memory, main_dir);
  gp_cod_write_directory(state.cod.f, main_dir);
  main_dir = NULL;
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