Quelltext /~heha/enas/Convac-Ätzer/uba.zip/src/usb.cpp

#include "usb.h"

// Function pointers in same order(!) as entry names below
struct usb usb;

// A very compact form to load DLL entries:
const char libusbEntries[]=
 "libusb0.dll\0"	// ASCII only, UTF-8 not supported (as nobody needs it here)
// C++ appends a second '\0'. This will mark end-of-list.

// Load DLL and get all function pointers
bool _fastcall dynaprocs::dynaload(const char*e) {
 int i;
 if (!(hLib=LoadLibraryA(e))) return false;
 for (i=0;;i++) {
  if (!*e) return true;	// Ende erreicht
  if (!(proc[i]=GetProcAddress(hLib,e))) return false;
Vorgefundene Kodierung: ASCII (7 bit)2