Source file: /~heha/enas/Convac-Ätzer/

#include "loadelf.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>	// strcmp

typedef unsigned __int16 word;
typedef unsigned __int32 dword;

struct ELFHDR {
   byte magic[4];	// "\x7FELF"
   byte eclass;		// 1 for 32-bit
   byte data;		// 1 for little endian, 2 for big endian
   byte version;	// (1)
   byte pad[9];		// (0xFF, then 0x00)
  dword dw[4];
 word type;
  T_REL		=  1,	// object file
  T_EXEC	=  2,	// executable file
  T_DYN		=  3,	// shared object
  T_CORE	=  4,	// core file
 word machine;
  M_386		=  3,
  M_68K		=  4,
  M_PPC		= 20,
  M_68HC11	= 70,
  M_AVR		= 83,
  M_XTENSA	= 94,
  M_MSP430	=105,
  M_BLACKFIN	=106,
  M_C166	=116,
  M_8051	=165,
  M_AVR32	=185,
  M_STM8	=186,
  M_MCHP_PIC	=204,
 dword version;		// (1) [following values seen for MSP430]
 dword entry;		// (00004400)	start address
 dword phoff;		// (00000034)	program header table follows this struct
 dword shoff;		// (0000AF78)	section header table
 dword flags;		// (00000036)	(machine dependent)
 word ehsize;		// (0034)	this size
 word phentsize;	// (0020)	header table entry size (32 byte)
 word phnum;		// (0002)	header table entries (2)
 word shentsize;	// (0028)	section header entry size (40 byte)
 word shnum;		// (000D)	section header entries (13)
 word shstrndx;		// (000A)	index of section name string table (10)

struct Proghdr32 {
 dword	type,		// must be PT_LOAD == 1
	offset,		// offset of data bits in ELF file
	vaddr,		// not needed (VMA)
	paddr,		// offset where to load into flash (LMA)
	filesz,		// size of section in file (0 for .bss)
	memsz,		// not needed
	flags,		// not needed
	align;		// not needed

bool loadelf(const byte*fdata,unsigned fsize) {
 if (fsize<32) return false;
 const ELFHDR&e=*reinterpret_cast<const ELFHDR*>(fdata);
 if (e.ident.dw[0]!=0x464C457F) return false;	// 'FLE\x7F'
 for (int i=0; i<e.phnum; i++) {
  const Proghdr32&ph=*reinterpret_cast<const Proghdr32*>(fdata+e.phoff+i*e.phentsize);
  if (ph.type==1 && ph.filesz) {
 return true;
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