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Managing Your Own IRPs

Now that I've explained all of the infrastructure for handling IRPs, I can return to the subject of how to create IRPs in your own driver. I already mentioned that there are four different service functions you can call to create an IRP, but I had to defer until now a discussion of how you'd choose among them. The factors that bear on your choice appear below:

Table 5-3. IRP types for IoBuildXxxFsdRequest.

Major Function Code

Using IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest

The easiest scenario to explain is the one involving IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest. You call this function like this:

PIRP Irp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest(MajorFunction, DeviceObject, 
  Buffer, Length, StartingOffset, Event, IoStatusBlock);

MajorFunction (ULONG) is the major function code for the new IRP. (See Table 5-3.) DeviceObject (PDEVICE_OBJECT) is the address of the device object to which you'll initially send the IRP. (See the last section of this chapter, "Where Do Device Object Pointers Come From?" for more information about this parameter.) For read and write requests, you must supply the Buffer (PVOID), Length (ULONG), and StartingOffset (PLARGE_INTEGER) parameters. Buffer is the address of a kernel-mode data buffer, Length is the number of bytes you want to read or write, and StartingOffset is the byte location within the target file where the read or write operation should commence. For the other requests that you can build with this function, these three parameters are ignored. (That's why the function prototype in WDM.H classifies them as "optional," but they're not optional for reads and writes.) The I/O Manager assumes that the buffer address you supply is valid in the current process context. It's up to you to make sure that it is valid.

Event (PKEVENT) is the address of an event object that IoCompleteRequest should set when the operation completes, and IoStatusBlock (PIO_STATUS_BLOCK) is the address of a status block in which the ending status and information will be saved. The event object and status block need to be in memory that will persist at least until the operation completes.

If you've created a read or write IRP, you don't need to do anything else before submitting the IRP. If you've created another type of IRP, you'll need to complete the first stack location with additional parameter information; MajorFunction has, however, already been set. You should not set the undocumented field Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject—doing so will cause a file object to be incorrectly dereferenced on completion. There's probably no reason to set RequestorMode, because it's already been initialized to KernelMode and you've already validated any parameters you're passing in the IRP. (I'm mentioning these two minor points only because I recall reading a published discussion of this service function once upon a time that said you should do the two things I just told you not to do.) You can now submit the IRP and wait for it to finish:

PIRP Irp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest(...);
NTSTATUS status = IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp);
if (status == STATUS_PENDING)
  KeWaitForSingleObject(Event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

Once the IRP finishes, you can inspect the ending status and information values in your I/O status block.

It's obvious, isn't it, that you must be running at PASSIVE_LEVEL in a nonarbitrary thread context before you wait for the operation to complete?

Cleaning Up

I said earlier that you needed to plan for how the memory occupied by the IRP would get released and that you might have to plan for cancelling an IRP. The first of these two problems is quite easy to solve when you use IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest to build the IRP: the I/O Manager will release memory for you automatically as part of completing the IRP. In fact, if the request is for a read or write and needs a system buffer or a memory descriptor list—see Chapter 7—the I/O Manager will automatically clean those up, too. The overall convenience of this function is a major reason why you might want to call it.

Although cleanup from a synchonous IRP is easy (because you needn't do anything about it), planning for cancellation is anything but. Read on…

Cancelling a Synchronous IRP

Only two entities in the system are allowed to cancel IRPs. One entity is the I/O Manager code that implements so-called thread rundown when a thread terminates while I/O requests are still outstanding. The other entity is the driver that originated the IRP in the first place. But great care is required to avoid an obscure, low-probability problem. Just for the sake of illustration, suppose that you wanted to impose an overall 5-second timeout on an I/O operation. If the time period elapses, you want to cancel the operation. Here is some naive code that, you might suppose, would execute this plan:

  KEVENT event;
  IoInitializeEvent(&event, ...);
  PIRP Irp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest(...);
  NTSTATUS status = IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp);
  if (status == STATUS_PENDING)
    LARGE_INTEGER timeout;
    timeout.QuadPart = -5 * 10000000;
    if (KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode,
      FALSE, &timeout) == STATUS_TIMEOUT)
      IoCancelIrp(Irp);  //  don't do this!
      KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

The second call to KeWaitForSingleObject makes sure that the event object doesn't pass out of scope before the I/O Manager is done using it. Whoever owns the IRP is supposed to complete it quickly, so any inordinate delay that might happen at this point is somebody else's bug. (Easy for you and me to say, huh?)

The problem with the preceding code is truly miniscule. Imagine that someone manages to call IoCompleteRequest for this IRP right around the same time we decide to cancel it by calling IoCancelIrp. Maybe the operation finishes shortly after the 5second timeout terminates the first KeWaitForSingleObject, for example. IoCompleteRequest initiates a process that finishes with a call to IoFreeIrp. If the call to IoFreeIrp were to happen before IoCancelIrp is done mucking about with the IRP, you can see that IoCancelIrp could inadvertently corrupt memory when it touches the CancelIrql, Cancel, and CancelRoutine fields of the IRP. It's also possible, depending on the exact sequence of events, for IoCancelIrp to call a cancel routine, just before someone clears the CancelRoutine pointer in preparation for completing the IRP, and for the cancel routine to be in a race with the completion process.

It's very unlikely that the scenario I just described will happen. But, as James Thurber once said in connection with the chances of being eaten by a tiger on Main Street (one in a million, as I recall), "Once is enough." This kind of bug is almost impossible to find, so you want to prevent it if you can. In current releases of Windows 98 and Windows 2000, a common technique relies on the fact that the call to IoFreeIrp happens in the context of an APC in the thread that originates the IRP. You make sure you're in that same thread, raise IRQL to APC_LEVEL, check whether the IRP has been completed yet, and (if not) call IoCancelIrp. In current systems, you can be sure of blocking the APC and the problematic call to IoFreeIrp. See the USBCAMD sample in the DDK, for example. I've also seen this technique discussed extensively on line and in a technical note on Compuware Numega's Web site.

You should not rely on future releases of Windows always using an APC to perform the cleanup for an IRP. Consequently, you should not rely on boosting IRQL to APC_LEVEL as a way to avoid a race between IoCancelIrp and IoFreeIrp. By "should not" here, I really mean to say that the operating system might conceivably change in some hypothetical future release in such a way that this technique will no longer suffice to guard against the race. Wink, wink, if you get my drift. So, I'll show you another approach.

The key thing we need to accomplish in a solution to the race is to prevent the call to IoFreeIrp from happening until after any possible call to IoCancelIrp. We do this by means of a completion routine that returns STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED, as follows:

  KEVENT event;
  IoInitializeEvent(&event, ...);
  PIRP Irp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest(...);
  IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, OnComplete, (PVOID) &event, TRUE, TRUE,
  NTSTATUS status = IoCallDriver(...);
  if (status == STATUS_PENDING)
    LARGE_INTEGER timeout;
    timeout.QuadPart = -5 * 10000000;
    if (KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode,
      FALSE, &timeout) == STATUS_TIMEOUT)
      IoCancelIrp(Irp);  //  okay in this context
      KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
  IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
  KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); 


The new code in boldface prevents the race. Suppose IoCallDriver returns STATUS_PENDING. In a normal case, the operation will complete normally, and some lower-level driver will call IoCompleteRequest. Our completion routine gains control and signals the event on which our mainline is waiting. Since the completion routine returns STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED, IoCompleteRequest will then stop working on this IRP. We eventually regain control in our SomeFunction and notice that our wait terminated normally. The IRP hasn't yet been cleaned up, though, so we need to call IoCompleteRequest a second time to trigger the normal cleanup mechanism. We still need to make sure that our event object doesn't pass out of scope too soon, though, so we need to perform a second wait on our event object.

Now suppose we decide we want to cancel the IRP and that Thurber's tiger is loose so we have to worry about the IRP being IoFreeIrp'ed out from under us. Our completion routine will prevent the cleanup mechanism from running by returning STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. IoCancelIrp can stomp away to its heart's content on our hapless IRP without causing any harm. The IRP can't be released until the second call to IoCompleteRequest from our mainline, and that can't happen until IoCancelIrp has safely returned.

Using IoAllocateIrp

If you're willing to work a little harder, you can use IoAllocateIrp to build an IRP of any type:

PIRP Irp = IoAllocateIrp(StackSize, ChargeQuota);

where StackSize (CCHAR) is the number of I/O stack locations to allocate with the IRP, and ChargeQuota (BOOLEAN) indicates whether the process quota should be charged for the memory allocation. Normally, you get the StackSize parameter from the device object to which you're going to send the IRP, and you specify FALSE for the ChargeQuota argument. For example:

PIRP Irp = IoAllocateIrp(DeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE);

When you use IoAllocateIrp, you must install a completion routine, and it must return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. Furthermore, you're responsible for releasing the IRP and any associated objects. If you don't plan to cancel the IRP, your completion routine might look like this:

NTSTATUS OnComplete(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context)

An IRP created by IoAllocateIrp won't be cancelled automatically if the originating thread terminates.