* @(#)dllmex.h generated by: makeheader Fri Mar 18 15:53:49 1994
* built from: cmexmain.c
#ifndef dllmex_h
#define dllmex_h
#include "matrix.h"
#include "windows.h"
#define malloc(N) mxCalloc(N,1)
#define calloc(N,S) mxCalloc(N,S)
#define free(P) mxFree(P)
#define printf mexPrintf
#define create_real_array(N) (double *) mxCalloc((N),sizeof(double))
#define create_int_array(N) (int *) mxCalloc((N),sizeof(int))
#define mexFunction(nl,pl,nr,pr) __export far pascal mexFunction(nl,pl,nr,pr)
extern HANDLE hInstMATLAB; /* instance handle for MATLAB */
extern HWND hWndMATLABCmd; /* handle to MATLAB command window */
extern HANDLE hInstDLL; /* instance handle for the dll */
extern WORD wDataSegment; /* data segment for the dll */
extern WORD wHeapSize; /* heap size of the dll */
extern int mexAtExit (void (*ExitFcn)());
extern Matrix *mexGetGlobal(const char *name);
extern Matrix *mexGetMatrixPtr(const char *name);
extern int mexCallMATLAB(int nlhs, Matrix **plhs, int nrhs, Matrix **prhs, char *name);
extern void mexSetTrapFlag(int flag);
extern void mexErrMsgTxt(const char *pch);
extern void mexPrintf(const char *format, ...);
extern int mexEvalString(const char *pch);
extern Matrix *mexGetMatrix(
char *name /* name of variable in question */
extern int mexPutMatrix(
Matrix *pm /* pointer to matrix */
extern int mexGetFull(
char *name, /* name of variable in question */
long *m, /* number of rows */
long *n, /* number of columns */
double **pr, /* real part */
double **pi /* imaginary part */
extern int mexPutFull(
char *name, /* name of variable in question */
long m, /* number of rows */
long n, /* number of columns */
double *pr, /* real part */
double *pi /* imaginary part */
#endif /* dllmex_h */
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