Version 1.1,   Oct 14, 1994:

Due to the zero feedback of the users (if any), bugs have neither been fixed nor found. However, there are some improvements all over the ASEM-51 package:

Many ASEM data structures have been revised.
In version 1.0 the assembler symbol table was implemented as an ordinary binary tree. With version 1.1 this has been replaced by an AVL tree that is kept balanced all the time, without loss of speed. Furthermore the memory consumption of the symbol table could be reduced by up to 25%.

HEXBIN has been optimized.
HEXBIN 2.1 now is running almost with twice the speed of version 2.0.

New stars are born!
That's why new processor definition files have been added to the ASEM-51 package:

  80C320.MCU DALLAS 25 MHz high-speed micro DS 80C320
 83C515A.MCU enhanced SIEMENS microcontroller SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
 83C517A.MCU enhanced SIEMENS microcontroller SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5

ASEM_51.DOC has been updated accordingly and extended with an 8051 instruction table.