Appendix A

CUSTOMIZ Error Messages

A.1 Parameter Errors:

Parameter errors apply to the correctness and consistency of the command line parameters. If one of these errors is detected, it is flagged on the console, and CUSTOMIZ is aborting with exit code 1:

Error MessageMeaning
accuracy out of rangeBaudrate accuracy < 0, or > 5 %.
address out of rangeAddress is no unsigned 16-bit number.
baudrate out of rangeSpecified baudrate is < 0.
clock frequency out of rangeSpecified clock frequency is < 0.
illegal real numberParameter is no valid real number.
invalid hex numberParameter is no valid hex number.
too many parametersMore than 6 parameters specified.
unknown baudrate generatorBaudrate generator not implemented.

A.2 Baudrate Errors:

Baudrate errors apply to the results that CUSTOMIZ has derived from the given program parameters. If one of these errors is detected, it is flagged on the console, and CUSTOMIZ is aborting with exit code 1:

Error MessageMeaning
baudrate cannot be generatedBaudrate error is greater than 10 %.
insufficient accuracyBaudrate error is greater than the required accuracy.

A.3 Runtime Errors:

In general, runtime errors are file I/O errors.
If one of these errors is detected, it is flagged on the console, and CUSTOMIZ is aborting with exit code 2:

Error MessageMeaning
access deniedNo privilege for attempted operation.
disk fullNo more free disk space.
disk write-protectedAttempt to write to a write-protected disk.
drive not readyDisk drive is off, or no media mounted.
fatal I/O errorGeneral (unknown) disk or device I/O error.