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Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC (MAPS)


We are a not-for-profit California organization whose mission is to defend the Internet's e-mail system from abuse by spammers. Our principal means of accomplishing this mission is by educating and encouraging ISP's to enforce strong terms and conditions prohibiting their customers from engaging in abusive e-mail practices.

"Schwarze Listen" von Spam-freundlichen Servern, nutzbar zum Boykott

RBL Realtime Blackhole List Quellen von Spam
RSS Relay Spam Stopper offene Relays
DUL Dialup Users List dynamische Einwahl-IP-Adressen

andere: ORBS - Open Relay Behaviour-modification System

3. Chemnitzer Linux-Tag, 10./11. März 2001
Frank Richter, URZ, TU Chemnitz